/wg/ is the only place that has vidya pape threads

>/wg/ is the only place that has vidya pape threads

Get your shit together, Sup Forums.


well, it is the fucking board for wallpapers after all

>Get your shit together, Sup Forums.
no u


just desktop background me up senpai


some mobile shit too. Too bad about the watermarks.

Dope even though I never played WW.














i thought that said vidya rape threads and was thoroughly confused why no one posted vidya rape


Red Ninja is the worst game I have ever played

>vidya pape
What the hell is vidya pape?




why would anyone want these?

>Want to mod game for those screens
>Can't be arsed to make it past the opening

Thought they'd be entertaining.

I got on a bender of it recently and took screenshots of a lot of the pretty places. Have some more.












Because that's where they belong?

Sup Forums is for vidya discussion.


It's kinda like a game


>doesn't understand a word
>can't piece together the unknown word with the context clues of what's being dumped in the thread to figure out what the word stands for.


What's the purpose of the skyrim screenshots? The shots don't even look that good, much less for someones desktop









A fav of mine.







Favorite Ship




Last one for me. Bed calls.



I wish this one worked better.

i see 8 butts i want to bury my face in.


It's the second worst game I've ever played







I know it's generic but it's the first thing that came to mind when I got the video background shit loaded up. Anyone know where I can find my vidya related backgrounds?

A game this beautiful and this full of lore has no business being so absurdly boring and unengaging.

I do get the appeal for truly dedicated social PvPers, but feel like it could offer more than that one flavour of experience. And even then, the gameplay in itself borders on being entirely absent.









>a board with a higher image size limit meant for wallpapers has a wallpaper thread

Gee, who knew





I really need to try and finish Red Ninja. Couldn't manage to beat the first level. Teleporting ninja fucks.

