*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*

>*doesn't even notice*

>presses against boner
>doesn't notice

>presses against boner
>does notice
>presses a bit more

>Tannt her even more

>She spontaneously grabs you.

Reminder that Talim hasn't been playable in anything in almost a decade.


>the wind will never reach you in this dungeon.


"that's what you think!"


I came here to post this

psssh nothin personnel kid

goddamit I was asking for that one.

my fucking sides

Friendly reminder that the last Soul Calibur game was a single-player only F2P game that forced you to grind forever or spend real money to get characters--most of which who only showed up during timed events. You didn't even start off with any character's default costume, they came in generic underwear and you had to grind or spend real money to get their actual outfits.

Nevermind the other F2P trappings like only being able to play so many missions/fights before you ran out of a stamina meter that could only be refilled by either waiting long periods of time in real time or using stamina potions, which you rarely got for free and otherwise needed to buy with real money.

Several characters who were missing in SCV were made playable again here. This was Namco's idea of apologizing for what SCV lacked. Talim wasn't one of them.

The game was shut down a year ago.

you forgot

this hurt to read. what the hell happened? I suck at fighting games (legit just button mashed for the most part) but enjoyed 2 and 3.


How is it even possible that she could win a hulking opponent like that, without resorting to a swift kick to the nuts or something?

second worst girl according to this popularity chart, so she got booted.

The game getting shut down a year ago means that no one can ever play it again. The poor saps who actually invested money into getting certain characters/outfits/gear can never access it again, even though the whole thing was single-player only.

>implying that literal goddess is worst girl

this is why always online is a cancer. diablo 3 will eventually suffer the same fate, as will other game that i'm too tired to think of right now

I didn't know you couldn't keep playing.

What a scam.

Soul calibur girls are better than any other game's girls.

>The game getting shut down a year ago means that no one can ever play it again.
And this is why I don't touch MMOs.

Okay, but WHY though?

Talim is best girl.

Ashlotte is second best.

>tummy pressing against bulge

cant block my path i have teleport



>the reason I bought a ps2 as a kid

>popularity chart

are you doing a thing?

>The Alexandra Sisters
Pretty much all I'd ever need.

That robot lady was pure sex.

Well, for starters, Namco forced Project Soul to rush out SCV, even though they clearly needed more time.

Project Soul wanted to try doing what Tekken did with Tekken 3, IE a huge time skip and introduce a new generation of characters and age up the older cast. Due to the game being rushed out, however, they barely had any time to flesh out any of the new cast, the new state of the setting decades later, or any story/single player content, really. Most of the new characters barely had anything to go with them, and much of that could only be read up on by reading their bios. Bios that weren't included in-game; you had to read them in the official artbook or on the official website to even learn things about most of the newcomers.

Naturally, people didn't like that several favorites got replaced by newcomers who barely had anything to work with. There were always fans of certain characters who got upset when they got replaced by someone new, but usually the new blood, if nothing else, got fleshed out in some way. This wasn't the case at all here.

It gets worse when you consider that some characters were not only excluded from SCV, but their weapons/fighting style wasn't given to anyone either. Anyone who liked playing as Talim, Zasalamel or Hworng/Yun Seong were out of luck, because their weapon styles weren't in the game.

Setsuna fans at least still had her style in the game...as an alternate version of Patroklos.

The overall lack of single player content when compared to most of the other games in the series also hurt it for a lot of fans who liked the numerous options the games usually provided there.

It's a shame, because the gameplay itself was pretty good. This was the worst possible timing Project Soul could have attempted a time skip with how Namco wanted them to rush it out.

The response to this was the F2P game.

SCIII had some stupid fun bonus characters. I wish Haolin came back.

>mfw the art gallery and sound test in SC2

>Just noticed the SCV rehash characters have smaller breasts

rly mks me thnk

SoulCalibur VI when, bros?

The single player is what I liked about 2 and 3, I dont think I ever fought another human other than one asshole childhood friend who picked kilik and spammed long range shit.

2 had amazing SP, 3 was not as good but was still fun, from what little I remember. God it's been so fucking long.

The funny part is that totally-not-Amy Viola's official art for SCV shows her with biggish breasts, but her actual in-game model is pretty flat.

Does Pyrrha or Patroklos know Sophie sacrificed herself to save Pyrrha?

I really liked 3's SRPG mode. It was a fun blend of strategy game and fighting game, I thought, game-breaking bugs notwithstanding.

Apparently never, crapco doesn't seem to understand what people want.

I miss Necrid.

I mean, it cannot be stated enough that their response to SCV's criticisms was to make a single-player only F2P game. They have absolutely no fucking clue.

I wonder what his energy weapon smelled like, haha

I don't understand why the souls team spends time moddeling like seven reskin characters when they could have just spent that time just programming in an actual character like Necrid, I know they have different parts of their team working on different aspects of the game but come on man.

This smug motherfucker is the best new addition.

My nigga.

SCIV had the best bonus characters, no contest.


Seeing all this Ashlotte love makes me happy. What was the name of the anime chick with the moon at the tip of her staff? She had giant nipple armor. I fapped to her more than once.

>Boring clones that don't fit in with the rest of the cast

Nah fuck you

*eats her ass*

Angol Fear.

>want to put a baby in talim
>realize i'm white and she's gook
>no longer want to put a baby in talim

she has a weapon

Hold up a second, is Sgt. Frog canon with Soulcalibur?

Yeah she was a trip. Was she from something else before SCV? She looked way out of place.

She's from the manga/anime Sgt. Frog, kind of. A weird choice but not any weirder than fucking Darth Vader or Spawn I guess.


SoulCalibur II and Dead or Alive 3, along with Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Tetris Worlds, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 were the games I got when I received my original XBox for Christmas. Between Ivy, Talim, Taki, Helena and the other DoA girls, and Daisy from THPS4, I had a lot of fap material.

Her character deign is actually agreeable for the games world. It's too bad she didn't become a re appearing character.

>Tekken thrives but Soul Calibur is reduced to pachinko shit.
What the fuck happened?

F2P happened.

I don't remember Attack of the Clones having a game, you mean the Clone Wars game that pre-dated either cartoon?

>Mcfarlane designs the orange version as 1P and the green as 2P
>Namco switches them
For what purpose


But Tekken and Soul Calibur both did F2P, why does SC get it the hardest?

This one, my mistake.

Orange Necrid looks so much better

This, to be accurate.

darth vader was cool

>Namco never got the chance to make a dedicated Starwars fighter.

We need a Disney fighting game or MOBA or something. So many characters and franchises.

Justice will prevail!

Just kidding!

Almost everyone agrees.

>dat ass jiggle

charade is so much better

fuck necrid goddamn

I wish they tried to impress with graphics like they used to.

Charade and Necrid aren't even the same type of character. Charade is the worst random style character anyways. Inferno, Edge Master, Olcadan, and Elysium were all better.

That's a boobs size chart, not a popularity chart.

Tekken's F2P game was multiplayer only.
Soul Calibur's was single-player only.

Yeah but Charade looks baller as fuck, especially his alt color

Taki was so much better than Natsu. God I just hate that blond naruto shit

What's the difference?

Project X Zone 2 made me like Natsu

Would clank clank

SCV was a legitimately good game. It could have pulled an SFV with putting out new characters and stuff. The actual fighting was some of the best in the series.

But we're not allowed nice things.

>144cm in SCII
>70cm by SCV
Did her legs get chopped off and she walks on her shins?

Why does she wear those pants which reveals her panties?


Few people know this, but Seong Mi-Na is best girl

Well at least we may get guest characters again assuming SCVI gets made with Kylo Ren and Rey.

Though, I want to know what was the point of giving him a package if he was made to be only a guardian?

what are the chances we get a 6? I'm craving some Soul Cal.

never ever. pachinko evermore.

Did the last game sell well?