Title ends with a number

Will they tack a "2"or "II" on the end or just go with a subtitle?

Other urls found in this thread:


There won't be a sequel

*any title that ends with a number

did this game literally kill megaman? capcom cant see this as any indication to continue the series, so whats next? pachinko machines?

I don't think we have to worry about this one.

Mega Man was already dead.

MN9 bombing will probably stop a few clones from existing though.

Megaman is already dead as a franchise
Which is a shame because I really want a spiritual sequel to Battle Network

considering they did some bikini/swimsuit art for the phone games, maybe they will just go full lewd.

vr megaman dating sim when


cant wait to date megaman.exe

So there's no chance of this ever happening right?


Pretty much

Mighty No. 9-11

does anyone know what the 9 ment?


i wanna see a literal hitler edition of all the characters now

Capcom is already facing pressure to do something besides that ugly MoA cartoon for the 30th, especially considering they did shit-all for the 25th. We'll see. In the meantime fangames can pick up the slack from Capcom's ineptitude.

He was the ninth one made by the same scientist, whereas in the MM games Rock was made before Cutman et al.

20XX still exists

>let's make new gamu
>last gamu was burunderu; rename MN9 to something compretery different
It won't be numbered, if there is a sequel at all.

is that SDT?

No, please let's just forget MN9 ever happened

forget whatever happened?