Dark Souls

>this land is peaceful it's inhabitants kinds
>touch fluffy tail
Fuck dat shit, I just wanted to suck on those toes


who was she talking about there, because literally everyone in the painted world besides her tried to kill me.


>something something all the painted world monsters are rejects and she acts like their mother and they are all trying to protect her something something
Fucking wheel skeletons man


I murder that dumb bitch every single time she tries to pull those bullshit lines on me. Too bad she's a shit boss fight.


>mfw Priscilla was originally meant to be your companion like the Emerald Herald in DaS2 but they decided to scrap the idea last minute


>no one makes art of the dragon qt in ds3

Priscilla is still the cutest but I liked her too



Now that we have ashes of ariandel and have seen that paintings can rot and turn their residents into beasts, im thinking maybe priscilla just never realized what happened outside of her tower. People were probably peaceful when she got there







I love the stig

So clearly Seathe was the father but who was the mother ??


Sif, that's why she has white/gray fur/hair

She might have just been grown in a tube in Seathe's labs

I can't see that being the case. She was married and is a god.

Maybe one of those maidens he stole

status = woke

I'm starting to think it's more likely that the nameless king was the father. I can't think of a better reason for Gwyn banishing him and erasing his name from history since he had a hateboner for dragons.

Make her sudoku and take her precious demon's soul, amirite?

But those were the crow people of Velka or whatever, they were never human in the first place. You're thinking of Bloodborne.

How do I get this game to run at 60 fps and with controller on PC? I have windows 10



I really like that there is an NPC that speaks with you and asks you to leave instead of just trying to cut you down.

But I also kileld her every time because I love her weapons.

Slaughtered the four kings with the lifehunt scythe and stacked bleed resist.

>no gwynevere wife to sit on you

>"if thou desires I, thy desires shall be requited not"

So I killed her.