>"Hold on man let me just log into my alt toon"
"Hold on man let me just log into my alt toon"
That's a dude right?
Why does it matter? A hole is a hole as the ancient chinese proverb goes.
If it is then I guess I´m a fag
whats wrong with probing alts or cap toons
What if we're playing toontown?
Then you are a true patrician.
Nah. This chick is 100% real and continues to be the best Asuka cosplayer known to man
asukafags need to leave
he's got a really tiny bulge if so
Good, the more feminine the dick is the less gay
That will be the quote on my tombstone bud
tfw no asuka gf
I don't get it. The OP clearly shows that in fact, there are Asukas in the world, you just haven't found one yet. Why be sad when you haven't even begun to search?
Reverse google search is shit, where can I find more pics of her?
who the fuck calls it a toon
the only eva girl worth a shit was misato
maybe 10-15 passable asukas
and they would probably get fat and uggo if i actually spent years tracking one down and courting them
Use Yandex instead.
Alexandra Gaier
>tfw have Asuka gf but green
You can do it user, I believe in you and everyone else on this wretched site
I have mommy problems
I have daddy problems
I'm a normal person
Wait, are you trying to say she has green skin? green hair?
You are also assuming that user can get an Asuka if he even finds one.
This will only happen if he's a serial rapist.
I'm afraid of women having any dependence from me
Misato is for normies
Asuka is for masochists
Rei is for sadists
It's like you guys didn't even watch the show. You can't rely on others on happiness, you need to make your happiness yourself and others will come to you
>I'm a normal person
Rei is literally a hollow shell.
>Tfw shes a over 21 years old
How the fuck she still got an 14 year old loli body wtf.
Green hair, user.
I have mommy problems
I have daddy problems
Im autistic
Yui is the best girl
>you need to make your happiness yourself and others will come to you
I have never understood this concept, like, is it implying that happyness is about deluding yourself into thinking you are happy.
Rei is a submissive girl who cooks well and doesn't talk a lot or have troublesome emotions. That's exactly what normal people want.
I wonder if the evas have vaginas.
>inb4 someones posts that pic of the EVA 01 armorless
That shit is fanart.
My negro of close kin
Pretty much everyone in Evangelion are horrible people, so the only factor that matters is hotness.
Asuka wins.
Why the cutest cosplayer never post nudes, why.
to stay pure for you
Because she already gets enough attention like this.
happiness is a mindset, user. If you truly delude yourself into thinking you are happy, that means you are happy, no?
You don't need another person to be happy user. It certainly makes it easier, no denying that, but a person can still be happy while alone.
A happy person is also more attractive to others. Happiness begets happiness.
I haven't done it myself, but thats the philosophy of it.
Go to an anime convention. There's hundreds of cosplayers begging for attention there.
I would but I'm too old now