Vidya fashion thread

Do you wear any video game related clothing in public Sup Forums?
Thinking about getting one of these assassins creed hoodies, not sure which color to get though

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I wouldn't wear it in public, it looks too autistic. But I must admit that it looks cool as fuck. I wish stuff like this was acceptable

/fa/ would like to have a word with you.

This actually looks like something /fa/ would buy and then complain looks shit outside of pictures

I own this and a Windwaker Ganon hoodie.

Damn those look neat

Is this subtle enough to wear in public

I went to /fa/ once. Suffice it to say that /fa/utists are not fashionable

I have 2 WoW shirts. 1 of the lich king, 1 of the alliance insignia. I don't feel embarassed to wear them in public, and I'm usually wearing a hoodie over it anyway since it always rains in ireland.

Someone post the pic of nucucks wearing these

If it was just a simple hoodie, no design, and not sucha a harsh green, I'd totally wear that. The floppy hood is cool

>But I must admit that it looks cool as fuck.
but it doesn't

I have a doom shit

you're a fashionable guy

Made me kek

My go to hat is a Fatal Fury cap, if that counts.

Fuck I'm jealous

There is an entire collage dedicated to pictures of autist who buy cheap Korean and Chinese clothing like this and expect to look like a K Pop star.

Post it

Those are clothes made for slender asians, not hambeast americans. They will not look good on you.




Kinda this. Not even say hambeast, but if your proportions are not those of the mannequin it's probably gonna sag somewhere.

I don't mind this shirt.

All of Supergiant's merch is super comfy to wear.


Considering getting this and a Diamond Dogs/FoxHound logo shirt.
Also anyone know any good Souls/Bloodborne shirts?




There is nothing subtle about graphic tees with video game shit printed on them.
The only way to do "subtle" vidya fashion is to dress loosely in the same style/colors as a video game character, but done entirely with simple clothing items you can find at a normal fashionable store

90% of the time they dont look as good when you actually buy them, try finding them on actual human models instead, its a better representation


>tfw only ever wore normal, non-autismo clothing my entire life

If you don't fight crime while wearing that then you have no excuse to own it.

something like this? it has the floppy hood as well

The beans donahld

>Vidya shirts = autism
That's like saying music/movie shirts are autistic. It's autistic to be embarrassed by a fucking hobby enough to not wear something because you're afraid of being judged.


that's not a reference thats a plain fucking hoody

But music/movie shirts ARE autistic

Some of those look like they'd fit right in on a college campus depending on the campus.
The jacket is gaudy any way you look at it. its fun for parties or something but never for plain day.

I've got one of those, OP
It fits really well and I've had people in my class complement me on it. Even a few girls who usually won't speak to me at all have started a conversation based on the hoodie

Just remember to order one size up from what you would normally wear

If you're not buff as fuck with wide shoulders it won't look like that on you.

Why is he wearing my aunts sweater and my grandmas shoes

With that logic wearing anything that's not a plain/generic shirt is autistic. Some people like to wear clothing that allows them to express themselves a bit. Not that you'd know how other people work.

You can express yourself with different colors and clothing styles
You don't need brand logos and movie references to express yourself. If you do, you need to rethink what defines yourself.

>ywn have the body to pull one of these off
I have been trying for a month, hitting the gym with a friend who is really into fitness several times a week, but my belly still remains.
Do I end it all now?

I got one of these as a gift from my family.

It's a girl fit and one size smaller than what I usually wear, so it feels like I have it painted on.

The worst part is I do like to wear it, but I feel one day I will sneeze and thing will rip.

it's from here

what is the inspiration for this item?

>bitches tell me I dress well
>all I ever wear is solid color tshirts with different jeans and black shoes
someone explain this to me because I don't get it

stop eating you fat fuck

This. It's a shirt, not a fucking billboard.

>black mannequin
I'm so tired of cultural marxism. day of the rope can't come soon enough

fuck off /fa/ggot

>you're a while, male neckband

But I'm not 2 of those 3 things. Then again I wouldn't be caught dead with that shit regardless.

Yeah, you can express yourself that way, but I don't like the look of that, it's plain to me, I enjoy the look of graphic tees with nice designs on them.

It's an assassins creed hoodie

I understand that the material's shotty, but these guys are either skellies or fatbodies.

how do you dress correctly in modern times

It might be a basic as fuck look, but it's hard to fuck it up (unless you add shit like a pedo stache or a trillby).

looks cheap and goofy

Reminder that that hoodie looks awesome on fit people but bad on you.

What do you define as a "nice design" exactly?

I did. Last year I went down from 220 to 172. I've still got this big belly though and I feel like it's never gonna leave.

Damn, how'd you manage to grow a neckbeard when you're an Asian woman? That takes some talent

are you joking?

how the fuck are music shirts autism?

I could maybe understand like over the top edgy heavy metal shirts but stuff like a Coldplay graphic tee is far from autistic you stupid autist

Sometimes, simple is effective. If you're decent looking you can easily pull off that kind of look.

How? I've got a nice sweater from eddie bauer, and that looks similar to what I have.

You've still got a good 40 pounds you could lose

Own that belly mate, and dress like goron

>dress loosely in the same style/colors as a video game character
like this?

Thanks doc

How does it make me a billboard? And either way, if I like the game and design of the shirt why do I care if I'm "advertising" it?

Nice bait, you almost got me.

probably the fit is good. it s not an exaggeration that at least 3/4 of men wear jeans that don't fit or are of an unflattering style

lmaoing @ your life

holy shit, this is litterally me except im 160

I'm not trying to go anorexic, dude. I'm trying to be fit.

I never saw the point of wearing vidya clothes in public. But then again, I buy all my clothes off of the 10$ or lower Macy's clearance rack.

You're right, you aren't a billboard. People pay money to have their advertisement on a billboard. People get payed for having their advertisement on you.

Because it means you believe the most interesting thing about you, that you want to make public to the world, is some trivial shit like a video game you like. It's incredibly tacky and shows how uninteresting you are as a person.

I wear this in public semi-often

Obscure enough so most people won't bother me about it

Most people I've talked to about it just assume it's some hipster-y odd jacket

>taking a picture with an iPad
>Dressing like a fuck boy

>Coldplay shirt
>cooler than a slayer shirt among fashion conscious normies
bro do you even effay?

Thanks doc

The truth is, fashion has little to do with the clothes themselves. People who chase actual clothing are suckers. Fashion is based on your build and how you carry yourself. If you look and act like an unwashed degenerate then you will look terrible regardless of how you dress. If you keep yourself fit and healthy and carry yourself confidently then you can wear a fucking Pretty Cure cosplay and people will treat you like a fashion icon. Treat yourself like you give a shit about yourself and then wear whatever the fuck you want.

>Doesn't even know how to properly put on pants and shirts
Fuck off faggot.

>tfw you get a job where you wear white shirts all the time
>just out of habit wear white shirts and white t shirts 80% of your free time

What kind of job has a dress code of mandatory white shirts? Are you a waiter?

Nah, I only dress exclusively like vidya characters. Still trying to assemble this outfit so I can score mad volleyball team captain puss

I'd unironically want this if it weren't for the cut parts and if the hood was smaller.

there's no difference between the website pics and the irl pics, kinda pointless pasta

You better hope you're realllly small because this shit ain't gonna fit a amerifat


>got this NCR shirt
>most people just think it's a regular commiefornia shirt
I don't even like the NCR

just do what I do

7 pairs of regular dark-blue denim jeans
about 6 or 10 plain white "wife beaters" for at home relaxing
10-15 casual shirts depicting your favorite bands,retro game or movie
about 5 plain shirts of a single solid color
and 2 nice all black jackets one with a hoodie and one without
2 or 3 long sleeve sweaters

remember however

NO CRINGE SARCASTIC SHIRTS LIKE "If Im not playing video games I dont care xd"

there you go buddy

you are now set for the year.

90% of my vidya shirts are unofficial and not made by the companies. And again, I clearly like the game, why do I care?
There's a difference between enjoying having it on you and having a design you like on a shirt to express yourself, and making it everything about you. Wearing a vidya shirt doesn't mean I think it's the most interesting thing about me.