I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and 4. Will I enjoy Fallout 1 and 2?

I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and 4. Will I enjoy Fallout 1 and 2?

Maybe but there's no real correlation.

FO3 was trash and FO4 was even worse shit though.

Definitely, they are better. You'll get to actually experience what fallout is.

you'll probably enjoy a piece of shit on a stick if bethesda sold one to you

Fallout 4 is like Borderlands to Fallout 1's Mad Max Road Warrior.


Don't fall for the meme. They are dog shit held up on the shoulders of nostalgia

If you liked fallout for the worldbuilding then yes
If you liked fallout for the waifu then no

Play new vegas instead

what the fuck are you talking about
the females in f4 are the ugliest of the series

FO1 and 2 are rather slow paced turn based combat games with a lot of dialogues, unlike fast action packed FO3 and 4. I love first two games, 3 and 4 are pretty meh in my opinion.

The World Building is probably why I liked Fallout 1 more than Fallout 2, despite 2 being mechanically stronger.

Go fuck yourself

shitty combat mechanics and shitty gameplay the only strong thing these games have is story and setting yet gameplay is so boring that i couldnt finish it

I did, didn't like it too much, felt like it was a fallout 3 mod with nothing new. It's pretty vastly overrated desu.

You're probably retarded then. The mechanics are fun and leveling is enjoyable because every level has a noticeable improvement in your characters abilities plus the perk system which even gives your character unique abilities and contributes to role play. The setting, writing, and story in both are great. Admittedly the first one is very short and you could beat it casually in a day or two but Fallout 2 is a masterpiece.

2/10 for the effort

>rng is enjoyable
also story is just boring to me and game is slow af there are people who like this but i dont

Doubt it

This is what preteens actually believe

There was a lot of classic PC role playing games in the 90's, some truly fantastic stuff. But these games are not one of them.

Absolutely not.
If you enjoyed 3, go play NV.
If you enjoyed 4, go play the mass effect series.

That doesn't stop /fog/

Yeah you definitely won't like 1 or 2


I've played NV, thought it was meh. I've played mass effect 3, thought it was very pretty and fun but it's not really a game that lasts with you. Felt like I was playing a movie with action scenes.

>I've played mass effect 3,
I'm guessing you didn't play the others then? I'd recommend you play the others, but you're a fucking challenge.
I don't know what kind of game 'lasts with you' if 3 and 4 moved you in any deep way. I know this is going to sound like an insult but if you have the artistic taste of a sea sponge maybe you should try Skyrim.

I played sky rim ages ago thought it was good.

No, because FO3 and FO4 are braindead wannabe action games full of terrible writing and zero challenge. FO1 and FO2 are proper RPGs where you have to put thought into your character and what you do.

but that sounds like something I'd enjoy.

If bait, kudos for not blowing your load in your first post.

If not bait, Fallout 1 and 2 probably isn't for you.

You might. It depends on what you liked about 3 and 4. They're very different animals in many ways.

Fallout 4's women aren't supermodels by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't know what women from the previous games looked better. Laura or Tandi from Fallout 1, maaaaybe?

>I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and 4. Will I enjoy Fallout 1 and 2?

no chance

>I have shit tastes, will I like these games of patrician tastes?

Christ, no. Go order some more F4 dlc or something.

Here's a (you)

Why aren't her eyebrows moving

I have lewd dreams about the female paladin in Fallout 1

If you like sharing memes on facebook and just shooting shit mindlessly Fallout 4 is the game for you.

probably not