Mighty No. 9 was called the successor to Mega man

>Mighty No. 9 was called the successor to Mega man
>Not the Legend of Dark Witch

Dark witch has a third game being made, where's your MN9 2? Oh yeah

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no good hentai of her

I beg to dipper

What's so different between the first one and the second one? Difficulty? Because I keep losing interest in finishing the first one, but I've played the shit out of 2.

All the minor improvements add up. You can actually use the boss weapons against normal enemies in 2, for example.

Against my better judgement. I played the first game for a bit.

Seemed okay.

Technically it's already her 5th game.

I had fun with her game, haven't tried the second. I'll probably buy the third when it comes out. Zizou a cute, I want to impregnate a goddess.


>chink shit

There's rhythm game and a RPG spinoff.

Pretty sure a lot has improved from the first one, which explains why i'm focusing on getting whatever I can achieve done on the first one before I continue with the second

>Legend of Dark Witch thread on Sup Forums
Fucking finally.


>You kick her ass so hard that she's degraded into being the merchant in the sequel

>Mega Man successor
>Not 20xx
Dark Witch is up there tho.

I played the demo for the first one and the level provided was shit. Nothing but a simple, long corridor with some enemies. Are the rest of them actually fun or is it the same thing for the rest of the game?

>game that takes more from spelunky than megaman

>both merchants became playable in the spinoff


Dark Witch also takes cues from more conventional RPGs and fucking Gradius.
To judge one in a dark light and not the other is very rude.
20xx literally gives you Mega Man, but female and Zero to play as.
EA and unfinished yes, but it's getting close.

>tfw no HD rips of the second game's soundtrack anywhere
What a shame too. Some of that music was fucking lit.

Not really, most levels are pretty simple in both games and you can go through them in seconds with the dash upgrade once you get used to the layout. The boss fights are much more fun than the levels.


You were saying?

>Kuito's after talk

what happens?

But we already have Shovel Knight and Gunvolt

Is this game actually good? I bought it for $5 cause I was bored and have only played it for 20 minutes total. If it's actually good, I'll go back to it right now.


First game has it's issues, but nothing that makes it bad, you'll notice it when you get to the sequel

It's not gonna be Mighty No. 9 2, it'll be Mighty No. 10.