
Holy fuck, i have never seen so many people in this board being absolutely butt destroyed by this game, it's hilarious and enjoyable lol.

I am getting it, and will tell friend to buy it.

>I am getting it, and will tell friend to buy it.

You tell friend to buy it user. Friend will be so happy for socialize!


I don't really go to v for vidya advice. I go to v when I want to hate on something.

That said I'm picking this up.

Are we supposed to be upset that you're intentionally wasting your money? It's your money; you can do what you want with it. The outcry is to help people who are on the fence make a more informed decision. If you've already made your decision then obviously nobody is yelling at you.

You must be new. Anal anguish like this happens at least once a year from an exclusive

as if 60 bucks would hurt any normal human lol

>i have never seen so many people in this board being absolutely butt destroyed by this game
>it's hilarious and enjoyable
Looks like all the faulseflagging and shitposting paid off.

have fun kiddo

>Watched a good portion of the stream
>game was your typical open world flare, dumb/bugged npcs, bad mechanics, glitchy environments
>game play was as you'd expect as well, uninventive, barebones crafting and skills, laughable stealth, and boring as fuck combat

Easily a 6 or 7 out of 10, might be worth a pick up on sale if they patch some of the issues.

Release bloodborne was more fun

>le 6 weapons
>le whole game takes place in they city
>le 7 bosses
>le it was all a dream
>le only armor set is robes and shit

And my favorite
>le clipping issues

Which game doesn't have clipping?

>Common "HOLY COW" "WOAH" "BTFO" start to thread.
>Average "Never saw this many "ANONs" "Anti-Shills" "Nintendokiddys" before...
>Destroyed by GAME OF THE YEAR.
>Oh look, it's funny. HEHE LOL FAGGOTS.
>Gonna buy it right away.

Nothing learned and nothing lost anyway.
This is getting really fucking stupid now.
Its not a perfect game and its not a Zelda killer.

sorry anti shill kun, nobody cares about your retarded, irrational sony hate and autistic smear campaign. Go rotate on your super mario dildo you fucking faggot.

this is honestly the funniest webm possible

*blocks your path*


I don't let Sup Forums decide what to buy for me, mostly because Sup Forums is a weeb board that play 15-10 years old games and japanese shit that are the same fucking thing over and over again, like JRPG. Last good JRPG was Tales Of Vesperia in 2008-2009. I come here just to laugh and read funny comments. I had a lot of fun these days during streams but I got the game preordered and I'm not gonna cancel the preorder.


>Holy fuck, i have never seen so many people in this board being absolutely butt destroyed by this game
Every single huge new release gets this kind of attention, especially if it's exclusive. Bloodborne had months of shitposting before release, I think actual discussion of it was non-existent.

>tfw Amazon literally won't let me cancel my pre-order because it was part of some promotion I don't remember
Never had that happen before.

But this is something totally diffderent

People were butthurt and angsty because Bloodborne is a great game that was released for one platform

This is people literally crying because it got amazing reception and according to them, the game is "shit"

It just looks like your average ubisoft tier mediocre open world game. What makes it "good"?

according to a lot of things

I figured it would sell well and get at least decent reviews unless it was 1886 tier bad, but I was shocked to see the amount of 9/9.5/10's for this game, especially when everything I have seen has made it look fairly boring in terms of gameplay.

The graphics are nice though.

not in horizon lel

what is the enterprise doing on that dinosaurs head?


nice skyrim mod, what's it called?

Convince me. I'm on the fence. I like RPG's, I need something to tide me over from Nioh to Nier, and I was hoping Horizon was it.

From what i've seen though, it looks like it's not just 'incidentally feminist', but rather pushing a massively orchestrated narrative of SJW-pander down the throat of the player in a framework of Ubisoft "open world meme" theme park "Go to the >>>icons

Shouldn't watching the gameplay be enough to deter you from spending $60 on this game?

It is definitely worth getting for ~$20 but full price is a hell of a lot for a game that is essentially a greatest hits RPG edition

I've kept up with this game since I saw the first trailer and remained cautiously optimistic. I think it looks pretty neat from what I've seen, I'd be surprised if the reviews weren't inflated but I doubt it is going to be nearly as bad as Sup Forums wants it to be.

>tfw only open world game i've played is witcher 3

i'll probably like this since i'm not burned out on the open world gimmick like everyone else

I don't know. The money is of no concern to me, so that's likely why I'm less discerning about it. I'm not thrilled by the streams i've seen, but it still looks like it'd be a fun game to play.

I'm buying the new Wii for the new Zelda also, even though I've low expectations for it.

Oh well. I'll probably wait a few days post-release and read the better-written user reviews and get some input from people hands-on'ing it.

I mean if money is no object and you're looking to kill time I don't see a problem with getting it then.

While i've got you;

Is Yakuza worth getting? I don't care about "The Yakuza" as in the mafia, and I don't understand what the game even is. I've watched some streams and tried to grasp what it's about, but it seems like some kind of mafia sim? Or is it a beat em up? Or an rpg?

I'll probably get either Yakuza or Horizon to last me until Nier.

They're just screaming in rectal pain after being rused yet again by a so-called Sup Forums leaker.

Yet again you dense cunts fell for another autist making shit up.

>Everyone is a robot
>Ending is kill all the human robots or the beast robots

holy shit. Like god went ctrl+alt+del

If you have to choose between the two I would personally get Yakuza, it looks like a ton of fun, though I haven't played it.

It's an action-adventure game at its core I think

You're a terrible friend user.

>the humans are clones
>ending is a login screen to shut down the evil white male AI that will kill everything
so much better


Why is this game causing so much butthurt? Is it because trolls and falseflaggers spent months baiting Zelda fans? Let it go.

Holy fuck, i have never seen so many Sonyggers shitposting so desperately just because they themselves are falling for shitty "so-progressive!" reviews once AGAIN

you guys never learn