are you Fucking READY?!?!!
are you Fucking READY?!?!!
i'm ready for the shitstorm of the year
dont care who wins, i gain from everything
I'm just gonna falseflag and shitpost no matter what the opinion is.
I better be able to emulate this shit day one or heads will roll
I'm ready for you to shut the hell up.
Hacking my Wii U right now for this shit.
>TFW not a huge Zelda fag or open world fag.
I'll buy it in a year.
botw looks like a generic wrpg but i eagerly await the models being ripped for sfm porn.
You are aware that they're sending only the Switch version, right?
>Horizon fails
>Shitposts up the ass
>Horizon succeeds
>Shitposts up the ass
>BOTW fails
>Shitposts up the ass
>BOTW succeeds
>Shitposts up the ass
any scenario is potential kek material im looking forward to this year, feels good not having brand loyalty
no reviewer is getting wii u copy
Wii U's hacked and ready to go
But the question is will BotW get a good or bad score
>Your Predicted Score X/100
>Paid Review Score X/100
>Honest Review Score X/100
>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>DPS Score X/100
>Angry Joe Score X/100
>Jim Sterling Score X/100
bruh , they are sending the switch versions , not the wiiu ones.
It's launching globally next week. Retailers are getting them, it could leak at any moment.
>Your Predicted Score X/100
>Paid Review Score X/100
>Honest Review Score X/100
>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>DPS Score X/100
>Angry Joe Score X/100
too empty
>Jim Sterling Score X/100
"it's """okay""""
>space before and after comma
can you leave
>>Your Predicted Score X/100
Mine personally? 90/100
>>Paid Review Score X/100
95/100 or higher
>>Honest Review Score X/100
>>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>>DPS Score X/100
>>Angry Joe Score X/100
>>Jim Sterling Score X/100
I don't give a shit about ecelebs
Why am I so obsessed with this fucking children's video game series? I don't even play adventure games anymore. I'm 26 years old. I have a career.
OoT and MM addicted me for life.
Remember, no matter what happens:
Sup Forums will be shit for a month
Sup Forums will become a warzone
Sup Forums will never be the same
Sup Forums will hate every open world game
Sup Forums will flood with shills, shitposts, falseflags and literal garbage.
PC fags will try to get a word in but be drowned by the sea of shills the will be Sup Forums- The Warzone: Mission Zero
Newfags will come to talk about vidya only to be turned away by the sea of darkness and absolute faggotry that will take over Sup Forums.
For those staying I leave my keks, my memes, and this shit pasta.
Goodbye guys, its been a hell of a ride.
>Jim Sterling Score
Pirate Nintendo/10
stop complaining
AHHH hold me Sup Forums im literally shaking ive been waiting for this game for 5 years :)))) and im going to KILL myself if it gets less than NINETY FIVE on metacritic :D
>Your Predicted Score X/100
>Paid Review Score X/100
>Honest Review Score X/100
>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>DPS Score X/100
Don't care/100
>Angry Joe Score X/100
>Jim Sterling Score X/100
Don't care/100
>>Your Predicted Score X/100
>>Paid Review Score X/100
99.99 plus tip/100
>>Honest Review Score X/100
>>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>>DPS Score X/100
>>Angry Joe Score X/100
>>Jim Sterling Score X/100
Sup Forums has always been a containment board
You're here forever
I want to rub Zelda's eyebrows!
fucking retard lol you wont be able to emulate this game successfully probably until next year when enough progress on the emulations been made.
I'm pretty sure they are only sending out Switch review copies.
Not going to happen
No one is going to risk nintendo suing their ass
>>Your Predicted Score X/100
>>Paid Review Score X/100
>>Honest Review Score X/100
>>Brutally Unfair Score X/100
>hyped enough to scream about a leak
>doesn't care to actually spend money to support the game
You could flawlessly emulate Skyward Sword day one on PC with all the bells and whistles. But you're probably right, only like 20% of games are playable on Cemu at the moment.
huh , what do you mean ?
SS and BOTW are not same game at all tech and gameplay wise.
Why does it take Nintendo 7 years to make a Zelda console game?
let them PC faggots dream about emulation it, it wont happen until few months from now.
You do know that botw is releasing on wii u, and that the wii u has been emulatable for some time, right?
he said 'successfully", smart ass.
No matter what happens, we will make it through The Switch War whether alive or dead. Godspeed to you all
As long as you can play it, I'd call it successful.
it doesnt, they made the game in 2 years. but they held it hostage for another 3 years just to get nintendies to buy their tablet and sell them day one dlc and amiibos with it.
I'll see you tomorrow.
>could literally be emulating this by day's end
dumb cloverposter
at 5fps
biggest shitstorm ever
I am preparing my body
>pass user
>giving hiro money
SEED MORE GODDAMMIT 16hrs left i work tomorrow you fuckers
thing is, you most likely won't be able to play it until few months from now, its going to be the hardest game to emulate probably due to its vast open world.
dumb I'm not a robotposter
But did they send out Wii U copies or just Switches?
was it leaked in torrent format ?
im waiting for mega upload tho
You need to replace your printer ink
>yfw 8.8
fake, also, gay hand.
can you point us where ? unless you're trolling or got trolled.
I think it would be fun if Nintendo uniquely marked review copies in some way so that if they leak, Nintendo knows who leaked them. I don't care about the pirates but it would be entertaining to see the leakers get fucked up the ass.
I'm expecting reviews between 90-95. Worst will be 80.
IGN 10/10
90/100 (technical problems like framerate)
>Brutally unfair
Polygon or Kinda Funny 78-80/100 (diversity, no handholding, graphics)
10/10 (It's like ALttP in 3D)
>Pissed Pedro
70/100 (Graphics, handholding, story makes no sense, Nintendo takes away my 7 dollars)
>Jim Sterling
>85/100 (diversity, Nintendo and the ads, will praise the open nature of the gameplay, will trash the technical department)
Oh, no. Not a few months to a year! What an insurmountable obstacle, you truly have shown me the error of my ways.
>spoonfeed me pls
>what are private trackers
WiiU version was not sent out for review. Sorry to crush ya dreams.
Why people insist on BotW having frame rate issues?
At least on the switch, the frame rate is pretty much solid, only dropping on very, very rare occasions.
The biggest problem is the quite rough pop ins.
hi, i edit for a reviewer who was paid off by a nintendo subsidiary
Zelda: Breath of the Wild will receive a 92, or 1-adjacent score, on metacritic
Master troll. 10/10 love ya bae
seems all the reviewers ive seen only have the switch version
your best bet is the game leaking through amazon or something
>lower than skyward sword
literally kek
>7.8 Too much climbing
Well, it drops. Anything that's not constant 60fps gets shitted on nowadays.
It's not cool to like Zelda any more. Video game industry is about SJWs, diversity, and quotas now. Expect there to be points deducted because Link is a male. Expect the people who praised the shit out of Skyrim to deduct points for whatever open world things they hate in this game.
my negroes
fucking this
no matter what happens half of Sup Forums will be butthole busted for weeks
>he thinks Sup Forums will BECOME cancerous
where do you think you're shitposting right now?
People love Horizon, though.
>Angry Joe Score X/100
Made me chuckle
>8.8 was 11 years ago
Face it, you're addicted to the things you hate.
Is the Wii U version going to run on the current firmware?
Probably not, come to think of it.
Link absorbs the darkness from Ganon and is thrown into another timeline for whatever reason
Why is everyone in such a rush? It's like you guys just want to get it out of the way so you can wait another 6 years for the next one
Take your time, enjoy the hype, enjoy the excitement and have fun
I know it's fake but imagine the shitstorm if it ended with Link meeting another Link.
The sooner it leaks the sooner I can emulate it. I have no delusions this'll be playable on release though. At two months at absolute best before truly playable, and at that time hopefully someone will have a full shader cache which isn't an assured thing
But didn't this happen like 2 games ago
you need to be 18+ to post here
TP Link met OoT/MM Link
I want to have the game playable before it gets spoiled for me
How the hell do i get loadiine 4.0 i got loadiine gx2 atm help
It's on a cartridge, would this make it harder for copies to slip out of production to a leaker like discs do?
I mean like an actual alive guy, not a barely recognizable skeleton who was left handed and alluded to being a hero. I mean like some Hyrule Warriors shit.
Why the FUCK wasn't the skeleton a playable character? Even just a skin with voice clips.
>Forgetting the Wii U version