Kingdom Hearts 3

Am I the only one that thinks that the hype for KH3 has died down. Everyone was so hyped when they announced it a couple of years ago but they've been taking way too long and you can only be hyped for so long. Anyways, how do you think the game will do Sup Forums?

It's going to be a return to 2FM style of combat. Hopefully.

Dolphin Sora and it will work!

It will probably be a fun game, though i'm a bit concerned about the content. It'll probably be on kH2 vanilla levels and will have a FM DLC later on.
The fact that we've only seen 3 screenshots for more than a year now is a bad sign tough and they said there're worlds that they haven't even started working on yet.
I mean what the fuck are they doing, it's not like they only have one team at Square, KH3 has it's own dev team and with each new asset and animation development speed should increase

This was announced in 2013

if this game ends with s shit cliffhanger I'm going to fly to Japan and kill nomura

This will end the Xehanort saga so technically they will be making more games but not with Sora and everyone else.

Just give it time until the worlds are finally revealed.

They are gonna suck though, what with most being based on the overrated recent films like in OPs pic.

I'm over everything KH related.
After this long, I grew out of it and think the plot is cringy shit.

I look forward to playing it on playstation 5

in two parts released 3 years apart

The hype died by 2008. Only the autistic fanbase still cared about it after that year

>implying that Big Hero 6 is overrated

If they have Frozen in there with nothing but karoake then I am going to rage REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

nostalgiafags will love it
fans will love it
from what I've seen with 0.2, I'm not impressed
It will probably be mediocre gameplay with an over the top story as it has been doing for the past 10 years

>Implying the National Treasure stage will suck

>Won Best Animated Feature in 2014 despite being predictable and mediocre as fuck.
>Not overrated

Too bad Disney probably never even remembers that movie.

>but not with Sora and everyone else.
Actually they've said multiple times now that Sora will always be the main protagonist.

>KH3 taking so long to come out
>almost 30 years old
>apparently more kh games are planned after III
>mfw 40 years old and playing a disney game in the future

>more worlds planned than KH2 had
>inb4 they just cut half of them
I have a bad feeling about KH3, i would like to tell myself that they just don't want to spoil too much, but the fact that we never even saw new footage of Olymp is a bad sign

All that grass and the bushes won't be in the final game, mark my words.
Even 0.2 barely kept 30fps on normal PS4 and all the vegetation and shit was static and looked pretty bad. The 2015 footage was clearly running in PC

This dude should be 5x harder to beat than he was in kh2

So still pretty easy?
Back then i thought he was pretty hard, but he doesn't even come close to any of the data org members

That's because when it was first announced a bunch of millennials went "omgz I playd that as a kid!!@" but realistically the only people of that age group who are going to buy it are the autists that have followed the series for the last decade since KH2.

If Disney is smart they will market it on the Disney channel like they do for some of their other products, this way they can concert new kids on board

the graphics are amazing

But 0.2 doesn't look as good, I suspect KH3 will look like 0.2

Apparently Xemnas (hooded) in the 1st game was much harder than Sephiroth.

The Dark Age and B-List films like Atlantis and Treasure Planet will probably be half-assed DLC worlds.

Nah, I would say he's slightly easier