1996 Nostalgia shit feels crap thread

It's 1996. Are what are you playing?
Are you happy?
A normie?
Are you even born yet?

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I was 12 and playing Genesis and Gameboy and some Comp.

Christmas 1996 I was enjoying Super Mario 64 on holiday from school.

>less than $50 for new games
>console $200
Where did it all go so wrong?


AAA movies

My Saturn and my SNES.

I'm very happy.

I'm the furthest thing from being a normie as one can get.

Snes Nigguha,probably super metroid
Fuck yeah, No responsibilities whatsoever, just vidya
Pretty Norm,
Ten Years old, Born in 86.


holy shit what a year for games

I was happy
I was 15 and playing Elite
My family was good and not in shambles

>Be 3
>Playing Donkey Kong Country on my moms SNES

That was the shit nigga

At that point I was in third grade and had inherited my brother's old Game Boy and SNES, so I was mainly playing Link to the Past and DKC and Final Fantasy III, and Donkey Kong Land II on the GB.

Can a 10 year old be a normie? I didn't get into video games until a year after that.

>reviewers always shit on sega saturn / atari jaguar
>had them growing up
>fun as fucking shit

Maybe as an adult the games are just boring, but I loved saturn and jaguar.

The last remaining scraps of the Sega Genesis library.
I got an SNES for Christmas that year, and a bunch of Beast Wars toys. So yes.
Probably not.

I used to look through those gigantic Sears catalogs when I was little (because it had pages upon pages of consoles and games) and dream about getting all the games I wanted. That's what OP's pic made me think of.

The Jaguar? Really?

I loved being able to enjoy shitty games like pic related. Having no sense of discernment of what was "good" or "bad", just LOL VIDEO GAMES DUDE.

>It's 1996. Are what are you playing?
Red Alert & Quake
>Are you happy?
No. Not the game's fault though.
>A normie?
>Are you even born yet?
13 years old at the time.

>128kb memory cards $24.99
it could be worse user

96 ?

Shit, probably SNES/Gameboy at home or Mario 64/Metal Gear Solid/Blasto at a friends house later that year before Phil Hartman and Chris Farley died.

Yeah, I specifically remember this game being a massive life sucking deal. I played this nonstop. It was probably on other consoles and shit as well but idk about any of that back then, I found it on jaguar.

If we're including PC in this then Quake 1 and all kinds of other stuff.

I mean, the equivalent in terms of usefulness costs a lot more than that.

I hope we're including PC. Whenever I asked if I could get a Super Nintendo my parents would always ask me what was wrong with my regular Nintendo.

Lots of great games released that year. Super Mario RPG, Diablo, Mario 64, MegaMan x 3, Kirby super star, resident evil, the list goes on..

I got Blasto for my birthday one year. As well as the Fifth Element on Ps1

> Fifth Element on Ps1

I played that, that's not a gift in any aspect


Well i loved the movie and naturally thought the game would be great as well.

I was 5 or 6, didn't have a console at the time because my parents wouldn't let me get one.

I'd be on my gameboy or my amiga.

I was 4. Playing mostly SMB 1&3, Dr. Mario, Mickey Mousecapade (fuck this game), TMNT (Fuck that too), and Duck Hunt. Didn't really start playing LoZ til I was 5. Didn't get a system besides the NES til Christmas of '98, the N64.

I had other games on the NES, but I don't recall most of them at this point. I remember Mad Max and never figuring out where the fuck to go in it.

>super gaming power
>3D graphics
>32-bit power

It's funny seeing this now

5th gen is one of shittiest times in gaming history, although the growing pains allowed a lot of awesome future content. i just don't want to relive it.

>what is inflation

>tfw games would get big through word of mouth at primary school
>Theme hospital/park
>GTA 1
>MGS 1