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I don't care.
Don't you have a computer for this?
What if it comes in firmware 1.1 like it did with the 3DS and Wii U?
It really doesnt matter. I have a bunch of other devices that I can access the internet with and its guaranteed that they browse the internet better than anything Nintendo could put out.
Well people still bought a Wii U even though CEMU exists.
So why am i buying it if i have a computer
Who the fuck uses console web browsers other than filthy pirates? Get the fuck out.
These. When I buy a game console I want to play games. I was upset Sony wasted their time to add media functionality to the PS4 after launch. I don't need that shit anymore. I have way too many devices that can perform those actions far better.
blame pirates for exploiting them for hacking, why do people still not get this
Why do you need a web browser on a console?
>pirates BTFO
A lot of people disregarding this, but I think it is still an issue; even if a minor one. If I am going to be carrying the Switch around; I'm not going to be lugging another tablet as well. Could always just use my phone for browser; but it still seems like a fairly silly thing to leave out. I feel like video playback would really benefit the Switch as well.
people are buying switch and other consoles even though there is pc
So I can get all my games for free in the near future.
>using switch at home
>just browse on computer instead
>using switch outside of home (???)
>just browse on phone instead
Reminder that the ps4 doesn't have a 5GHz wifi adapter
The only time I've used a web browser on my WiiU/3DS was to hack them. And I don't expect to hack the switch at launch.
only a problem for people who buy a console at launch, AKA idiots
makes sense but ultimately seems pointless when we can order region free flashers from hong kong
-they will add it later
-i have 4 other devices that have a 10x better browser experience than a game console
-literally no one cares besides sonyggers trying to find something wrong with switch
Dam I was counting on this to replace my PC / Tablet / Phone for all my web browsing. Preorder cancelled!!!!!!!!!!
You need your phone, user. How else are you going to communicate with your Nintendo friends?
>it's literally never nintendo's fault for anything
wew lad
Yeah, those browser based hacks for the psp, ps3, ps4 and Xbone were absolutely killer man. Maybe if Nintendo spent their money hiring competent developers this wouldn't be an issue.
So you admit to be a nigger?
yeah i mean you're gonna need your phone handy to use the Switch's paid online anyway so what's the big deal
Defend this
>People care about a console based web browser when PCs and Phones exist.
Literal fucking cucks.
With a battery life as bad as the Switch, I'd save all of my charge for games.
If I need to look something up I have my phone in my pocket and my tablet in my backpack.
>wont come with
So are they implying it will come with paid online? or most likely
No, just too intelligent to be ripped off.
Don't worry OP, you'll get at least 50 Nintendrones defending a $300 home console in 2017 missing features the PSP had at launch 12 years ago. Less features for more money is a good thing when it's Nintendo.
Good god so much thermal pastre
For the quality exclusives, unlike sony and microsoft
>paying $300 for a $100 tablet
That ship already sailed
Proves nothing.
The X1 is clearly purple while the X2 is silver.
One looks like it got shit on and the other one looks clean and nice. I'd like to buy the clean and nice one please.
It's to deter hacking. That's all.
Sony has great exclusives. You wouldn't know because your too fucking stupid devoting yourself to a single company.
PSP didn't have a browser at launch either, fag.
It was added with an update.
remove basic feature
>its ok nintendo is doing it!
charge for online play
>its ok nintendo is doing it but CHEAPER!
announce expansion pack before game is released to the public
>a-are you poor or something?!
disgusting. almost as disgusting as the people running to their defense
The PS4 has a web browser
...I think. I've never used it.
I used the web browser on my Wii once, just to say I did it. I have a laptop and a smart phone, there's literally no need to browse the web on a console. I have a smart TV for fuck's sake I could do it there if I wanted to.
Sorry a feature the PSP had 11 years ago
Isn't this basically the same excuse for annoying shit DRM? Funny how nobody defends that though.
Have you considered that purple > silver?
>for fucking MONTHS drones said the NX would be Pascal
>all but confirmed by Nintendo (gee I wonder why) to be shit-tier Maxwell 2012 hardware sold at a massive markup
>even thinking about the switch after the $300 reveal
you can struggle all you want nintendo, it's gonna happen
>disgusting. almost as disgusting as the people running to their defense
The latter is far more disgusting actually
That it didn't have at launch where as computers had years ago.
Console web browsers are shit. If it didn't even ship with one, it wouldn't matter.
Look at the A2 at the end. It's a custom Tegra, not the X1.
There's going to be a web browser. Just not at launch.
I dont use a fucking console to dick around on websites.
i have a computer/phone/tablet if i want to use a website.
That's just the revision
>why would you use the browser on three switch when you have a computer / phone
Why would you use a switch when you could use an actual console/computer instead of a tablet?
>so fucking angry he's losing his ability to type
It's okay Nintenkid. I'm sure you and your ilk will convince everyone that carrying around a tablet that can't browse the web is worth $300.
>defend something utterly irrelevant to me
That just a mask revision dude....
I'm going to laugh at kids like you when they decap this sucker and it's revealed to literally be a stock X1
>using wifi on console
DRM is designed to deter piracy as well. See how effective that is?
>Early access console purchases are okay when nintendo does it. They'll patch in full functionality later.
it is to play video games.
not to shitpost on Sup Forums. you have many other devices to do that on.
Which is it because you fuckers don't seem to know anymore.
ps3 didn't ship with no games
>a web browser is required for full functionality
You know the 3DS didn't have a browser at launch either, right.
Considering the Wii U and 3DS were hacked through browser entry points, I think it's extremely unlikely the Switch will ever receive a browser
>Game console is being made for games not internet
>Please open your web browser to finish connecting to WiFi hotspot
I can buy a $30 + bluetooth gamepad that'll come with a very competent browser and the ability to play thousands of 10/10 games free of charge. Nintendo needs to develop some perspective and if you're anything to go by, their fans too.
All consoles are rushed out as unfinished as the games these days. Shit gets added over time.
PS4 is getting fucking USB support at long last soon.
you people are hilarious
>why would i use my phone for a browser? i have a laptop
>why would i use my phone for a music player? i have an ipod
>why would i use google? i have an enclyopedia
>why would i use a toilet? i have a street
but of course it's okay when nintendo does it
Reminder that the Wii U is the only console where the browser has any value whatsoever (for bypassing the usual screenshot shrinking). And also to report console war shitposting.
I buy consoles for the games. If there are 3 exclusives on it that I want to play I'll buy it.
>Fire Emblem
Off the top of my head. There, the end. Not complicated.
Then do that. No one's forcing you to buy a Switch if it doesn't meet your standards.
>play game on PC
>after 10 minutes alt tab out and start F5ing Sup Forums for 3 hours
This is why it should never have a web browser.
the extent of the "customisation" was another gig of LPDDR4
there is no pascal
there is no A72
Because the switch has exclusive games. You're retarded.
>Sony has great exclusives
name three for the ps4, and no dark soul clones
They are both 2nd generation X1 chips.
So X2 like the rumors suggested. Funnily enough the Shield TV 2017 can stream HDR 4k content from your PC. The original shield TV is stuck at 1080p
In all honesty, I don't care for the feature either way since I don't enjoy browsing the Internet on anything except my laptop/desktop, but I think it's rather bad to not include the web browser even if it's a minor feature. In whatever way, I'm sure people would benefit from it through legitimate means. It illustrates a lack of faith of their own security to people that aren't living under a rock. If it's not because of a fear of security, then it just feels like it's being rushed out, which is something I'm sure people could easily argue that it is.
It's not a deal maker or breaker for me, but I'm not getting a Switch anytime in the near future. I want to see where it goes first after release before I start considering it.
they have web browsers on these things called "computers"
It's a game console.
except that there was a software update to the original Shield TV that enabled 4K HDR a month ago and Parker doesn't exist outside of the PX2 car kits
I'd say
>using the web browser in your console
But very recently for that dumb "use this website to get FFXV's DLC" put me in a weird situation where only my PS4‘s browser was able to run the website and I managed to get the DLC
>So X2 like the rumors suggested.
X2 isn't a thing. It's X1 according to Nvidia, even if it's a major revision:
It might have some interesting upgrades like 4K video output processing and HDR but these are relatively minor. CPU is the same, GPU is the same, clocks are the same, core count and naturally gflops are all the same.
People said X2 to imply pascal because a pascal-based Tegra doesn't actually exist yet, as far as we know. Its specifications have always been rumored, and we assumed its first consumer implementation would be in the Switch until that turned out otherwise.
At the end of the day, Eurogamer leaked seems 100% correct. Generation 2 doesn't mean very much if the Switch isn't going to support 4K and HDR anyway. It might have the necessary sections binned off that would have supported that anyway
Except you're wrong since the original Shield TV doesn't even have the HDMI compatibility to output to 4k. They did get an HDR update though.
X2 was never pascal. Pascal is P1
X for MaXwell
P for Pascal
Could they release third-party ones as apps? I think the Opera Mini browser with analog sticks for scrolling would be nice
Good, so we may finally play vidya and stop shitposting on 4chin
How many fucking threads must be made? You'll get your fucking browser in a firmware update. Calm down.
shut it miyamoto
retard status confirmed
so long gay browser!
I know, I'm saying there is no "X2". It's something people were incorrectly saying to mean the chip would be something better than the X1
Saying "it's X2 just as rumors said" is a load of shit. Nvidia isn't calling it the X2. It's a 2nd generation X1 that's still just as powerful as the original X1.
>Sony has great exclusives.
We found the culprits behind this thread. Not that it wasn't obvious from the start.
Herp derp