What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?
Was it really the completely unlikable black main character?

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Could be. Everyone wanted to play as Mercer, instead they used the angry black dude that was screaming at the camera every 5 secs.

Also the gameplay was worse off compared to the first one. Everything also became too easy and exploration was boring. They never bothered to improve anything either.

>angry black dude that was screaming at the camera every 5 secs
What was his fucking problem?

Agreed. Made me sad

Break out the fuck counter


He's black

>Everything also became too easy
This. I remember PROTOTYPE having this massive difficulty spike around the half way point but the sequel never had that, the whole thing had almost no challenge. Hard mode in 2 was a joke.

this 2bh

Nobody wants to play a bla*k

Wasn't that he was black, it was that he had a child and his motivation was finding his child. Any attempts in Prototype 1 to make Mercer look like a conflicted anti-hero were comical. Trying to make Protonegro a human when he was already known to be an evil virus blob monster is dumb as shit.

All they had to do was make him a black guy that wanted to murder all the police because fuck the police and he'd have been 100x more likable.

>Mercer in 1 goes out of his way to save humanity
>lol he's evil now
>kill him with this unlikeable faggot instead

>plot of the first game involves Mercer realizing Mercer was actually a total dick but they're not the same person and he wants to save the city
>second game turns him into a comically evil asshole for no reason so you can kill him
I understand it's difficult moving forward with an action game plot where your protagonist is that ridiculously strong, but they didn't even try with the basic premise.

oh also they nerfed the whips to shit so I spent the entire game flying up and slamming the ground with my fists. i used literally nothing else at any time.

>Protagonist go from Mercer, to a stereotype OOGABOOGA black man that absolutely nobody asked
>Gameplay dumbed down in every possible way
>Story get shit on hard

It's basically the first prototype, but with absolutely everything worse.

Wasn't there only 1 new power (replacing one of the older ones), and it kinda sucked?

Is Prototype 1 still worth playing? How well has it aged?

It just feel a bit clunky.

>You coudln't even destroy the buildings anymore. >The nests were replaced with generic sewers filled with monsters.
>The final boss is just rock paper scissor.
>The final boss is too retarded to kill the mc "I won't kill you because you are weak (even thought you have killed my best men) and I hope one day you will join me even thought you hate me with passion"

I'm honestly not sure of a single thing they improved in 2 from 1.

I think it had more Devastators? Even the combined abilities were worse.

hello Sup Forums

Yeah, the game was just the 1st on life support and a shittier antagonist. Strafing buildings in helis was the best part about post-win content.

Probably bait, but the problem isn't the skin color, it's that he's the embodiment of every black stereotype you can come up wih.

And people still say than anti-Sup Forums isnt as bad as Sup Forums

so is the first one good?
I finally have a pc good enough to play all those fancy games of a few years ago

1st is guilty pleasure. It's almost like a so-bad-its-good movie. Shitty grumbly voice butthurt hipster queer as protagonist, plot is flimsy, enemies are comical Umbrella corp PMC evils and zombies, but you're just such an unstoppable badass and moving around is just fun as shit.

Kinda clunky but it was fun.

Deciding to make Mercer into an evil villain after the character development he had in the 1st one was just shitty.

*smacks lips profusely*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*eats a skittle*
*checks for nearest KFC*
*collects welfare*
*licks teeth and smacks lips*
*does the crip walk*
*opens a up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown*
*tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer*
*dindu nuffins*
*sucks air through teeth*
*pulls up sagging pants*
*instinctively looks around for police*
*faints and then gets up repeatedly*
*scopes dem titties*
*shouts at movie theater screen*
*chucks spear*
*sets down cotton bale*
*strokes welfare check pensively*
*throws gang sign*
*swings from basketball hoop*
*grabs dick and shuffles left and right*
*participates in a drive-by shooting*
*converts to Islam*
*repeated World Star yelling in the background*
*sells crack*
*evolves from a primate*

Sounds good, I love high mobility

The fact that Heller was black isn't the issue.
>Gameplay is more streamlined at the loss of customization and overall freedom, in the end it's too big of a loss.
>Heller is just poorly written. Given weak motivations, overall is a blank slate of a character
>Mercer lost any of the good writing he had. He was no Magnum Opus of a character in 1 but he certainly had some interesting motivations and the fact that he kept going even though he knew he was just a virus was pretty neat
>His reasoning for being evil is pretty lame
>Also acts like an idiot all game, while he acted at least somewhat competent in 1
>World felt much smaller, the Yellow Zone is boring because nothing happens, the Green Zone is boring because nothing happens, and the Red Zone is boring because it's only soldiers and like 2 hunters every 4 minutes
>It seriously feels like they ran out of ideas for the story when they got to the Red Zone, as it just goes down hill real fast.
>Blacklight when from a dubious military group with questionable yes somewhat justified morals and unreliable leadership into saturday morning cartoon villains who do shit like "infect folks in public spaces even though we have subterranian labs" or "kill minorities because whynotlol"
>Basically no replayability while I still load up the first one to fuck around sometimes.

man, who invented streamlining
the internet can give you all the walkthroughs and guides ever, there's no point to hand holding

I agree, my fellow neutral anonymous.
As an unbiased observer, I have to say that anti-Sup Forums is a bunch of SJW cucks, while Sup Forums does nothing wrong and is a likeable board.

For me it was the lack of transformation mode to not-Guyver. I heard it was just a dlc skin or some nonsense. Fuck that.

Excuse me sir, but do you have a permit for that meme?

Prototype 2 was great my dude
Also why do people act like Mercer was such a good character when he was just a gravelly voiced edgelord that spewed bullshit moralism while murdering hundreds of innocents?
Either way, I enjoyed both games greatly and wish there was a current gen release.

nothing against the character, he's just as bland as the first

the game is just even more shallow than the first and beyond that, they chopped the game into dlc's and preorder bonuses.

absolute trash that was like 1/4 of the content of the first game

>wish there was a current gen release.
There literally is

Did people really like the plot of the original? Granted the whole "get others people memories to find out more of the plot" gimmick was cool but I couldn't remotely take Mercer's plight seriously about him being a monster in his past when he cannibalizes, slashes, pulverizes and all around torture other people all the damn time throughout the game.

It was stupid and it felt like it was written by an edgy 14 year old going through a phase.

oh shit I dont

Permit this
*grabs dick*

I missed being able to go into bases and just slowly stealth consume everyone inside until it's just one guy left and then leaving.

That's the point though. 2 was so bad people literally wanted Mercer back

Especially when you play an entire game as him which you obviously liked if you bought the sequel, but then you're supposed to kill him.

>Disguise as soldier
>Go to Red Zone
>Join Brothers in arms to destroy virus mutants/zombies with guns only
Anyone else did this? It's oddly fun joining the NPC battles.

>That's the point though. 2 was so bad people literally wanted Mercer back
I see you're point.

I liked the concept of using stealth and deception to infiltrate enemy ranks, which Mercer's design conveyed a hell of a lot better than big angry black guy.

He was fine. Lots of funny moments plus some great dialogue. The reason why Prototype 2 did so badly was because in almost all aspects the gameplay was a regression from the first game.

Mercer had almost zero development in the first game and his evil heel-turn made sense considering he was no longer human and grew to hate them as a result of the memories he'd consume + experiences showing that they're all liars and cheats.

Yeah, I also liked using the tank. It's less fun in Prototype 2 because of that stupid auto-lockon that you can't turn off. One second I'm mowing down zombies and then the next I'm being targeted by Blackwatch because the game decided I wanted to shoot at them instead.

Their major fuck up was not including what the small comic between Prototype 1 and Prototype 2 modified and expanded about the lore in P2.
It was bullshit.
That comic was actually extremely well made and explains why mercer suddenly does a fucking U turn and wants to kill everyone.

>That comic was actually extremely well made and explains why mercer suddenly does a fucking U turn and wants to kill everyone.

Apart from the comically bad villain they turned Mercer into, the main thing I hated about the game was how they switched the gliding/air jumping controls. The whole game I would accidentally jump when I wanted to glide and vice versa. Shit was annoying.

And it was also just too much "more of the same". Much like Viewtiful Joe 2 or something, the game just didn't improve enough over the first for me.

Unless you are a cuck, you can just rebind

The best part of prototype 1 was the progression. You started out weak and the city started out strong, the more the infestation spread the stronger you became, by the point the city was on the verge of death you had just barely become an unstoppable god killing machine.
In prototype 2 you start as an unstoppable god killing machine and you fight enemies with one specific weakness that it beats over your head before the fight, over and over, there was no progression, it was generic open world bullshit.

There just isn't really anywhere for the series to go after the 1st one.

You're an immortal shapeshifting superhero and nothing can threaten you and Manhattan was almost completely destroyed. It's hard to go anywhere from here that isn't a retread. At least they tried to switch things up with a new MC

I like to give developers the benefit of the doubt that they changed things for a good reason, so I usually just play games with the default controls till I get used to them. But this game was one of the rare instances where I never got used to it and it seemed weird the whole damn time. Maybe if I ever replay it I will.

Everyone acts like Mercer was so great in the first game but the truth is he was boring and one-dimensional. Tyrone deMarcus Jefferson is irritating but he's really just a different flavor of shit. Prototype 2 is the better game in my eyes, mostly due to greater enemy variety and superior controls.

It's like Bioshock 1 vs. any other Bioshock
Muh slave obeys thing wasn't really a profound philosophical statement, but it was an order of magnitude above muh communism and muh religion.

Mercer was kinda bland and edgy, but he was OK. OOGA BOOGA MUH FAMILY was just horrible - he looked like something from a patriotic american movie made by hollywood jews.

I personally really enjoyed mercers journey of self discovery and the realization that he was actually nothing more than a cluster of infection (and the fact that this wasn't unnecessarily edgy when it easily could have been).