Id really prefer a gaming laptop but I cant afford one. Should i just buy a ps4?

Id really prefer a gaming laptop but I cant afford one. Should i just buy a ps4?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it worth it

Should i do it


You don't need a gaming laptop since all you're most likely to play is free to play trash like league of legends or hearthstone which requires the basic entry pcparts to run.

PS4 on the other hand is a great investment

Do not buy a gaming laptop. If you're too stupid to build your own computer, don't even bother with it

I would recommend a gaming laptop but my spacebar broke after two months

So don't

>Gaming laptop

Buy a PS4 if you aren't even capable enough to build a PC. This isn't even shitposting. A gaming laptop just isn't worth it. Even if you buy the most expensive gaming laptop out there it'll still be a laptop and have shit performance.

So really just buy a PS4 and be done with it. Or take a fucking risk and look at some youtube assembly videos for 20 minutes for fucks sake.

I dont want a desktop tho

This user gets it.

I dont want a desktop

Why? You want a portable gaming system? Then why get the PS4? You don't care if the system isn't easily portable? Build a desktop.

Ps4s arnt portable but theyre cheap and i could play with my friends. Im asking if i should buy a cheap apple or save up for the orange

Fuck you enjoy your meme machine

How important is gaming with your friends? Do they only have PS4? Oranges are great and you should seriously consider saving up for one


laptops are more expensive for what you get retard

PS4s are portable to some degree. I usually bring mine to a friend's place when we all get together to play some jackboxtv. All I do is throw it in a jansport with all my cables and BAM

Desktops on the other hand

If you're retarded enough to consider purchasing a fucking gaming laptop, buy a PS4.

Actually scratch that, buy a gaming laptop since you're fucking retarded and deserve to get burnt.

Ok is the meme machine laptop or ps4 tho
Its not a dealbreaker
Ok i am aware thanks

Everyone is getting so triggered but literally nobody has given me any actual reasons why i shouldnt get a laptop

Then how is a ps4 an alternative to a laptop?


>but literally nobody has given me any actual reasons why i shouldnt get a laptop

>I would recommend a gaming laptop but my spacebar broke after two months

>Even if you buy the most expensive gaming laptop out there it'll still be a laptop and have shit performance.

>Fuck you enjoy your meme machine

They are expensive and slow. They have shit battery life and if you go for, specially, a """gaming""" laptop they'll charge you more for the sweet matrix fan setup that extrapolates your gaming power to the next level!
That's why you don't get a laptop for gaming, especially a gaming laptop

Do you need a laptop for portability's sake? If yes, why are you considering a PS4? If no, build a desktop.

So I couldnt run skyrim with some mods on a good laptop? I really cant imagine ever sitting down at a desktop to play games

a switch instead would actually make sense because portable, desu

I dont want a desktop
I considered this

>I really cant imagine ever sitting down at a desktop to play games

so you're going to stand with your laptop?

buy a stando desku

if you need mobility get one with wheels

No, you can't run Skyrim with good mods on a laptop without it being uglier than it already is.
You're going to sit to play whatever device you get, so just get a standing desk

Id probably lay in bed. Or sit if im on a plane. Do you people really have dedicated desks for laptops?

Ok man thanks

user I just got a gaming laptop. I can speak from personal experience.
Alienware 13 R2.
Examples of performance.
Playing Fallout 4 on high settings I can get 30/40 minutes of playtime with all the light zones on (keyboard/etc.) before plugging in. Performs well enough. Not perfect.

When the battery is plugged in. Runs great on high settings. No issues whatsoever.

Although these anons are right in a sense. A desktop would run better. In my experience this top end laptop runs just fine.

TLDR get an Alienware laptop user.

No. Alienware is guilty of the shit out said earlier with the fan matrix helping your hand extrapolate better.

>shit performance unless you break the $1500 range
>abhorrent heating issues
>needs to be plugged in constantly since shit battery life
>cannot be upgraded outside of RAM and HDD
>needs a proper mouse to be usable for games
>fucking expensive
>made for braindead retards with more money than sense

For a second, I thought those were huge pubes coming out of the bikini, then I realized it's a tacky tattoo.

Either way, absolutamenteasqueroso.jpg

>I don't want a desktop

Why? Just hook it up to the TV and it'll be the same shit ss pkaying PS4, just better.

>typing errors

It sucks. Later, tater

Retards. Gaming laptops are perfectly good investments if you're not looking to play the latest games on high settings.

You don't take gaming laptops outside. The form factor makes them easy to store, easy to take around the house, and easy to take with you when you move (good for students in dorms). There are tons of situations where you don't want a dedicated desktop but you still want to be able to play video games on your computer, and a gaming laptop does a fine job of that.

You just have to be careful with your purchasing. Do a lot of research. There are some great cheap gaming laptops out there but it's easy to get confused and spend twice as much to get shittier hardware.

save the money and jump off a building

>Gaming laptops are perfectly good investments
>Spend much more for less


Yeah, spend more for less. As in less space to store it, less weight so you can carry it around the house, less cables to manage so it's nice and neat, and less fucking hassle overall.

For fuck's sake, you might as well be arguing against laptops in general. No laptop will ever perform as well as an equivalently-priced PC. You're making the extra buck so that you can get a similar function in a portable form factor.

But it's not like you're even going to read more than the first five words to this post, either.

>No laptop will ever perform as well as an equivalently-priced PC.
>No laptop will ever perform as well as an equivalently-priced PC.
>No laptop will ever perform as well as an equivalently-priced PC.

If i go for the laptop ill probably drop 3grand. Im not poor i just dont play that many games so seems extravagant


Not all of us have the luxury of sitting at a desk in our moms basement 24/7/365

Was probably just gonna get a surface pro 4 if i go that route. Detachable keyboard would make it a better kindle. Although i might be wasting money on touchscreen its not like i draw

But i dont want a desktop. Why have i had to repeat this 10 times now. Why are you people so autistic

>i don't want a desktop even though i literally said i'm willing to buy a ps4 making portability a non issue for me
>i want to spend more money for a cucktop instead of plugging a desktop into a tv and have a better ps4 without bloodborne

Hey guys i was thinking about getting a surfboard what should I get?
>no surfboard can tow as much as a tugboat
>no surfboard can tow as much as a tugboat
>no surfboard can tow as much as a tugboat

>hey guys i was thinking about getting a skateboard but should i get a surfboard and tape wheels on it so i can ride it on land too

But i dont want a desktop pc. I know this is a wild fucking concept but some of us have jobs. Some of us travel. Some of us leave our houses. Some of us would like to take their games OUTSIDE. A ps4 would be cool to play with friends but thats about the only reason id ever consider one. Id play many more titles on a laptop

Youre just as shitty at analogies as you are at basic reading comprehension. Summer never ends here in Sup Forums I see

If you're planning on taking the laptop outside you don't want a gaming laptop. You want something small, power-efficient, and relatively cheap in case something happens to it. And you'll never play the latest games. You might be able to use some emulators, and there's tons of smaller games that you can play on a regular laptop, but a gaming laptop is not an investment for playing outside.

You get a gaming laptop to play games around your house and so that you don't have to have a passive PC. You don't get a gaming laptop for playing outside. They're too expensive to risk breaking / losing and they use too much power to get much playtime out of.

>Youre just as shitty at analogies

t. aquatic vessel analogy poster

So gaming laptops like Alienware are a meme, what about a regular laptop with a gpu?

>come to Sup Forums for advice
>Sup Forums tells you not to buy something fucking stupid
>but Sup Forums i'm really set on being a fucking retard

go to reddit if you want laptop recommendations

i'm serious:

Most people didnt address the question though. I asked for opinions between choices a and b and i had a bunch of people tell me how i really should be choosing c

>I asked for opinions between choices a and b and i had a bunch of people tell me how i really should be choosing c

more like you asked for a choice between a and b and people told you a is retarded so get b or c but definitely don't get fucking a

How much should i spend to build a gaming pc

At this point, there is no reason to have a gaming laptop

because steam in home stream exists.

You can have a shit all laptop, or tablet, and the assume control of your blazin fast PC while still being man portable around your home. All you need is a decent wifi network and you are gold. Unless you plan on PC gaming at school or something, there is not reason to get a gaming laptop.

Over the internet streaming is getting better too. It is to the point where you can play slower games, and most movies through your internet connection from your home computer.

In the next 5 years, I suspect it will be the it thing to have your own server that hosts everything you could want to your network connected devices. Learn it and work with it while it is still cheap to do so.

But wait it gets better

Remember that Raspberry Pi meme? What if I told you its not such a meme anymore. Cause you can load that bitch up with a RetroPi image, then load up a thumbdrive with every old school game, then hook that bitch up to your network. Then you fucking remote into your own retro station, from your shit all laptop, or phone and play any of a number of games. Its only a matter of time before those little bastards can remote into a client, and when that happens, this whole fucking world is gonna blow up.

Thats a pretty cool idea. Thanks man