any gamedevs here sold a game for profit?
some tips would be nice desu
any gamedevs here sold a game for profit?
some tips would be nice desu
Step one: make a good game
(Most people fail at step one)
This doesn't work anymore.
Your only golden rule is marketing. Marketing is the only way to sell anything now.
I can help. What platform are you releasing for?
What if No Man's Sky
it needs to have just one of three
1. a decent gimmick
2. great gameplay
3. 2 deep 4 u story walking simulator
notice the gimmick doesn't even have to be good. just enough that it hasn't been done before or is a rarity
now get cracking
Marketing and pandering
learn to draw acceptably and make a porn game pandering to degenerate niche fetishes.
>worked for GasPoweredGames
>Supreme Commander was my first game
>worked 15 hour days for months on end
>fired after Forged Alliance flopped
>got a job animating shitty 3d animated commercials
>life's work is mostly Mr Clean and dancing pizzas
>tfw this thread
What about those celebrity game devs I keep seeing on Sup Forums and twitter who made 100k easy. Are they real?
Soulless scammers or lottery winners if they aren't lying on the internet
This is really the most solid advice
This isn't sufficient unfortunately.
First trying to release on mobile and pc. Trying to make a game simple enough to play on a mobile device, but still have a lot of depth and aesthetic graphics. Also, I'm solo atm, so I can't build an AAA title just yet.
Ok. Good points.
Hoping I don't have to pander. Bad for everyone.
I'm a decent artist.
>pic related
Marketing is kinda general. What methods of marketing do game players appreciate the most?
goal is to make enough money to hire other devs.
Would be awesome to use the minds here to make a really good an successful game
any game devs here make any money?
I released a bomber man clone on mobile I made with a friend. Its made some money. But they won't cut us a cheque until it hits $100. So prob can have a steak dinner and a beer in another 6 months
4 Steps
1. Make good or unique or meta game
2. Shill it everywhere all the time.
3. ???
4. Profit
I wonder where this guy is now
It does work. It just needs to good enough to spread by word of mouth.
Tip: Don't make a shit game and it will sell.
This. I used to say "if that's all it takes why isn't Locomalito rich" but he's a commercial success now. No more excuses.
Still here desu
Ok I will be rich soon if you are right