Now that the dust has settled, who does it better?

Now that the dust has settled, who does it better?

both are shit

LoL has more girls.

Those arent even the same hairstyle retard

>Literally who on the left that is arguably the worst hero in the game
>A moderately decent ADC which has had her weak spots but is by far one of the most popular characters of their game by visuals and personality alone
Gee boss, I don't know

>worst hero in the game

quickplay pleb detected

Both are shit games, however Jinx looks better

>Giving Jinx a giant rack
>Specifically has a flat as fuck chest
Go back to slobbering over Sona and MF.

Sombra cuz she hacks my dick hard.

I don't know. I can't choose between Laura, Cammy or Harley Quinn.

Hirame does it best.

>Makes sombra actually look pretty vs her ugly as fuck look in game
Funny stuff.


who does what better

what similarities do they even have

>larger than a-cup on Jinx

I like Jinx but any MOBA character can be reduced to DUDE [X] LMAO


Jinx loses by default

Yes, and that's her personality. She's DUDE MAYHEM AND GUNS AND CRAZINESS. She's basically Harley Quinn before DC started to turn her into an anti-hero and people like that.

They both equally get a hard pass.

>"now that the dust has settled"
>OP image of OW and LoL characters

And everything I despise with modern "nerd" culture
Still good Q

Haven't played any of those games but judging by the design and from both cinematics then the right one. Also this doujin was top tier.

Now that the dust has settled, who does it better?

Came here to post this. If the ink didn't lose it for her then
>white girl with dyed hair
sure as shit did. Plus, she's directly at odds with this delicious slagg.

>auto reliant
Jinx is shit atm

Piece of shit ADC won't stop getting grabbed in the ass by blitzcrank