>final entry in the souls series
>coming out in a month
>zero (0) hype
Why is this?
>final entry in the souls series
>coming out in a month
>zero (0) hype
Why is this?
last DLC sucked
You just know they're going to drag in Solaire for this somehow. Best case scenario we get stuff with the serpents
The games all suck.
It's going to end with a whimper instead of a bang. From is done with Dark Souls and Namco-Bandai. Expect minimum effort to fulfill contractual obligations and nothing more.
There was hype for like a week when it was announced.
Still hoping for a distinction between light and flame.
3 was even worse than 2, that's why
>final entry in the souls series
>going to have fan fiction tier lore
>last doc sucked
Wonder why.
Since Earthen Peak is confirmed returning, what areas from I and II would you like to see come back?
because one of 2's dlcs is more interesting than all of 3+ariandel. phone-in of the decade.
Its not BB
Sweet contributions
Im hype as hell to get back into harvest valley for stinky invasions
Pre-patch Shrine of Amana.
Who cares about Dark Souls 3. I won't say it's a bad game but I did like two playthroughs and never touched it again.
It doesn't have- the replayability of Dark Soul 2, the fun/difficulty level-design of Dark Souls 1, and PvP/co-op is just shit compared to dsk2/1. The first dlc was garbage.
>last dlc sucked hard
>pvp sucked in ds3 and from nerfed everything
>game was too short
wonder why.
>The last game and DLC will fade away, lacking the fire of the former entries
>it's all a metaphor
like poetry
because the series died with Dark Souls 2, and the third lazy rehash was just unnecessary and unwanted.
Bloodborne at least offered a new and fresh setting, and I wish the Dark Souls series did this too, instead of having the same shit in every game.
I know it won't happen, but I would fucking love if the final boss is in Undead Asylum
The Souls series has run its course. Most people just don't care anymore.
Literally don't give a shit about anything lore wise or gameplay wise unless the primordial serpents are addressed. Otherwise I don't even give a fuck that I have the season pass I won't play it.
I'm pretty excited and everyone else I talk to is exci-
Oh wait, you must be one of those retarded people that think Sup Forums's opinion is the majority.
Why are you this mad
There was hype when it was announced, but there's nothing to speculate on. All we can do is wait.
Because who even cares anymore? The only fags that give a shit are likely lorefags. Well, what few are left, anyway.
This is it. There's no more souls content coming out after this. From is working on other things now. So this is our last thing we'll get related to the Dark Souls line.
user, I think you'll find that everything about the serpents is adequately described by a throwaway comment on a ring and a few statues in lothric
Because dark souls 2 was shit, the DLC was shit, 3 was shit and the first dlc was awful. It amazes me how with all this technology and talent they could have had 2 and 3 are worse than DeS and DaS1
He's mad because the primordial serpents have never gotten an explanation, and imo he's got a reason to be because they probably won't get one. DLCs for Dark Souls have only ever given us more questions, not hard answers.
I will be very angry if Aldia is not in this.
>Final boss is The Dark Soul
>zero hype
>threads daily
I really want some of these awesome ideas to come true, but I know that it's going to be something retarded.
They better talk about Aldia/sulyvahn connection.
Also better explain painted worlds
I remember summoning someone there and abandoning them to act as bait while I ran for the next bonfire.
I didn't make it.
>thinly veiled ds2 bait threads
>blatant bloodborne shitposting
No one talks about the dlc though
This DLC will be the same as the ones in DS2. You'll walk in with a fuck ton of questions that won't ever get an adequate explanation. If you expect anything different, you haven't been paying attention.
The only relevant Souls games are 1 and BB
>Oh wait, you must be one of those retarded people
You could have stopped there. Hype threads are usually fanboys and spamming.
And Demon's, unless you're twelve.
Why constantly discuss something that is still so far away? There's nothing to talk about that hasn't already been said, such as that once again Namco is fucking retarded and spoils the entire thing in the trailer.
oh shit is Aldia implied to be the profaned flame?
U could say that the dark souls series has lost it's soul
Take it to /vg/ and let it die there slowly and fuck off!
As of this point there isn't any information. They'll be a surge of shitosting threads once it releases though calling it shit
Gonna need a source here
I never liked using shields. It was just a personal preference that I refused to violate.
I can still see the soul arrows curving to track me.
I can still see the bleed meter rise from those monsters emerging from the water I was dodging in.
the angle they seem to be going for is that the dark soul creates new worlds and the light stagnates.
Holy shit could you fucking imagine tho?
>final entry
>Can't play it for another month
Why should I be hype?
Or created it or something. Profaned flame exists beyond the light/dark cycle, the goal Aldia was working towards
This desu. but this one is looking better tho
final boss is in DS1 kiln
DaS3 just seems extremely uninspired, not quite as bad as segments of DaS3 but nowhere near DeS, DaS or BB.
The last DLC was not that good, and a lot of stuff in DaS3 is just unfixable like the retardedly bad pvp
Playing the game and reading the threads at launch was a treat. Especially once the horror stories started coming in about this place called Shrine of Amana, I really thought there was no way it could be as bad as people made it sound.
the final boss is the amalgam of all those who chose to be dark lord, like the soul of cinder is the amalgam of all those that chose to be lord of cinder
Not true. To this day theres this "soulslike" crowd who wants exact carbon copies of dark souls, but they don't actually understand what dark souls actually is. To them it's just a ""hard"" game.
I'm pretty sure that every souls fan who used to be actually PASSIONATE about souls, all of what souls used to stand for is turned off now. I mean, i'll still be playing this DLC, but am i excited? Not really. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will at least have some nice gameplay and enemy design, but half of what souls used to stand for hasn't been in Dark Souls 2 or 3.
they're fucking dragons user. dragons are basically buddha's who achieved enlightenment, the primordial serpents being ones who, near the end, fell from grace and became corrupt.
quick rundown on prepatch Amanda please
Did you forget SotF?
oversaturated market
DeS and DaS were both great games that I got sucked into.
DaS2 and DaS3 completely obliterated that for me.
BB was nice though, kinda rekindled that desire to deep into backstory and the worldbuilding.
> The grim determination to slog through that area, regardless of deterrents.
There was something driving me to continue that day. Something I will never come to understand.
this desu fampai, there's just so much shit coming out in the next two months
Sorry, not a native english speaker, but at least now i know that "its" doesn't get the possessive 's treatment. Thanks, user.
>final entry in the souls series
LMAO. From can't make a good game to save their pathetic asses. After DS3 it's completely obvious that Japan Studio were really behind the quality of Bloodborne. From will make some new game after this, probably a shitty AC title, it will sell like utter dogshit, and they will come back to shitting out more Souls content.
Other than the actual DLC area I expect
>New final boss or phase if you did the DLC
>New story dialogue from the characters relating to the DLC
Basically, what happened in Scholar by doing all 3 DLCs and shit with Aldia and the King but with this game, so that the DLC area doesn't feel that "artificially stitched into the game" like the painted world.
Post yfw the final boss is Solaire and the stage music on the OST is called "The Darkest of Souls"
infinite range soul arrows coming from multiple sources and dodging them would cause you to fall off a submerged cliff or roll straight into those creepy fucks with the claws
>Why is this?
It's right there in the fucking title.
I started the series when DeS came out and loved Dark Souls. DS2 didn't really do anything for me since I was never hyped up for up but I'll tell you right now, I can't go back and play DeS and DAS with any sort of excitement since I burned myself out on it.
DS2 however I can probably fuck around with some build or finally go play as a filthy hexer but even then, I probably wont
>want to replay DeS but remember that most of the archstone bosses are garbage after the first time
>want to replay DaS but remember Izalith and the post-Lordvessel game
>want to replay DS2 but remember the DLC requires you go through at least until midway through
>want to replay Bloodborne but already played around with every weapon
>want to replay DS3 but actually not really
>Japan Studio
They were producers, dude.
Way to state the obvious. Why would i expect anything else from DKS3?
>Beat final boss
>your character kneels next to his dying body
>his last words:
>"Truly....you ARE......the Dark Soul...."
what do you want me to say then?
>Enter final boss arena
>It's just a message in the sand saying "souls is fucking dead, now fuck off and let me work on something i'm actually still passionate about. - Miyazaki"
>camera script zooms in on it and screen fades to black with only the message left to be read in the center of the screen.
>Credits roll
Basically when the game launched the mages in Amana had nigh infinite range, if you could see them they could see you and would start shooting. In addition the tracking on their magic was insane and they did a lot more damage. The area was set up like a gauntlet basically, there was no reliable way of killing the mages as you go through and you were intended to just run all the way to the end with th Bonfire then take them from behind to go and collect the loot there but some sections were ridiculous with 5 mages firing at you while 5 of those asshole Lindelt cleric guys chase you down to fuck you to death. It's far more manageable in the patched and SotFS versions but prepatched there was literally no respite, you had to keep moving because if you stopped once you were dead.
I'm going to discuss what I saw in the gameplay footage on youtube and my thoughts.
I honestly think we've already had the final boss of the dlc spoiled. The Demon Prince. That big ass fire gargoyle thing. I mean it's cool we'll get to see the thing Lorian fought but I don't think the dlc is going to provide the conclusion we're all hoping to get. For the theories and things I see, people have their expectations a bit too high.
Last boss is Gael
You'll be fighting him in different arena for each form. Who ever Win's may claim the dark soul
That was the first of 3 Boss fights. It's also a 3-part Boss fight, like they're making fun of Ashes of Ariandel or some shit.
I honestly don't think that's the final boss of the DLC.
Nice Freudian slip you meme spouting faggot
That's the first boss, there's 4 boss names found in the game files already. The Demon Prince is the Crimsonbat in the files.
The other names were, IIRC
Snake Soul
Ruler of the Ringed City
Mother Dragon
Shot from view distance and did much more damage. The arrows would also track better. I've never had to snipe with my bow except for pre-patch Amana.
It's called using a ranged weapon, retard.
I'm happy to be wrong and thank you for updating me, I do genuinely appreciate that.
Was it 4? I thought it was 3.
Either way, Ringed City is already sounding infinitely better than Ashes, for the same price point, which makes 0 fucking sense why they would half-ass one so hard and make the other amazing, without tipping the prices to 10/20.
Mages had more range so you would have more projectiles coming at you from longer distances. That's literally it. It gets memed to death because DaS1 faggots got buttmad they couldn't circle strafe backstab the projectiles.
You beat it the same way as you beat it now. Amana is one of the best areas in the series,
>play through Ringed City
>Suddenly invasion prompt
>You've been invaded by ROYAL SORCERER NAVLAAN
final boss is
Loranna, queen of Lothric, and her son, Ocelotte, child of dragons. Loranna is the daughter of Lothric, the furtive pygmy and king of Londo (ringed city) and Gwynneth, youngest daughter of Lord Gwyn. She is a divine being known as the princess of white, and was the inspiration for the way of white which was founded by grandfather Lloyd. Ocelotte is a spawn of Oceiros, a cocktail of light and dark that birthed to become a true dragon. The primordial humans believed that the dragons would be reborn from the dark soul, and Ocelotte's birth as a true dragon is what prompted Loranna to bring his egg to the place before time to inherit the age of dark.
The enemies could shoot you from across the zone and had tracking. There were 3-5 at once coming from different angles. The water obscured melee enemies that I believe caused bleed, and the water also hid cliff drops and holes that you couldn't see unless you angled your camera at the floor which obscured the prior mentioned homing projectiles.
I bought the season pass along with the game and after beating the game 4 times with different characters and builds i burned out, never tried the DLC even though most people say it sucked.
How do i get into that DLC? Might try it.