That kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon

>that kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
>that kid who ran like sonic
>that kid who was weird and self deprecating all the time
>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
>that kid who deepened his voice when he was called on in class
>that kid that liked blink 182 too much
>that kid that wore band shirts every day
>that fat goth girl
>that kid that died during your time at school
>that kid who always touched his friends
>that girl who had mental health problems because she was raised by a single mom

Other urls found in this thread:


>that kid that died during your time at school
that was me

>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it


>>that kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
You do realize there is no downside to this right? It's a meme that it provides worse stats.

>that fat goth girl you secretly liked cuz wasnt actually that fat and had HUGE ASS TIDDIES


Mine is a single mom now and looks like trash, feels good.

What the fuck am I reading? It's been proven that it gives worse stats overall.

What the hell is wrong with self deprecating if you are being honest with yourself?

Nothing, normies just don't understand it.

> that chad who was trying to save you from being an autist
> those kids who played yugioh before school even when they were upperclassmen and looked completely autismal
> that black kid who was cool to you for no reason, or maybe he though you were going to shoot up the school
>that kid who typed in instead of just because he thought he was more tech-literate
>that kid who you lent a game to and never returned it

>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
holy shit if that wasn't me

The fact that you don't even consider yourself normal is very telling.

i was the fat kid who wore loud red ruroni kenshin weebshirts in 6th then by the 8th i was still fat but into hendrix, smoking weed and people liked me cuz i was funny but the most embarssing school moment was when i slammed my backpack down and cracked the screen of my glacial GBA my sister bought me

>What are EVs

Dude hardly anyone thought that shit was funny. You were just making people uncomfortable.

>that kid that liked blink 182 too much
ive never seen this one before
ive never felt so identified on a >that kid thread before
user please get out of my head

The stats it gives are the same as regular level ups.
The only thing you miss out on are EVs which you can train elsewhere anyway. Stay retarded.

I knew every lyric of enema of the state. Shit wasn't even that good.

>Imying self deprecating is making jokes

If I want to be honest and say I am ugly or I am stupid that is my right

So you use rare candies to train anyway?

The only retard here is you.

>that kid who invited you to his house to play vidya, only to end up making you watch him play siingle player games for hours
>that kid who thought it was cool to show other kids what "porn" was
Im sorry john. I was bullied my whole elementary school and didnt know how to be a host.

>ITT normalfags forget where they are

Who the fuck said it wasn't you're right?

And if you were t doing it to be funny then you're literally just not caring how off putting you're being. And that's what people don't like about it. That's what's wrong with it.

WOW OP we LITERALLY had the same childhood

I have literally every cd. even the new ones
Sure they have a couple good songs, but jesus christ what was I even thinking.

Faggots like you won't stop bitching that Sup Forums has changed and is full of facebook fucks.

Don't give me that where do you think you are bullshit.

>arguing about being off putting on fucking Sup Forums

back to the facebook group with you

I didn't even imply facebook chucklefuck, guilty of something?

How am I being off putting by making truthful statements?

that was everyone

We quite literally didn't. Change your diaper and try again.

XY added super training, stay retarded

Fuck your shit, enema of the state was art in its purest form.

>that kid that gave his boipucci to a random kid at lunch in the bathroom if they won his condom lottery

>faux-normalfag doesn't realize it's all about the delivery and whether it's facetious or not
You're not fooling anybody.

So here's your HOOOOLIDAY
Hope you enjoy it this TIME

>that chad

yeah he was pretty cool, he got me to be less of an autist in public

then again he was also black and was cool towards me so maybe it was that one too

There's one of you now. If you're not aware that Sup Forums is full of facebook normies than you're a giant retard.
You can't have it both ways. Either we're full of social retards like you or we're not.

What did they mean by this?

It's a truthful statement that being attracted to a 14 year old isn't pedophilia. Doesn't mean it isn't off putting.

Learn social cues.

I was probably the embodiment of 'that kid' but my memory is way too shot to remember anything that I could've done.

>that kid you teached what masturbation was

So you use rare candies to super train?

The only retard here is you.

>that kid who taught you that teached isn't a real word

It was fun listening for male teens bro

Let's be real

Why are you bringing up delivery? They aren't jokes right?

Yeah try again.

So I'm supposed to blatantly fucking lie and say nice things about myself because it hurts other people's fee fees?

>that kid that loved to swallow cum so much he'd invite you over every day after school to his house for "homework" but he'd just suck your dick until it was time to go home

Were you just dropped onto earth from an alien species?

Learn social cues. Or don't and stay an off putting loser.

>that kid you fucked in your tent on your school camping trip

>that kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
Literally 0 downside

Literally a dumbass posting

>that thin white kid that had a huge dick and a big bulge and never wore underwear to gym class so his monster just flopped all over the place while running laps

Everybody mirin that shit and he was just oblivious to it all.

What the fuck is a social cue? Is this one of those "you must change to make others happy" things? Cause I only change when it suits me

>that kid that gave you a silent handie on school assembly

Why don't you let people know how your shit was that morning? Fuck it bring it with you. It's honest right? We all shit. Keep it in a ziplock bag. It'll be safe.

Don't be stupid.

I thought that those posters were using self-deprecation as a comedic tool but then learned they were indeed just being off-putting. So I agree with you.

>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
Oh come on. Who didn't do that at least once?

>Penis inspection day

>>that kid who was weird and self deprecating all the time
>>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
>>that kid who deepened his voice when he was called on in class
>>that kid that died during your time at school
>>that kid who always touched his friends

Thanks, OP.

>what the fuck is a social cue

You're hopeless. I thought aspies were supposed to have some modicum of intelligence. You're beyond help if you can't even understand what social cues are on even a logical level.

>that rich kid that gave you any of his games for free if you sucked his dick

I used to have every major PS1 game and most of the currently expensive SNES games.

>that kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
i'm still doing this tbqh

>Have this friend alex, we hang out and play vidya usually
>Usually play multiplayer games, soetime single player
>whenever it was my turn, he'd always say "let me show you _______ and would commandeer the controller
>always ask him to just tell me what what I need to do and let me play the game
Fuck you, alex

>that kid that died during your time at school

Yeah. I'm sensitive to these type of people because my brother is actually autistic.

Some people just don't get it. I want aspies to succeed. I love you weirdos.

If you would give a basic explaination I would understand

>that kid that used to draw porn of cartoons during class and then ask you for feedback

>Finding forest porn with your friends

give us a story pls

Many people. We're not all identical dude.

>that kid that had a wet dream while napping in class

>in Gen 1
It was called Stat Experience, and it worked differently.

>>that girl who had mental health problems because she was raised by a single mom

This girl took my virginity.

God don't remind me

That kid was the only genuine 'weirdo' I'd ever encountered in high school, and I try very hard not to judge in general. Plus it was furry porn, so double disgusting. He was also one of those autists who I'm pretty sure are incapable of growing out of their circumstances

>that sort of cute grill that was into you and had a car but you were too stupid to realize what you had

Looking back, it's a miracle I didn't kill myself as a kid.

>that kid who you lent a game to and never returned it

God damn it I'm still mad. Fucker moved away too.

He's right though. Rare Candies don't stunt your stat growth. They just don't give you Stat Exp., which can easily be maxed out by battling and feeding vitamins.

not him but what the fuck is wrong with you? have you never interacted with another human being that isn't your mom or siblings?

>That kid who told you not to go to school tomorrow

I have all the time most days in fact still not sure what he means by social cues


>that one qt hipster girl in the grade above you who was obsessed with invader zim that you kind of had a crush on but was too beta to ask out

>that kid that was once your friend but you had to move away several years ago
>that same kid that was estranged to you when you met in school again after all those years
>that friend you had when you were otherwise a loner
>that same friend that abandoned you to look cool in front of the other cool kids

Felt batman.

is it really that hard to look up google for this shit

>that kid that could cum like a pornstar at age 12

Dammit Jim, you really put us to shame in our circlejerks.

>being attracted to 14 year olds
>off putting
Are you one of those granny fetish guys?

>Every year you switched schools and still got picked on for no reason.

>the kid who hid behind comedy to mask his crippling depression

Thank God we got through to him before he became the kid that died.

>that kid who told you "don't be scared, just don't go to sleep tonight"
>that other kid who told him where you live

>that kid that wavedashed to class

I'll give you a very barebones explanation.

You don't tell people you had blood in your stool last week. Why would you? Just because it's honest? You need to make conversations light until you get to know someone better. Do you really want to hear the most honest shit people have to say unless you care about them? Do you get it?

Build a rapport first. And even then there's a time and a place.

You seem to have an emphasis is on honesty. Your brain is wired differently so you don't immediately understand this but people are selfish unless you're a loved one. But people will take bullets for people they love.

Just know that there is nothing wrong with what I assume you deem meaningless conversation. It builds trust that can lead to more. Talking about the weather is not a sin. People want to hear how you are first before they want to get as honest as you're talking about.

>that kid who was your age but still cute and smooth even after everybody had already gone through puberty

Should have tapped that ass when I had the chance.

Thought this was about me up until that last greentext

>that mini Chad who fucked the hot teacher at age 14 and got away with it

I read those but I tend to mostly ignore them cause they have led me wrong before

And I know I'm ugly cause no girl has ever been interested in me or if they were I was completely oblivious to it and probably still would be to this day

>that hot teacher who accomplished /ss/ and got away with it

It made me mad when a neighbor rented games and then moved a week later.

It was a small business and he just straight up stole three games.