Why arent you playing WoW right now

why arent you playing WoW right now

Because I've been wiping to Gul'dan all fucking night and I'm ready to pull my hair out

Because I cleared Normal with my guild full of normies inluding a pregnant nigress who won't stfu about being pregnant
and I've already pugged the bosses I want on heroic.

Because I like games.

WoW grew too stale for me and I literally grew out of it. TBC was the prime time for wow and after cataclysm it just went to utter shit. I loved doing autistic stuff like going fishing with random people and chatting about shit, but the social aspect of the game died.

>heroic guldan
>people falling off of the platform in the p2-3 transition


I like to play games that aren't steaming piles of excrement. lol. Have fun with your literal shit though.

For you to have "literally grown out" of WoW, that would imply something like WoW was your mother whose pussy you left, or you're some parasitic organism.
Why do dumb fucks misuse literally so often?

Because legion killed everything i liked about this game.

My main spec got absolutely torn to shreds in pvp.

Also have literally zero motivation to grind and do the god awful pve content this expansion offers.

I quit a month ago, i'm not coming back.

I miss having alts.
I miss good raids.
I old destro.
I miss having fun.

Fuck this expansion and fuck the shitty dev team behind it.

Because MoP was the last greatest xpac from Blizzard.

I wanted to like WoD, honest.

But it was shit.

Then Legion turned out to be shit.

So I am playing on Elysium because it turns out being an guild filled with 20 orc affliction warlocks and a few tanks and healers is the greatest shit ever because we dont need resist gear due to all the self healing

that shit is old and I've done it before in that game and other games

im not the kind of faggot that only plays one game

WoD wasn't bad.
It just lacked fucking content.

HM BRF and HFC were great raids.

The core gameplay was still similar to MoP, it just lacked content.

What a whiny faggot.
>playing WoW for PVP
there's your problem.
I played Destro because it had a braindead rotation, and it still does.
I still see people playing Destro but I assume it's because they're normies who don't care about FOTM best sim dps.

Just like outspoken libtards, it's only the vocal MINORITY who has a problem with WoW.
Either because their favorite class had a change and they're too much of a retarded baby to adapt, or their e-girlfriend dumped them.
WoW is still the biggest MMO and it's going to stay that way.
I hate seeing ex-players sob stories as to why the game sucks now.
You sound like bootyblasted Killary supports.

I always mained PvE, but legion's pve is fucking trash.

The only fun i had this expansion was doing random bgs and some world pvp.

Blizzard did the favor of breaking and removing every single decent destro pvp builds from the game.

As mentioned before, i lost all interest in pve this expansion, it was just a way of getting gear for me.

I used to say that, until they fucked up the stuff i liked doing.

It will happen to you eventually.
They are gutting this game to the extreme.

>have active guild in Pandaria
>raided on the weekends
>everybody joked around in Vent
>all around fun time
>Draenor drops
>guild dies out after 3 months
>1 or 2 people every logged on for months at a time

It was like that throughout Draenor. My guild never recovered, so I never got to raid in Draenor.

>Legion drops
>guild still dead
>say fuck it and /gquit
>find active raiding guild (most active on my server)
>still don't get to raid because they only allow their core raiding team to run with them
>have to wait for designated "carry dates" for non-core team

Still no fun.

>having mass alts
>not playing when everyone only had a main character
>not being the best x on your server
>not answering whispers of newer players because they wanted to know how you were so good


sux that you play lock though, I only pvp and spamming UA is prolly the most unfun thing that ever happened to the fucking class ever, I decided to play another class and am having a lot more fun

You're one of those faggots on proudmore trade that constantly tries to bring Sup Forums memes onto trade aren't you.

>Gul'dan is putting flames on people
>Guild leader is standing in melee with it on
>people screaming at him to move in voice chat
>he doesn't move at all. stays in the same spot
>people die
>wipe it at 11%

I'm trying to get that stupid ghost moose. I hate that archaeology rares are all done through quests and the only thing to find actually doing it is stupid currency.
I'm also trying to figure how the fuck I'm going to change my Enhancement Shaman to an Elemental one now that Enh got nerfed and Elemental got buffed. Do any merchants sell trinkets or something? I really fucking hate this about Shamans and Druids.

But I am.

I only ever got to level 30 in vanilla. Was too busy dicking around and having fun to actually play the game. I made like a million characters that I deleted because I got bored of them, some at level 20.

I dont play games with shitty ass combat, especially when the entire gameplay revolves around said mechanic.

>why arent you playing WoW right now

Because my main is a Hunter.

And my backups are Arcane Mage and Destruction Warlock.

Basically, I got shat on this xpac.

Legion brought a lot of shit I like, but class specs have been completely fucked.
WoW hasn't really been alt friendly for awhile though.

why does blizzard hate its playerbase?

You have a tit mod installed, don't you?

I don't remember there being that much ass or ass crack in WoW, is that modded or something?

And to answer the question because its a great xpac that grows old because you have to do everything to and every damn treadmill so it killed my time to do side stuff and alts. Also economy is boned.

no mom i dont who do you think i am? im not a pervert

>a tit mod

I want to hotdog that Human's butt

>being low test


I need a new Warcraft game. A sequel to WoW, or a sandbox survival type game or something. If Blizzard makes a first person Warcraft game that would be the tits. A remake of WC2 would also kick ass but they said they aren't going to do that, I don't want a WC4 because modern Warcraft lore is fucking retarded.

I wouldn't be opposed to hotdogging an Elf either

>I miss having fun.
You and me both, buddy

But I am. Just hit level 45.

back to your containment board with you

>Always played Feral Druid because it was a Rogue but could change spec to tank for quick PvE queues
>Legion Feral has around 25% wait time in its spec
>That means 25% of the encounter is spent auto attacking watching bleeds tick and waiting

I have no idea how to gear up for raiding.

playing a better MMO

not my style. I would rather play another mmo.

>tfw blizz will announce the next expansion soon
>people will get hyped and claim THIS TIME! it wont suck
>It comes out
>it sucks
>Previous expansion (in this case legion) wasn't a bad expansion!
>repeat every year or two
Blizzdrones need to be gased

i would but ii drop the game before the fucking inflation of tokens now im fucked someone could gift me a token ;) drakhe#1964 [email protected]

>tfw blizz will announce the next expansion soon
It better be revamping Azeroth so it doesn't look like shit and gives me a reason to explore it all again.