When you're me, everything's a spoiler

When you're me, everything's a spoiler.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you, Elmo.

Fuck you, Cookie Monster

Fuck you, Bert

Fuck you, grover

Fuck you, Ernie

Fuck you, Kermit

Fuck you, Oscar

I read this with the King Leonidas voice.

what the fuck is up with this guy? why do i get recommended his videos? why does he use a fucking puppet?

Fuck you, Jim Henson

Fuck you, faggots.

Fuck you, Miss Piggy

Chingate, Pancho

Fuck you


I legit agree with him honestly. Going into a game as blind as possible lets me enjoy it more.

What's going on this thread?

Fuck you, user

Fuck this guy.




Because appeals to the autistic man child demographic which are Nintendo fans.

Being a puppeteer isn't easy, he probably wants to showcase his skill while doing his channel. It's like being a musician or being good at sports.

Fuck you,


>Being a puppeteer isn't easy
>just flaps the mouth around for a bit and ADR's the commentary


Think about it. You've got to sync the mouth with vocals, move the hands appropriately, and keep your limbs up for a period of time. It's more tiring and hard than it sounds.

Fuck you, Gonzo


go to 3:15

>yeah, but Solid Snake

I kinda feel for him, but at the same time it's so very hard not getting spoiled on matters you are concerned of being a member of online chat forums, let alone being a youtuber who has to talk about many of these things.


Now that I think about it, things in all forms of media these days are getting more and more spoilery, aren't they?

>naming your shitty sesame street baby toy channel ARLO because it's easier to rip off MARIO and slightly tweak it in photoshop than come up with something original
I'm so sick of this faggot puppet I want to burn it.

funny, I thought it was a knock off Elmo

>getting unironically mad at a puppet
how terrifying

>tfw someone spoiled the fake credits in Kid Icarus Uprising for me literally the day before I beat Chapter 9 and found out for myself

A completely believable fake end with a "WOW THERE'S MORE GAME". Ruined.

Are there any games out there that anyone else got spoiled about and they could never play the game without facing that tinge of pain in their heart?

People have been unironically mad at a puppet for the last few months, user. Where have you been?

Ah, here we go. Time for another Sup Forums thread.

>liberal trying to stir shit up
cracks me up

no but i watched half of The Usual Suspects, then went to sleep, went to work and after i came home i decided between watching the new episode of House or finishing The Usual Suspects. i chose House

the black doctor was going to watch The Usual Suspects instead of hanging out with his friend the jew doctor, so the jew doctor spoils the movie to get him to come out with him

it was unfortunate

>things in all forms of media these days are getting more and more spoilery, aren't they?
ehhh. Depends where you hang out.

>another thread devolves into a left vs. right crawling out of their respective sewers to argue the same things over and over again regardless of the thread topic
>its just a boogeyman that isn't real

It lowers my enjoyment a bit when I get spoiled on things, but if it's something I was going to play anyway I wont let it stop me. On the bright side it makes the things you weren't spoiled on a bit better.

Got spoiled on things like Star Dream being a Nova in Planet Robobot, but thankfully I wasn't spoiled on Kirby taking over the Halberd to fight him.

Man, someone better explain these memes I missed before they get old and then I'm branded a newfag even though I didn't never looked in a puppet thread before now.

>people discussing politics, one of the most common subjects in life, is automatically a poster from Sup Forums
jesus fucking christ

>on a weeaboo video game board

Well yeah, I don't typically go into a videogames thread and talk about politics. That's what Sup Forums is for. well kinda

>playing through Bioshock for first time
>friend tells me to pay attention to would you kindly
I was actually upset

Fraggle rock fuck

I just made a joke you faggots, calm down. I'm not even a liberal.

Ok Dobson. Next you're going to tell me that Mac is a food and then you're going to inflate a blue bear as part of your next joke.

Only persona 4 but the game was boring so no loss

Dangan Ronpa 2
Fuck you, one guy who fucked me over in a ZE thread.

I actually kinda like this guys videos. But that's mainly because I think puppets are rad.

God i love you guys reddit pride :-)

