Best Gamecube games?

Best Gamecube games?

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Smash bros melee



Check out Vexx

Prime 1
Prime 2
Wind Waker

Killer 7

this is also correct.

prime and echoes are awesome


Pokemon XD

Twilight Princess

this was shockingly competent and a staple of my childhood

I don't care what Sup Forums says, Sunshine is a great Mario game.

It was good for sure. Kind of out of nowhere too.

it is. Sup Forums is contrarian and cranky

I liked the sequel.

kirby air ride
super mario sunshine
star fox adventures
mario kart double dash

my nigga
I just got done 100%ing it

Luigi's Mansion is very surprisingly good. I can't think of another game that provides such great creepy atmosphere, and it doesn't even have any gory shit.

Dumb game that's a lot of fun, costs a gorillion dollars if you're looking for a physical disc though.

Where did this series go?

>I gave that to one of my friends
>He never gave it back


Tales of Symphonia

>1 "you my nigga" has been deposited into your bank account

fucking loved that game. it WAS surprisingly creepy at night.

supa mario sunshine wahoo


I really really like this list

Gotcha Force

I remember playing it as a kid and genuinely being terrified to go into some areas. I hope we get a proper sequel for Switch.

Eternal Darkness

That game still looks fantastic.

It's the most visually appealing Mario game I've seen.

When I was a kid, the section with the invisible ghosts that choked you scared me so much I had my brother play those rooms for me

They don't make games like that anymore

Muigis mansion
Edernal darkness
Fantasy star online 1 & 2 plus
F 0 gx
Aminal Crossing
Wind Maker


I have yet to play the sequel, but I've been told it's even better.

I was going to post this.
Have a physical disc, feels good.

Did you guys play Dark Moon? What'd you think of it?


But yeah, that game was fun as hell back then. Maybe I should try and emulate it sometime

This would be my one reason for buying the switch

I borrowed my friend's copy, and gave it back after a week. Im sorry you had shitty friends.

Kira Sebun

it's literally the best 3d mario

thank god odyssey is going back to sandbox

I have it, it's literally nowhere near as good as the original.

From just the visuals alone it looks nothing like how different Luigi's Mansion looked compared to other Mario titles, instead it kinda just looks like another Mario title with bright simplistic textures and assets.

It's not open ended like Luigi's Mansion either, I mean it's got some more variety to it and there's more puzzles but I never even finished it, it's just that 'meh' to me.

A real sequel on a console would've been nice but it won't happen. Luigi's Mansion was a moment in time with a game that really shouldn't have happened but it did and it was amazing.

you are like little baby, listen to this shit
I had a massive gamecube collection, all the good shit had like 4 of those fucking Zelda collectors edition too
then my brother sold it all for drug money, cocksucker made pennies off that shit when I could sell them for hundreds today. Cunt even sold my memory cards.

Sucks dick compared to the gamecube one. You do missions in multiple mansions instead of puzzles in one big mansion. More kid friendly and isn't spooky at all.


At least it wasn't your friend. Sounds like something a brother would do.

>this entire post

You should pour sugar in his gas tank.

My meth head cousin stole my father's silver GameBoy Light back in 1994 or so, and pawned it.

Now, the GBL is the most sought after OG Gameboy.

more like reddit recommends games

Holy fuck, are you AU me?
Years ago stole I let my crackhead sister borrow my whole BOXED snes collection, and she sold em off to a friend of a friend all for $100. I'm still mad to this day, I barely ever talk to her anymore
Not vidya related, but once she almost made my pregnant wife drive her to the desert with some shovels. Probably for something that's probably illegal, but it doesn't matter because she refused many times

>B..b..but drugs should be legalised
This is what happens when you let selfish decadence to spread, you get a less caring, selfish society

Did you guys play other Custom Robo games? How do they compare to the Gamecube version???

kek I sold my friend's brother's games on ebay for him. 100 bucks for chrono trigger and another 100 for the rest of the gba and snes games

i didn't really think anything odd of it at the time, but I later found out that my friend had overstepped his boundries doing so and it totally ruined their relationship

that friend doesn't talk to me anymore because I told him to improve his life

unknown game coming through

The TV series killed it

Nobody even watched the TV series.

>chibi robo

u avin a giggle m8?

The only other one I played was Arena on the DS, and I liked it a lot.
Found it almost if not just as enjoyable as the Gamecube one.

good comfy shit right there

killer7 is best, there is no contest, don't even try. It may be the best game ever made.

>unknown game
You should have at least posted the sequel on the DS

Best controls by far with the worst levels and short length. It's still good to great just because of that. Better than Galaxy since that's too linear for me.

Not one mention of Metroid Prime or Metroid Prime 2: Echoes? I was counting on you, user.

I could never get past the second to last boss of this game. (I don't actually know if he's the final boss or not, i never looked it up.) I always thought it was wonderful and underrated, yet the fact that I sank so much time into it and never could defeat him HAUNTS ME to this day.

we all assumed he knew already



>smash brothers
>luigi's mansion
>mario party 4
>super mario sunshine
>animal crossing
>metroid prime/prime 2
>wind waker

The prequel* is really good but doesn't overshadow the original.
They both have different strengths and weaknesses.

Resident Evil 4, GC version is still the best version.

Appalled that this hasn't been posted.

Shove your emote up your ass and kill yourself.

I wish I could see how this game aged. Lost it a long time ago.

How is this game compared to the original?
How is Wave Race Blue Storm compared to the original?


Never played Blue Storm.

I prefer Avalanche to the original.


tfw swiped it up from GS for 21 dollars this along with Phantasy star Ep.1 and 2 are purchase I will never sell.

Are these part of the same franchise or is it coincidence? Which is better?

Thoughts on Cube vs Wii for Metroid Prime?

On my backlog

I'm shocked you haven't claimed a red lantern ring yet.

>Wii version has option to use Gamecube controller while offering widescreen, extra PS2 content, and without the disc swapping.
Wii version is the definitive one brah. Even the motion controls are fun

>Chibi or Custom
It depends what you want. With, multi-player Custom Robo is better seeing as Chibi doesn't have multi-player.
>Cube or Wii Prime
Cube Prime for sure.

They're two completely different games, not part of the same franchise.
and the gameplay is so different they aren't worth comparing.

Custom robo and Chibi robo are unrelated and completely different games. One's an action brawler, the other's a comfy platformer/collect-a-thon. Both are good though.

being this new

lost kingdoms

>Being this autistic

Incredibly ironic that you would say that.
