Which controller is better? Xbox 360 or Xbox One? And why?

Which controller is better? Xbox 360 or Xbox One? And why?


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I like the 360's shoulder and triggers better
Everything else the One

The 360 is decent for almost everything but the X1 is complete and a huge improvement over the 360 already good triggers.

However still the DS4 d-pad is a winner even though the X1 is miles better than 360 dpad

they are both excellent controllers but the Dpad on 1 is amazing.

Both shit

I liked the triggers on the One better. They click and feel right. Really, I think Microsoft has had the most consistent controllers overall.

I loved the original fat XBox controller, and the S. I feel like the DS line is kind of weak, though they have gotten bigger.

The Elite controller is better than those two.

Which controller is best for smaller hands?

Sony fanboy detected. Shouldn't you be playing Uncharted?

I'm sure it is but that price tag is a joke

Been using X1 controller a lot and recently grabbed hold of the 360 controller again, felt awkward.
Texture of the X1 body and analog sticks is much better.

even if not a single unit of the elite had problems it's a waste of money

2/10 bait by the way

I would agree, when I got to mess around with the Elite it was an excellent controller. But I did not want to pay the price.

Doesn't it, ironically, have quality issues compared to the standard model?

I'm not familiar with any quality issues.

How small? I think maybe the Gamecube, though. Most modern controllers are pretty good. Ever since they stopped making them completely flat.

Which analog sticks are easiest to aim with? I'm a PC gamer, who dislikes using a mouse. (Go figure.)

I have hands like a 14-year-old girl. I fear upgrading from a 360 controller to an Xbone pad, because it's bigger, I am told?

Got a broken xbone controller with a Rift I bought. One of the shoulder buttons was sticking.

Bought a couple 360 controllers before and they all still work perfectly.

Based on the build quality, fuck the xbone controller and fuck them wanting $60 for it.

xbox one controller has better buttons, dpad, sticks, triggers, weight, and shell material

360 controller has better shoulder bumpers and slightly better shell design

you can compare them right in the OP. xbox one controller is bulkier, but has only marginally larger dimensions

If it's bigger then it's by a very slim margin. I recently got an X1 controller to replace my 360 controller, it feels smaller but I think it's just because it fits my hands better. But if the 360 is too big for you then the DS4 is probably better for you

I've had the opposite experience. My 360 controllers bumpers wouldn't consistently register, so as I'm holding it down itd flicker constantly. Made Dead Rising 3 a pain in the ass. My X1 controller hasn't given me any problems though.

PS4 controller is way better

I always heard Xbox One controllers stop working after a few months. There is lifespan is not nearly as good as 360?

So you're a failure as a human being?

its just better
funny enough, same shit with the PS3 controller
that shit was SMALL AS FUCK and playing my PS3 again, i was horrified at how tiny and cramped it was, yet i used it quite a bit

It's not that. I hate moving with WASD keys.

I prefer the ONE controller.
The Dpad is fantastic and altough iI guess is kind of an acquired taste since I didn't like them at first, I love the clicky bumpers now.

I used to get drift on every fucking 360 controller I bought eventually.

I have to say my X1 controller has been solid so far. Are the quality issues here actually common though? The sample size in this video is pretty small.

No idea, mine still work, they are about 2 years old and work perfectly fine. Obviously this is just anecdotal, but I don't know any larger stats.

bone is the same fucking thing but slightly improved

My One controller works just fine and I've been pretty clumsy with it, has taken a lot of hits including a fall from roughtly 2 meters just the other day. I would say it's even more resistent that the Xbox 360 controller.
That might just be me, tho.

I feel like the X1 controller is a smidge less ergonomic (at least the original, I haven't messed with the updated one) but that the actual build quality, button placement, triggers and especially D-Pad are significant improvements.

It's just the shape of the shell, as someone else pointed out. It tapers in more toward the top where the sides of the 360 controller are closer to parallel and the handles have a kind of angular shape to them on the underside that's just less comfortable to hold.

It's nothing you notice when playing but if you just grip one then the other, the differences are obvious.

I literally only want the Elite for the "extra" button paddles on the back of it so that I can more easily hold down the Fire button for DMC4 when charging Blue Rose.

If its moving I can accept it. If you said you hated aiming with a mouse then there'd be trouble.