What is the worst game you rented?

What is the worst game you rented?
pic related. I was tricked, the SNES version was normal

the gensis version is the best one, buttmunch

Mario's Time Machine.

I had no fucking clue how to play this game.

some yu gi oh game on ps2 where it used 3d models and was on a grid
i couldn't enjoy it



I owned glover because a dead friend gave it to me through his mom
awful game, couldn't play it in his memory

The duelists of the Rose, I bought it as a kid and broke it due to pure frustration

i feel like everybody has a dead friend who owned that game

Some shitty Soul Caliber game on wii (I actually enjoyed it, but it's objectively shit)

>Genesis Beavis and Butt-Head

A genuinely fun, unique game that made great use of the license.

And you rather play the shallow side scroller?

>die every thirty seconds and fail because you didn't do it right
not a good video game. Maybe a good PC game. because passwords were involved, a lot.

>Die every thirty seconds and fail because you didn't do it right

The fuck are you doing? Are you intentionally running into enemies?

i can't count that high
i was in the prime for this shit with NES games and man oh man, there was TONS of shit

im so glad once the SNES hit, the quality went up for the most part and you could rent something like mystical ninja or pocky & rocky for a good weekend with your cousins

RIP my coop cousin of 25 years

I rented Superman 64


Took that shit right back. Blockbuster let me swap it.

AVGN pretty much nailed why the game was horrible. Too many ways you could fuck your entire progress over, even with a guide. It was very poorly made and very obviously not playtested, but the atmosphere was pretty fantastic. It was almost like playing an episodes of B&B. Only if it wasn't garbage.

yugioh capsule monsters

You're putting it through a filter that makes all the frustration disappear
that's all it is. a game can still be good even if you hated it at that moment, but times change, and others won't go through what you did

And don't get me wrong, this isn't some "noob" coming through 20 years later and trying it. This is initial frustration, which isn't needed nowadays. It can STILL be fun, but that doesn't make a great game.

'heeey it's still fun if you look past all the flaws"

Super Alfred Chicken.

>Seriously using AVGN as a legitimate source of criticism

You're jumping through hoops with the idea that I'm going to say the game is flawed but fun if you ignore them.

I am not. The game isn't flawed. It's a simple adventure game. If you fail, you fail. Failure causes frustration. That's just a simple fact and there's no getting around it other than to get good. Don't give me this horse shit "it isn't needed nowadays". Do you want the game to just hand you the victory screen?

Yeah, you are a fucking noob. You're shit at video games and can't manage to fart on a mall security cop with brain dead AI without taking damage from a 20 year old game.

It's fun, if you would stop sucking dick and giving out handjobs. Maybe then you'll be able to hold the fucking controller.

Is there really a guy ITT defending fucking Genesis Beavis and Butthead unironically? Jesus Christ Sup Forums

>Dad takes us to hollywood video
>want to rent Glover
>finally arrive home
>oh boy, time to play glover!
>dad hands me the case, open it
>this isn't glover
>cleck fucked up and somehow managed to give us South Park for N64 instead
>it was shit
>never played Glover since

avgn is ducking terrible at videogames. watching him and mike play beavis and butthead was likw watching 2 toddlers trying to split an atom

Fuck Brian's levels, especially that fucking Jolly Farm level. Shit is fucking impossible.

I know right. People who use those should have their lower intestine ripped out and then reinserted into their mouth.

Oh jesus this was bad. Was a wrestling fan since I was a kid, and this was bad.

Hudson Hawk in the late NES era when I was like 6. I would have technically been during the SNES/Genesis era, but it was around when they were phasing out NES games. Hudson Hawk is legit probably THE worst NES game excluding MAYBE Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I could even tell it was unplayable at that age.

Both versions were weak.

man, you were around for that awesome wave of great taito games like little samson

Holy shit, between this and the Rocko's Modern Life game.
>expect a normal platform
>instead you have to lead Eek's girlfriend/Rocko's dog through a level
>several times
>that's the whole fucking game
>they made two games like this

Played the shit out of the SNES version, I think my love of co-op actually came from that game.

am I the only person who ever played the gameboy beavis and butthead?

Mortal Kombat Mythologies

I didn't even know it existed.

I know its a meme and all because of AVGN but I got my NES for christmas and on the way home the video store was open and I convinced my mom to let me rent two games to go with the Mario/DH and R.C. Pro Am that I got with the system. Anyways I ended up renting two of the worst fucking games you could imagine. The first was Top Gun and the second was I shit you not Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde . Its a wonder I even stuck with gaming after that but here I am.

its funny, anyone who was a kid during 3rd to 5th gen had it rough with renting games and mostly getting shit

now, you can go to YT and type in the games name to find out if it sucks or not

i loved explaining this to my 10 yr old cousin, he thought the idea sucked and felt bad for my generation. but he did like the idea of potentially finding new good games randomly.

>Top Gun

Entirely playable. More mediocre than bad.

This might actually be the worst game I've ever played

that's it

Oh god, this. I didn't even know what I was playing nor do I remember why I rented it since I don't even care for Mortal Kombat.

Plus tons of nes/snes games that I knew nothing about and turned out pretty terribly in the end.