Vidya girls objectively more attractive than Samus

Starting with the most obvious one, since she's basically Samus without the disgusting mole.

Other urls found in this thread:

every tim

Kinda ironic since she's used in 90% of Samus sfm stuff

>more attractive than Samus



>make samus porn
>it's actually sarah




>disgusting mole
dont bully the samus!

Fun Fact:
> Dave Perry pronounced her name "Sawah Bwyant".


>this was allowed in a vidya game

Women in video games were a mistake

A SEXY mistake.

>girls more attractive than Samus
>posts a DOA girl
>it's not Marie

inb4 that one "if it jiggles, it's too fat" Anti-ass autist shows up.


You and me are nigs

Allowed? It was encouraged.

why are you using Samus as a bar to begin with?

she's not that hot

>DOA girl
>Marie fag

wow you're just king shit head aren't you

I have a better question: Can you name a vidya girl objectively more attractive than Sarah?

Protip: I believe in you



Once again.

>dem torpedo tits
>dem nipples
>dat tummy

Taki is perfect


Sexy OTP.

extra 7 times excitement level for kasumis birthday this week! grind now while you can!

my wife

And just like Sarah, she's not in DOAX3!
Fuck Marie and the Marie clone.

oh look it's that guy that only likes Pai but not her default hairstyle

She ain't hot. She doesn't even have any boobs.

flat chest is superior in every way

You get closer to the woman's heart.

Wrong. I love classic Pai.

very true


Dem Handles


wtf I love DOA now


Lei Fang her and Tina where OG. They shouldn't been cut. Not for bait and retard

Sexy OTP.

They made her look too asian in DOA

Where does Nina Williams fit in this mix?

Between Sarah and Samus

My fellow nigga of patrician taste




How can you tell? The three look exactly the same.

Just the best

What's the difference between these two in terms of personality?


>mfw no threesome rule34 of Samus, Nina and Sarah

Objectively best doa girls.

>Implying this chick is that hot

How bout a 3D model?

In the corner since her sisters better

But she's not a Sarah/Samus triplet

You forgot RE5 Jill.

The thread name is "Vidya girls objectively more attractive than Samus" It has nothing to do with looking like Samus.

Prove it.

To be honest, she looks exactly like Samus but without the fat ass. Same blonde hair, same big tits, same slender body, very similar eyes even.

But one glance at Sarah and Samus from behind and you can immediately tell the difference.

>being this delusional

Samus has no ass in every game except maybe SSB4, which isn't canon anyway.

You're waifu a shit.

Say again?

That is a small ass. It's no bigger than Sarah's.

That is only a small ass with McDonald's standards.

>muh mole
Kill yourself faggot

We all know she has a fat bum for sex appeal reasons.

The left one is almost a bit too fat.


But Quiet isn't that hot?

>To be honest, she looks exactly like Samus but without the fat ass.
>she looks exactly like Samus

No. She doesn't.

>she's lusting after a manlet

You're using the wrong image. Samus from Other M and Brawl have nearly identical facial designs as Sarah Bryant in DoA, it's just obfuscated by the difference in textures and lighting. It's actually why all three of the people who released their Sarah/Samus SFM models made them.

>more attractive than Samus
Don't be a gay

I've always liked Hitomi but goddamn Lei Fang is great in 5 and gave me genuine boners

>obviously uses TKD
>manual lists her fighting style as "Kung Fu"
Oh, you silly japs