Hear this game is overhyped and not that good

>hear this game is overhyped and not that good
>play it
>beat it in 2 days because its so good
>thought Cloud was always some Emo fag
>In FF7 hes actually complex and a normal human being
>Nearly all NPC are just normal and down to earth with real problems
>Great gameplay
>Amazing set of party members except 1, but that 1 even has a good twist
>Game actually turned out amazing and didnt feel overhyped at all

Why was Sup Forums wrong on this one?

Also this was my favorite soundtrack.


Other urls found in this thread:


>In FF7 hes actually complex and a normal human being

He's a just an archetypical underdog-to-hero character that losers like to project themselves into.

>>Amazing set of party members except 1, but that 1 even has a good twist
Do you mean Reeve?

That'll teach you not to buy into decade old memes. Go play ffxiii now.

Now play VIII, is almost as good and some things like the music are even better.

>Sup Forums hates all games
Maybe you should realize this by now.
probably Cid or Yuffie and you cannot "control reeve" in the game.

Story is convoluted as fuck though but have more memorable scenes.

>probably Cid or Yuffie and you cannot "control reeve" in the game.
But Cid is objectively better than Barret, Yuffie has no twist and the "shitty one with a twist" fits Cait Sith's description perfectly and the twist is that it's a doll controlled by Reeve.

The only other one with a twist is Aeris, and that barely counts anymore.

>But Cid is objectively better than Barret
Got to be kidding me.
>and the twist is that it's a doll controlled by Reeve
If only playing the game and not anything else, you will not know that.

>Great Warrior

Great taste

>>and the twist is that it's a doll controlled by Reeve
>If only playing the game and not anything else, you will not know that.

Did you even fucking play the game?

Remember, Nomura is the reason why cloud turned into a emo fuckface.

>He's a just an archetypical underdog-to-hero character that losers like to project themselves into.

No. Cloud is actually hero-to-underdog. His plot twist is the opposite of 90% of JRPG protagonists. Turn out he never made it into SOLDIER, he was just a generic Shinra grunt. He isn't a village boy revealed to be the one. He's the one revealed to be just a village boy.

>>and the twist is that it's a doll controlled by Reeve
>If only playing the game and not anything else, you will not know that.

But that's fucking wrong, he slips up in one the scenes on the Highwind and that's how you find out.


hero to underdog to hero but was actually an underdog to begin with

>Got to be kidding me.
Better story, not a nigger, not an ecoterrorist, real human bean, aryan, dragoon.

Hey, good for you OP. Final Fantasy VII is one of my all-time favourite games. Never listen to Sup Forums for game advice. All the haters are just underage faggots who hate on it because it's popular, and most likely weren't even born when it released.

Seriously though don't play VIII. That game is legitimately shit, second only to XIII.

>barret too dumb nigger to run the party
>cid has to step in

OP here

I mean Caith Sith

Shit party member, but great twist imo, I really didnt expect it, or the change of heart.

maybe it had something to do with all that DILLY DALLYING

>he was just a generic Shinra grunt.

Who got injected with Jenova cells that turned him into a superhuman. Along with Sephiroth, he was one of the few who survived the process. Sounds so familiar to the plot in FF6.

Playing FF7 ALONE. He is just a shinra spy.

Nomura wrote large part of original FF7, shitpost harder.

Dig your grave harder since the reveal of the twist is literally a forced scene in the story. Eat shit and die retard.

Terra is a Mary Sue and nothing like Cloud.

You know what?

I'm actually forcing myself to play through FF13: Lightning Returns currently, as I despised the time restriction and overall game design when I tried it a long time ago.

I'm hating it now for a whole new set of reasons;

Side quest obtained!
>>> The Monster you need to kill is located in the north section of the Industrial Area, head there and retrieve its' item, and make sure to make it back to X location before Y time.

A marry sue that isn't even important or part of the party in second half of the game unless you go out of your way to recruit her.
Sure is mary sue.

FF7 was a masterpiece of a game, at the time it was so ground breaking and far ahead of everything else.

> incredible soundtrack
> incredible story
> incredible characterisation
> relatable protagonist
> healthy challenge but not too much that it's infuriating
> mini games were on par with actual full releases at the time
> emotive atmosphere which has not been seen in any game since

It was a truly profound experience.

Because neo-Sup Forums is full of millenial that only saw Advent Children

All final fantasy are fun to play until 10

>implying Sup Forums hates FF7
>implying Sup Forums doesn't just hate the mid-2000s FF7 memetrain fanbase that came from AC and followed it into the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII"

XIII-2 is the only good game from the series, but it's barely mediocre compared to the other entries in the franchise.

Even despite that, the entire plot can be boiled down to

Don't forget 3D graphics which was a big thing back then even if it looks like lego nowadays.

>crazy schizophrenic
>relatable protagonist

How is the ps4 version?

And I'm telling you you're wrong, as someone who only cares about the original game.

Inferior to PC with retranslation.

I never got the story with Cloud.

So the character you are playing with, is he the real Cloud or is the real Cloud dead?

What said

Inferior how? Other than the resub?

I don't know either. He got stabbed in the chest through the heart with a sword during a flashback. How was he still even alive?

>FF8 is trash
>Forcing yourself to play LR and hating the side quests
Patrician fucking taste.
I love 13-2 more than i have any right to, it think it's one of the best rpgs of last gen

You mean this? youtube.com/watch?v=4EmsfYCezVI I know this part. On this game alone, still a shinra spy that is working for reeve not his alter ego.

Because Sup Forums is wrong about most things.

The real cloud is in Ivalice

That wasn't Cloud, that was Zack. Cloud thought he was Zack.

>can beat it in 2 days

He's the real Cloud, there's a "secret" scene in the Shinra Mansion basement. It shows Zack and him on the truck running away.

>Them feels with Nanaki when he finds out about his dad
My 8 year old self was not ready maine...

>listening to Sup Forums

there's your problem

Hojo finds both Cloud and Zack and experiments on them.

As for the physics of surviving a blade through the chest, it's a fucking Japanese video game where you fight house monsters.

Not even he knows, if you're to go by his dialogue in Mobius FF

Bugs, 15 FPS limit (since it's based on PC version) and all the issues that come from the PC version that the retranslation fixes (since its not just a retranslation but also bugfix)

>Says he's a spy
>Reeve literally gets arrested
>This faggot can't put 2 and 2 together

>As for the physics of surviving a blade through the chest, it's a fucking Japanese video game where you fight house monsters.
Humor like his could only come from an oldfag

i have literally only ever played the game and i distinctly remember there being a non-optional scene where it shows that it's reeve

Everyone mentions the fucking mad house monster every thread fartbrains

>Patrician Taste
Not sure if that's an insult or not. I'll take it as a compliment. I've played every FF out there, and FF13 took me two tries, but I honestly ended up enjoying it more than I expected principally due to how it opens up at the very end. I won't defend it as a good game.

FF13-2 is by far the better of the franchise of FF13. I honestly felt like FF13-2 listened to the complaints and tried to address much of it, but still fell short of being anything close to FF6, 7, 8, 9. Quibbles aside, those 4 games are very much the pinnacle of the series.

FF13-3 is just purely a suffer-experience, but I *will* finish it so I can speak from a perspective of knowledge and experience when bashing it in relation to other titles. If it miraculously turns around in the latter half of the game, I'd be impressed. Here's hoping.

Also, FFXV was pretty awful. Great chemistry, great party banter, but holy shit that two-button combat and literal MMO-styled "Side Quest" content. Thanks FF, What I always wanted from Final Fantasy was Ubisoft-style 'open world meme' map markers and theme parking.

15 fps that is ridiculous.

He designed the characters and was involved with the basic plotline but he didn't write shit. Goddamn Nomurafags just love to blatantly lie. I'm not going to deny he played a big role but you Nomurafags always spout how he was responsible for everything and it's really annoying

>Why was Sup Forums wrong on this one?
>>Sup Forums hates all games
>Sup Forums is always wrong, Sup Forums hates videogames meme XD
Half the shit you said is regularly said on Sup Forums, especially that Cloud is not some emo fag like subsequent iterations made him out to be.
Also being overrated and overhyped is not the same as calling something shit, why do people always make this assumption?

Welcome to shit PC ports of the 90s and early 00s.

Cloud/Barret/Cid is best team

It looks like shit because the models are rendered at 1080p but the backgrounds are still 240p. Frankly FF7 looks like hot garbage on anything but a PS1 or PSP.

more like underdog to underdog with friends

They should at least keep it consistent.

>Cloud survives stab through heart as if it was a just an everyday papercut
>Zack gets kills by a couple of bullets

Teenage Wiggers comprise most of the population of Nu-Sup Forums now. They're on their android phones all day, shitposting on every game that's Japanese or not a GTA open world meme game.

Did you ever think they'd actually care about FF7 and give it the score it deserves?

>Not Cloud/Tifa/Vincent

Wait a second, I think I remember. He was there the whole time for the Zack story but he was just a regular Shinra dreg, not a first class SOLDIER. He took on that persona from watching Zack. He attacked Sephiroth and threw him into the mako. He was subsequently caught by Hojo, along with Zack and they were taken to the Shinra mansion basement for testing. They escaped, Zack got killed and Cloud then returned to Midgar where he was picked up by Tifa and recruited for Avalanche. His memory got all mixed up because of the mako and he took on a lot of what he thought was Zack as himself.

I think that's right anyway......

>beat it in 2 days because its so good
No joke, you missed a lot of content.

Kinda wish the characters and story in FFXV were in a more polished and well rounded game.

I am still enjoying it.

Spot on.

People like to look cool and look like they have exotics taste by shitting on good games because theyre subhuman AF

>using Vincent
I remember when I was 16 too

>He only uses top tier

It's one of my favourite games, and I will also vouch for it looking like shit.

>Crisis Core ending

kill me.

Pretty much. Zack also chatted him up during their test tube life.

I'm sure Crisis Core has more shit, but I never played it. I played Dirge though. It was shit. But you already knew that.

So you're basically playing a brain-damaged character throughout the whole game.

>Not knowing what fun is
And yes, I was 16 as a matter of fact

>just a regular Shinra dreg
Actually he was really talented but he was mentally weak so he couldn't handle the Jenova cells and mako every soldier has to get which.

>Party is Cloud/Tifa/Aeris
>Aeris dies
>kind of use whoever
>Cloud leaves
>Tifa leaves
>end game team is Cloud/Tifa/Cid

Sup Forums is wrong about every game, you fucking idiot.

Bros before hoes/faggy vampires/furrybait/whatever the fuck Cait Sith is supposed to be

That's what you get for using the nu-male party

What's her name again?

What does Cait Sith actually do during it's attack animation?

i guess he apparently uses the megaphone to control the mog

i only know this because i read it just now

>one of the most popular and beloved games of all time is actually good

really makes u think

well, since you read, it was overhyped, you didn't expected that much, so you were more impressed afterwards

Her name is Resting Peace


Sephiroth's pet snail that he was pictured walking

The Tifa cucker

Her name is: Best Girl

My favourite characters were Tifa and Cloud. I liked Aeris as a healer. no bully

Just started it last night and got out of Midgard. I remember dropping it a long time ago. It is much better than I remember it being. Nothing super wowing, but a JRPG worthy to play so far. Though maybe the game does drop off a bit after Midgard, but I will see as I play more. I did drop it before since it dragged on for too long. I'll see if it happens again.


>t. necrophiliac

>Was 7 a great game (specially at the time it came out?
>Was 7 as good as all the unbelievable hypemongers said it is
For DECADES after that game came out every forum, every chat every online game had it's share of people naming themselves some variation of "Sephiroth" and people WOULDN'T. FUCKING. SHUT. UP. about how much 7 was "DA BEST FAYNAHL FANDASY!" Fuck, the particular chatroom I used to lurk used to say "Looks like someone opened a can of sephiroths again" every time we spot a new fucker with that name. You couldn't get rid of the fuckers. So obviously a lot of people on Sup Forums grew a certain hatred for that particular brand of fanboyism.

you are evil.

>those pubes

disc 1 is good
disc 2 is forgettable
disc 3 barely exists


This. He passed the physical requirements, failed mental.