Push to talk

>presses push to talk key

Why do people do this? Especially Russians


Lighten up

because it pisses you off faggot lmao

>presses push to talk key
>someone sniffs

>YouTube video or twitch stream
>dude burps
>"excuse me"

>losing game
>Presses push to talk

>presses push to talk
>*rips bong*
>*mom yelling in the background*

why the fuck do people like this even have a mic.

I do shit like this to piss off autists.

>pressing PTT to laugh

>losing game
>Presses push to type

>presses push to talk key
>hear static
>lets go of push to talk key

Was party chat the worst thing to ever happen to consoles?

Yes. A huge part of fun in games is proxy chat.

>push to talk
>screams into the mic

>go into server
>someone micspamming shrek is love, shrek is life

I knew someone was gonna post this. Would you prefer it if every time someone told a joke there was just awkward silence until someone had something else to say?

Yeah, party chat is cancer
I remember just after they introduced it to Xbox
Overnight every Halo 3 match went from every random talking to each other, to maybe one to two guys, IF you get lucky because everyone was too busy chatting to their friends
It made it practically impossible to actually make friends with anyone
I will never forget the day I Joined some random guys game in the first borderlands, tried talking to him and got told immediately to shut up because he could not hear his friends talking in party chat which were not even in the game

do you think these idiots know how to even feign socialization? do you honestly think anyone that posts in these threads with some kind of snarky gay shit knows how to talk to another human being or enjoy their company in person much less if they are thousands of miles away? people that post in these threads don't actually go into mumble chats or discord chats or try to speak to other people, or use voice communication in the games they play. they don't have the gall to do that simple task.

>presses push to talk key
>"My Leg!"

No, I get it, but I still wanna know what they actually want in that situation.

No, the kinect that automatically transmitted sound in game if there is noise.

I remember if you were close enough to an enemy team member, you could hear them over their mic
Halo 3 was the only game to do this and it was really cool imo

>pushes press to talk
>sounds like he's is going to die
>Fuck I'm so high bro

>Those fuckers that used the Kinect mic

>group voice chat
>friends talking
>like listening to them talk about stuff
>don't have anything to add or say in response
>don't want to randomly say some stupid small talk bullshit like "yeah" or "that's kinda cool"
>stay silent for like half an hour
Am I doing something wrong?

Not really as long as they don't take issue with it. That said most of the reason people add in that "small talk bullshit" is to show people they're interested in what they're saying.

This is the worst.

>press button to talk
>bong bubbler noises intensify

Does anybody actually think this is cool

because its funny idiot

>hear a burp out of nowhere
>hmmmm gassy!
>who did that?
>it was me!

Rippin' ass into the mic is one of my favorite things and no one can take that away from me.

>push button to talk

>push button to talk

>on voice with friends
>"be right back'
>hear headset clunk onto the desk

>brb heard a noise downstairs
>last online: 264 days ago

god bless you

>push to talk
>"hey can you guys hear me?"

>"brb going out for a smoke"
>last online: 30 seconds ago

Yea, there's virtually no socialization on most console games anymore.

At least on PC, even if people are in their own voice channel and talking to their girlfriends dog I can still communicate with them through the text chat. On console it's silence 80% of the time and if you aren't playing with a friend it's almost like you're just playing with neurotic bots.

That being said, I can totally respect those games that said, "You can't be in a party while you're playing this"


>presses push to talk key
>unintelligible childlike squeaking

One of my fondest gaming memories

>Playing Halo 3, Team Deathmatch on Construct
>Someone running for the sword spawn at the top of the map
>Lurking around a corner with sniper
>Proximity Chat comes on
>"I'm gonna get the sword! I'm gonna get it!"
>Blow his head off, proximity chat still going as his body cartwheels away

There's sometimes ways to disable push to talk and you could just talk without pushing a button.
Which is how you could hear parents scream at their kids sometimes.