Erase one game from its series to make it better


Assault Horizon

Estival Versus

no man's sky

Thousand Year Door

Mass Effect 3

I'm still fucking mad.

Digital Devil Saga 2


You meant Infinity. Seriously even if AH wasn't great, the whole Stamina system and F2P bullshit made me entirely skip an Ace Combat.

Other M

Metroid: Other M

Metroid Prime 2 while you're at it

Guild Wars 2

Pokemon Blue because fuck Blastoisefags

For me it's this abomination, but only if new Vegas is made anyway

why the fuck would you pick literally the best game?


Thief 4
Bioshock infinite
Xenoblade X
Smash 4

MGSV. I wish I never played it.

Splinter Cell - Conviction
or any post 2010 Ubisoft game of their respective series.

Perfeck Dark Zero

Half Life 2



I can't believe it took this long for this to get posted

I was a good game, just a bad metal gear title... Still better than Rising though, imo

Resident evil 4

>smash 4
>not smash brawl

I wish I could ignore its existance

here you go, friends


>Erase one game from its series to make it better
>from it's series

but i guess removing no mans sky from existence would have saved a lot of ppl from disappointment


Lost Planet 3

I only played the 1st and all I know is that DDS2 has some neat optional bosses, is it really that bad? And why

Sticker Star

Obvious choice.

If we erased Brawl we never would have got PM though or other mods and shit.

didn't you hear? they make a sequel

At least infinity is a love letter to the whole series and has good gameplay and missions under it's P2W bullshit, and because it's free, it's entirely skipable if you get tired of it.

Assault Horizon is a 60 dollar game based solely on an on-rails gameplay gimmick that went against everything Ace Combat was about

Same. There can be no forgiveness.

Metroid Prime.

human revolution

Joke's on you faggot, I had Red and still picked Blastoise.

Be careful, Charizardfag, I think I see some pebbles over there!

Dark Souls 2 is the only obvious answer.

resident evil 6
dark souls 2


My sides

Still better then mankind divided, at least it made some money


if you erased fallout 3 or oblivion you could preemptively erase skyrim too.

was a better game than mankind divided and invisible wars...

lowkey bait ?

Thank you my man

Diablo 3

Bloodborne because of its exclusivity

New Vegas is still made but with a different engine and as a 'sidequest' game like BOS while the main series stays a top-down rpg.

bomberman 64

Other M, easy.

You shut your fucking whore mouth

Final Fantasy XIV.

Gameplay wise, it's fine. Mantras are improved, and everything else is about the same.
The OST isn't nearly as memorable. The overall pacing through the game is really weird, not quite a slog, but not exactly great. There's some cool plot points, but on multiple occasions I hit walls where I felt like the game just wasn't going anywhere, and the plot was going off the wall a bit too much. The ending section of the game really drags on too.
We definitely needed the second game because of how DDS1 ended, I just wish it could've been done a little better. But, I'm honestly being a little too harsh, I guess. Despite how I feel about it, I still think anyone who enjoyed DDS1 should play it.

Optional bosses are definitely great, though!

Can you erase a studio/developer along with the game? Halo 4 either way.

The Old Republic

Can you imagine a Sup Forums where TORtanic never happened?

Dragon age inqustion obviously

Tales of Xillia 1

No one needs rushed and butchered garbage.

star fox adventures


TORtanic backlash just gave retards something to whine about when whatever shitty new game they're looking forward to gets blasted for being terrible.

Whish I could unsee it

never ever pcuck

I'm glad I played it because of the amazing gameplay, so I'm glad it exists. So try MGS4 instead

This, the series doesn't even feel canon after Reach. What the fuck happenend

world of warcraft, it wouldn't just make it's own series better it would improve the entire genre

None because someone probably likes it

Fire Emblem: Fates

I was going to say Awakening but that's ""kinda ok"""

>when Command exists


Metal Gear Solid 3. I love the game, but it influenced the rest of the series for the worse.

I would have said Command.
It had the right spirit, but the controls are all fucked up.

They fucked up that wonderful gameplay so much, and the story isn't even any better for it. I hate them for this

Can I erase the game but leave the expansions ?

MGSV was fun to play and wasn't nearly as obnoxious story-wise as 4.


Some on, it's a great game. It just feels odd compared to the rest of the series, but that doesn't mean it makes it worse.


Dragon Age 2 though


DefJam: Icon.
Im still mad that they made Icon a 1v1 generic fighting game instead of the sick 2-4 gameplay of its predecessor and its fantastic character builder.

was this game any good
dont know anyone who played it

Explain, user.

Don't even act like V is better than 4 you sandbox shill.

What about MGS3 made the series worse? MGS4 was bad because of Kojima going crazy trying to tie up every loose end. MGS3 has the best story and second best gameplay in the series, there's no way the series would have been better without it.

Don't even act like 4 is better than V you movie shill.

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.

Can't decide between 3 and this but considering that I had some hope for the series left after playing 3 and none after 4 I pick the latter

It was the point when the series jumped the shark and got way too up its own ass with pseudo-philosophical tripe overtaking the main game itself.

The stories in both games is bad, but the story is at least less obnoxious in 5, and the gameplay in 5 is definitely better. So yes, 5 wins

I don't think you have to go that far, just get rid of Yumi.

I know lots of people that have liked both 1 and 2 (including myself) but I still don't know anyone that has even actually played 3. Was it that bad that everyone had decided not to get it even before it released? What went wrong?


Dmc2 i dont count DmC as part of the same series