
>gameplay is bad
how do you fuck this up.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Fights sometimes very (too) mercilessly.
What did they mean by this?

It's a Modern Sony game , what did you expect?

>superb on ps4, lavish on ps4 pro

pathetic, not even car sales man can get this low

It's a modern Sony exclusive

What the fuck are these pros

>Aloy, elegant, strong and human
>she's LITERALLY a robot
Is this a fucking ruse?



can someone get a better translation from frog to english please because OP's post is a fucking shitshow

If I wanted "constant discoveries" I could pirate No Man's Sky.

What kind of neanderthal wrote this?
Go back to grade school, seriously

Given how much this game was shilled on Sup Forums, i will be surprised if any of the reviewers give this game less than a 8.
If any dare, he will be kanned and lynched.

I honestly see more hate threads than shilling.

That's Sup Forums.
Start shilling, get a massive overreaction.

>shit gameplay
>fuck it. 9/10 because MUH STRONK FEEMALE

this game is going to be very FOGettable

Its most likely due being paid for that review, and using the stronk female as an excuse.

>Aloy, elegeant, strong, and HUMAN
Did they even play the game?

What the fuck is this wording?

>those first 4 points

wow is fucking nothing


>Everything is praised except the gameplay.

it's so obviously paid, they're not even hiding it

>fights too mercilessly
what does this even fucking mean
LMFAO it's shit

Remember that one Doom video where the retard couldn't even figure out how to point a gun at the enemies? That's what it means.

I dunno man, I'm trying to understand it but it just looks like someone put phrases through Google Translate and back again.

sometimes very (too) mercilessly
jesus christ, the """leak""" showed the final part of the game, and the only remotely decent fight was the very final boss.
That really puts things into perspective.
Even they know the game is shit

>Everything is praised except the gameplay.

So it's shit?

goddamn I can't wait for this to released to absolutely no fanfare and be forgotten in less than a month.

>Everything is praised except the gameplay.
You mean the one part that matters the most?

As a french I would never take Gameblog seriously. One of the worst videogame site here. The owner is a fucking joke

>game about fighting enemies
>the AI and fighting is bad

actually if you read it the only problem they had was it's too difficult, so clearly a progamer shouldn't have any problems

buying this on day one

There is gonna be plenty of 8-9/10 without negative points cause muh "Feminist Action Game."



this is the 9/10 for sonyggers top kek



I can already tell a retard wrote it by the wording so I give zero shits.

>fights sometimes very (too) mercilessly

What the fuck did they actually mean by this.

Have we reached a critical mass of retardation? Are game "journalists" now braindead after years of drinking developer semen?


What did you expect from mouth breathing western shitters?

>a sense of magic travel

>fights sometimes very (too) mercilessly
Is this a incorrect sentence or whatever? Should mercilessly be merciless or a different adjective?

What does that second point in the "We Do not Like" section mean?

being dead serious:
the plot is that the machines started rampaging and destroying everything.
black muslim women scientists create an AI to manage the recreation of the earth's biomes after they are gone
white male scientists that act like dumb dudebros casually decide to make an AI that can kill all life on the planet "because it sounds cool"
i haven't made up or exaggerated any of the above

I've been trying to figure this out. At first I thought they meant "vary" but that doesn't make any sense either. Then there's that (too) that doesn't make sense with any of my interpretations.

>black muslim women scientists

That's more far fetched than the robot dinosaurs.


>a masterful artistic direction

already so wrong

HZD is some Michael Bay ass shit


>A sense of magic travel
>A final less percussive than the rest
>Fights sometimes very (too) mercilessly

What the fuck am I reading?

that does sound cool

French trying to English and failing

Where do the robot dinos come from though
What the fuck I wish I watched the whole stream


Modern games everyone.

Where "muh artistic driection" and "magic" and "muh story" matters more than fucking gameplay.

Remember that Julien Chieze, the one who own this site and that wrote this, is one of the biggest editor's whore there is.
He would easily sell his mother for clics. For example he made some com for a switch game that does not and will never exist, just because it would give visibility to his site by being the first to talk about it.
Have "become a porn actor thanks to VR !" On the front page.
The kind of guy who release news that he got from "insiders" and when those news turn out to be fake, it's because "perspective changed inbetween"
Is a huge David cage cock sucker.

He is a fucking scam.

Tell me more about about my personal lord and savior, Travis Tate.

>black muslim women scientists

>implying witcher 3 isn't an amazing game with mediocre gameplay

>praises everything but the gameplay

But why make extinction AI and why does it activate?

Are you new to Sony consoles or something?

Don't get me wrong, there's been some absolute gems over the years, but the "movie" meme isn't without it's merits.

There is no reason, they did it because they were skeptical of the AI made by the Muslims (called GAIA)
They activate GAIA during the game and HADES takes over

>things that matter the most in a video game are shit
Fuck off holy shit

>amazing game
>mediocre gameplay
Please explain that doublethink.


Stay mad PCfats lel

Think this is why I've been slowly migrating to board games of all things. Their format forces them to focus purely on game design. With vidya, its seems there's always a threat that the video part will eat away at the game part till there's not much left than a movie.

Not at all.

Call me naive, but it blows my mind every single time the way those morons prioritise movies over actual games in video games every time.

Memes and jokes are rooted in truth.

Im pretty sure this from was ran through google translate from french to English.

Good God what a fucking shit story

>Ending sucks
>Some fights are too hard
>AI sucks sometimes

Yeah that sounds like a modern AAA game.

Can anyone remember the last big game to have an ending that could be described as good?

That word just seems to end everywhere in games with either of the Burches involved it seems.


this reeks of a paid score. Guess I'll wait for Zelda and Nier instead.

I liked the ending to Halo 3.

Meanwhile pc has what games this year

Go back to playing through deus ex 1 for the 163827392th time and start up undertale on your 3500$ PC

i knew it,i god damn knew the game will be shit.

I guess my ps4 will keep sitting there collecting dust.

>gets a review copy early

That will be 9/10 plus tip Sony.

>An AI with that much power? I don't know, sounds suspicious...

>I'll just make an AI that can wipe out all life then lol


>A sense of magic travel
Seriously, somebody explain it.

>fights sometimes very (too) mercilessly

literally what

Whats the reasoning for even having HADES? This guy seems pretty stoked


This guy also gave 9/10 to ffxv.
So for him, horizon is as good as ffxv. Mâle your own conclusion.

That's it
There is literally no reason, they thought it sounded cool

Board games require friends, or at least friends interested in that. All my friends are normalfags.

that was the stupidest thing I've read all month. It's hurting my brain trying to understand what you just wrote.

>white male scientists that act like dumb dudebros casually decide to make an AI that can kill all life on the planet "because it sounds cool"

Who thought this would be a good plot point? Who the fuck would do this? This makes literally no sense holy fucking shit

n°1 shilling website, absolute garbage

>b-but PC
Grow up kid

One of the lines from the old hologram video logs is literally "Doesn't that sound badass? Extinction at the touch of a button! Death in an instant!".

I wish I were joking.

SJW that don't read books, don't play video games and only watch their kino trigger safe movies.

>Ashly Burch involved
>Game has moments of Borderlands tier """humor"""

Not even surprised.

>robot dinos
son, I have bad news...

It wasn't presented as humour. It was presented as a window into why the world is the way it is. It was supposed to scare you that people who thought that way had a say.

so he was donald trump


>the A.I is sometimes shit


I don't even care about gaming "journalism" but you guys are the biggest circlejerking fuckasses
