It begins

>PSA of the day. Do NOT go on Tumblr, Neogaf, Gamefaqs, etc. Someone in Japan on Tumblr got the game early and streaming it. This is going to be the week, where spoilers will unleash just like a Taro styled rthymn game. I be keeping away from those sites as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think anyone who is getting that game cares about the plot.


>Implying Spoilers can ruin a GOOD game.

I do care about the plot...


Emil is in league with The Watchers.
Nier is resurrected.
You have to murder Devola and Popola again.

Bring it


Welp on my way to unplug my router

See you guys in March

Just dump the spoilers here so we can get this over this. I'm not watching any videos, though, as I don't want the actual cutscenes spoiled to me.

How has a copy not leaked yet. This is upsetting.

I do
2b is just a nice bonus

Thanks for believing me user, it really means a lot. Just for you, I've got more.

Beepy will return, and we will have to brutally murder him.
Emilbots will actually be people.

We believe in you user

quick, post links on this thread. Lets give them a history lesson.

havent played the game but he/she is disturbing to my eyes.

Well I'm about to bail, luckily someone on neofag just got confirmation that the japanese version has english audio/subs so I won't need to poke around on the interwebs to find out.

Have the two songs from FFXV been uploaded yet?

Thanks man.

She's the good girl that helps to spread love throughout the world.

Is this bullshit or is it legit? I need to know if I should stop browsing this place or not, already saw the Horizon leak but that game looks like turd so who cares. This and Zelda are the games I'm really hyped for.

I don't know if it is bullshit, but with things like this when it isn't bullshit it'll probably hit us with the spoilers right away so you should leave now anyway.

Welp it was good while it lasted, see you guys in March

>The DarkID is going full turbocuck over his Daughter getting brainwashed into being a lesbian

Sad. I wish we wasn't one of the faces of the English Yoko Taro community.

I was bailing this week anyways. I'll see you lot after I finish it.

is it true the JP version is subbed?

This, jap release is in 3 days and it seems like this leak isn't real.

This feels like the kind of game where spoilers wouldn't ruin anything without seeing it in context.

Thanks for the warning, OP! Time to install a block extension for this site.

They can. It's a good thing that Automata isn't a good game then.

>yoko taro fans not caring about the plot

Soon, Sup Forums.
The post apocalyptic waifu war is upon us.

So why are the gods constantly trying to kill of all humans and can we be sure they didn't cause aliens to invade?

I do. Normally waifufagging doesn't bother me, but with this game it's been impossible to get in real discussion between all the 2B butt worship.

like how does humanity still exist 7000 years after the gestalt project failed? Pretty sure in that Space War thing Emil couldn't find any people before the ayys showed up, implying they were already gone.

Doesnt it come out March 7th?

The plot is the whole fucking point of a Taro game

3 days in Japan, and apparently someone leaked it already. No evidence for that so far though.


I remember reading in Grimoire Nier that Emil was aware of other humans. Its been a while though.


This may be Platinum, but that doesn't mean it's written by Platinum.

Wait really?

Sweet, so I can just go out to buy it and play the second I get back home. Any jap exclusive store bonuses to be aware of?

2A kills 2B and 9S kills 2A

Welp, time to eject out of Sup Forums for the next couple weeks.

>still haven't finished all the endings in Drakengard yet
Whelp guess I'm taking a break from Sup Forums for the next month

Fuck, dude. My order is already being prepared.

2B survived guys

>like how does humanity still exist 7000 years after the gestalt project failed?
Nier's region wasn't only one. Gestalt project succeeded in some parts of the world and remaining humans moved to the Moon later when machines attacked.

>leak stream

I actually want to watch this since it'll be ages before it comes to PC. Anyone got a link?

Nigger the plot and characters is why people even put up with Taro's other games.

Good idea. There's no point in caring about PC anymore, especially since it's painfully obvious SE's basically abandoned the idea after Denuvo got busted and will, at most, shove it out a year or so later to get a few extra bucks. You might as well jump in for the spoilers to experience the ride firsthand.

That said, link where?

Neat. It's not often a Jap game has dual text.

Guess I can import it.

You must be new here.

It's cheaper, they only have to print one version for every region the game comes out in, and the user's console will handle the rest in terms of picking the default language, also, it makes it easy to appease the neverdub weebshits.

Literally what? The only reason to play any of yoko taro's shitty games is for the plot.

But this one won't be shitty mechanics-wise. A fuckload of people just want this for the Platinum combat.

Oh boy are they in for a ride

Is the Japanese version confirmed with English voices like demo ?

>"won't be shitty mechanics-wise"


Please elaborate

look through the thread closely

Yes, it's confirmed

Oh boy I wonder what pantsu she wears for the final boss

fuck off weeb

I would have if I wasn't on mobile
Thanks canceling US PSN preorder tomorrow

Full Version of Weight of the World (J'Nique Nicole ver)

also, new music preview:

3 discs guys, 3!


I'm seriously considering just getting the HK version on PSN.

Does AmiAmi email JPN psn codes ?

or should I use play asia


I want this where can I buy it?

I think there's a cafe opening in japan. I think.

Sounds like the music was taken from that spanish guy's video.

what spanish guy?

Yeah, the Square Enix's cafe

Sadly, you can't buy the 2B doll...

Everything wrong with Nier threads since Automata's announcement summed up in one post. Go FUCK yourself.

Metal Gear Rising 2: Raiden is a Girl Now does not belong to you just because you played Drakengard.
You are not better than me.

The DarkID has a kid?

A few.
He just went on an autismo rant on Twitter because he virtue signaled everyone about how "proud" he was of his gay daughter and went people started trolling him he lost it.

Like shit man, why the fuck are you talking about your kids on the internet like they're fucking trophies to show off? Do a bunch of strangers on the internet really need to be told about your daughter's sex life?

Just read those tweets. Damn. Why do people write this shit? Why would anyone think that
>omg my lesbian daughter is so so cute #lookhowprogressiveiam
is a tweet worth reading? Fuck, I seriously don't understand these social networks.

>and went people started trolling him he lost it.
Kek. I know I should feel bad. But it's his fault. He fell so hard.

What did this guy do before his downfall?


Just seems like a guy gushing over his kid to me. You know this is normal for parents right? Annoyingly normal.

Why the fuck is it 8,424 yen on jp PSN? Isn't there a cheaper version?

You must be 18 or older to post here.

He did screenshot LPs. Most notably the Taro games. Also Xenogears and RE0.

He somewhat better then the average LPer.

He was the original Drakengard 1 LP guy who people pointed to when they said "If you can't stand the game play this LP"

Also did a Xenogears LP. Naturally though constant exposure to SomethingAwful has rotted his brain.

>Gushing over his kid.
On the internet. With Total Strangers being able to respond. Trying to tell everyone how "good" a dad he is for being supportive. He wanted fucking good boy points from all his friends and lost it when people started trolling him with basic level bantz. He wanted to be praised.

>that downfall
Holy fuck, what a shame. Then again that's what you get.

Where can I see these tweets?

They are very recent.

>On the internet. With Total Strangers being able to respond.

Yes, Grandpa. This is what people do nowadays. Every time Junior shits his diapers someone is making a post online about it, filling up timelines and feeds with inane shit that only they care about.

>This is what people do nowadays

Would you prefer breeders?


Look at this shit.
"D'aww... My dumb daughter had her first kiss with a girl. A garbage person would be mad about this. But I'm just AWWWWWWWWWWW!!"

You know how fucking creepy it is to think of your parent talking about you and your significant other to fucking random strangers online?

Can you imagine your parents doing that? That everything you might be doing is being monitored and TOLD to total strangers? That your dad is fucking using you as an object to show off to TOTAL STRANGERS who only follow your dad because he plays video games.

That some total stranger is being give play by plays of your life.

How do you pronounce Automata?

Like automaton or automatic?

You are way too invested in this. Are you the daughter?


I don't even understand why he'd do that. I guess that's the power of the kool aid.

It's like Giant toad


Giant toad