Is pic related a good replacement for the old Rainbow Six games...

Is pic related a good replacement for the old Rainbow Six games? I already gave up trying to make them work on W10 and I'm not that big of a fan of Raven Shield. I've always heard how this game is great and how it's like rainbow six, so how is it?

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Its good for like 10 minutes. The concept is cool but it wears down really fast. Controlling your squad is also incredibly clunky

SWAT 4 is decent.

What's the best Rainbow Six game to play? I was always wondering about playing it.

Think the newest one, Rainbow Six Siege is the most active at the very least, plus it's a good game to boot

SWAT 4 suffers from poor AI, and the overly strict (unrealistically so, it seems to me) RoE system diverts away from tactical gameplay and puts the gameplay emphasis on gadget usage. The level designs are also not varied from a tactical standpoint. All of those make SWAT 4 a very tedious and tactically shallow game.

SWAT 3 on the other hand is much better and is more similar to classic RS. Probably has the best squad AI in the genre and has varied level design. Unlike RS games, it also has randomized enemy and hostage placement which gives it a lot of replay value. Furthermore, it has a custom mission mode where you can choose the number of enemies and hostages in a mission or set them to random amounts, further increasing replayability.

Rogue spear, some people will tell you raven shield is the best, I personally don't like that much, but it's a good game nonetheless. Rogue spear however is the best in my opinion, basically covered all the small holes that RS1 had.

Of course it's the most active one, Siege is a multiplayer only game whereas the old games were single player with a tacked on MP component. I love Siege and I consider it the best squad based tactical online shooter but it's absolutely nothing like the old games.

ah mybad, i misread your thing then

Old Rainbow six was basically bumrushing everyone codstyle and abusing 3rd person mechanics all the time. Online was atleast. Swat 4 is alot more tactical. Hell even Siege is alot more tactical.

Nobody fucking played the old RS games for the online, and I'm sure as fuck OP is not talking about online MP if he asked if SWAT 4 is good.

>No one played the old RS games for the online

It's fine, but play SWAT 3 and don't forget to get the Last Resort mod.

>complaining about exploits and lack of balance in an extremely old game with a secondary mp mode.

yeah you could also kick everyone's ass in deus ex with level 4 sprint and dragon's tooth but of course that didnt break the game because it wasnt the main component for it.

There is no planning phase in swat4 and the tactical elements are very awkward. No proper way to split up your team to search an area and its a pain in the ass having to go back and forth reporting arrests/casualties. Maybe you'll like it if youre some sort of roleplaying freak.

I agree that 3 is better but it's a shame it suffers so much for being old, in that it doesn't run too well on newer computers. I have to run it at 720p and still get drops below 60 fps occasionally and getting to cutscenes causes the game to crash so I can't play the campaign. Still great though. Just wish the source code would leak so people could give it a modern system update.

What exploits are you talking about? peeking around corners in third person where you could see whats down the next hallway without them seeing you? That was a mechanic everyone did back then, even in singleplayer.

>watch video
>first thing the guy does is open a door that is flanking his squad

Absolutely haram

If you're on Windows 8 or 10, you should use the dgVoodoo2 wrapper. Old DirectX games suffer from some problem on said OSs where running them in fullscreen drastically reduces performance, dgVoodoo2 addresses that.

that's an imbalance (notice how I mentioned those too?)

I never played any of these games and I always hear people saying they were the shit and stuff, what am I missing? whats so good about them? should I play them?

>there will never be a SWAT 2017 game
>tactical shooters are dead

Imbalance in what? singleplayer vs AI? Sure as hell isnt imbalanced in multiplayer considering everyone has this feature.

I'm on Windows 7. I think I tried dgVoodoo2 and the game wouldn't start. I tried some other wrappers too and they let me run at higher resolutions without taking the framerate and improved performance in some menus but the game still would run at like 45 fps at 1080p.

Is that John Wick?

>buy Swat 4 on gog
>have fun with it for one night
>haven't gone back
I keep meaning to try it more but the servers seem so dead at night, what's the optimal time to play?

Travis Haley

Raven Shield was very good for online, cannot speak for R6 and Rogue Spear though.

seige is the best you'll get but in all honesty It really does scratch the itch for me

>TFW wish they made RS: Vegas 3
>TFW dumped well over 300 hours into it
>Prestiged to like rank 85
>Use to cosplay as Scorpion
>Would run around with glock 18 and that was it

oh look its this faggot again

Siege doesn't do it for me. I want something grounded in realism.

Play swat 4 with the elite force mod, better ia, bullet ricochet, realistic bulk and weight, weapons balanced

Fuck I miss SOCOM
All these remasters they keep dumping out and they won't bring back SOCOM 2

SOCOM 1 & 2 were my shit

>that intro

Damn son, you brought back some memories.

No it does not. It doesn't have the planning element of Rainbow Six or the realism of SWAT 3.

The game should run 60FPS no problem on win7 with dgVoodoo2.

Well like I said, I don't think my game would even start while using dgVoodoo2. It was the other wrappers I found that had the same poor performance.

>Damn son, you brought back some memories.

Time for some more motherfuckerrr

What error did you have? I was having startup issues at first too but I just messed with some settings and got it to work.

I don't remember. I'm going to try it again since there's been a new release since I last tried it. Do you use it along with that Last Resort mod? If so, is there anything special you need to do? What settings are you using now?

I think what fixed it was messing with compatibility modes and forcing it to run at 800x600 first. Did you take a look at this site?

Just tried it again and I'm getting a message of unable to set 2d resolution. It says you might get this on that page and says to turn the resolutions to 800x600 initially but I already did that and still got the error. I remember that this was what was happening last time and I never managed to fix it.

Have you tried going into windowed mode with -window?

Get "sorry, this program requires 16 bit color mode".

Screen Resolution>Advanced>Monitor>change colors to 16 bit mode

Okay, that works, and now I can run it at any resolution like that page says. Problem is it still looks choppy and I have my framerate monitoring overlay up and it keep switching back and forth between DirectX11 and DDraw, and my framerate is still like 50 fps at 1080p.

At least it fucking runs though. I could probably deal with this.

Well now that you're able to actually get it running you can continue troubleshooting until it works.

Yep. Thanks. I didn't think that 16 bit was supported in Windows 7. Does your game look choppy or not?

No my game runs at 60fps at 1920x1080. I have had a performance drop when I had tons of chemlights on the ground but other than that it was good.

Also windows 7 is the last operating system to properly support 16 bit. Windows 10 only emulates it which is probably while all these older games have problems on it.

actual delta game when

>There will never be a modern SWAT 3 game

Feels bad mang. I just want the non-lethal elements and civilians being unruly and unreliable fuckers while also dealing with the threat of gunmen walking in on you at any time. Really sets it apart from shooting everything that moves as fast as possible.

Seems to actually be running fine. I did have some framerate drop in the expo level but that's a big open level. I just did the home invasion one and it ran at 60 fps constant. That's a lot better than what it was doing before though. I'm glad you managed to get it to work for me. I'll have to get back to playing it now.

You might of tried these already but one of these worked for me on win 10

also the last resort mod is worth getting for better modern os support

Now I need to make some more videos. I imagine running on DX11 will make more recording software work.


Are you playing with any mods?


This. Ironic how Siege somehow turned out more tactical than RB6 multiplayer.

Last Resort is all. It's got some mods in it like some better textures and various things like that. If you're talking about the body awareness thing, just use the command "-handsup". It basically just sticks your camera in a character model. It clips like mad.

>actual delta game when

This, I want. Straight up violent balls to the wall door kicking, door breaches and lighting terrorists the fuck up.

pretty sure the first vid is not delta. but yes, an actual delta game.

>door kicking
>riding little birds low and fast
>occasional stealth/low key mission
>airplane assaulting

>pretty sure the first vid is not delta

I'm not sure on that but the second one is not Delta and most likely SF. Just wanted to give an outline on what my post described.

Would totally settle for the SOCOM series to come back and have individual games dedicated to playing certain SOF units like Rangers, Delta and MARSOC. All playing like the first 2 SOCOM games but in a wider scale

I missed out on socom back in the day but I gave it a shot a few months ago. They seem to be simcades of its genre. There is a lot of nice attention to detail (controls, squad control, things like SAS squads that breach with you leaving chem lights sto mark cleared rooms etc etc) but I ultimatively had to drop it due to untolerably low framerate and aiming.

oh also

>socom 2 (I think)
>night time raid of some palace or whatever
>ends up with chasing some haji
>he can actually escape if you are not quick enough to chase him/shoot him
>but if you actually recon the area you can shoot a fucking wooden plank that connects two platforms that he runs over, effectively trapping him on the spot when he tries to run
>plank doesn't have shitty item highlight, glow, or anything to indicate its use, perfectly blended with other textures

really liked shit like that

The chemlights were a nice touch.

I liked how you could actually sprint into a door kick. I replayed it a year ago and found out that it was actually a thing in the first one. Really want to see how a new SOCOM game in the vein of the first two would play out with 2017's technology.
>MGSV:GZ sized oil rig missions

>Wanting a modern SWAT game
>Implying it wouldn't be casualized as fuck
>Implying half the game wouldn't be sold as DLC
>Implying it wouldn't be released under one of the worst publishers in the industry right now, like Ubisoft or EA complete with the worst DRM, worst matchmaking, and shitloads of bugs

Let it go, let your time with the franchise be a happy memory, and don't make the same mistake I did by wanting a new thief game.

Are there any upcoming realistic FPS games aside from Rising Storm 2 and Insurgency Sandstorm? Siege is fun but I want more.

In odd case that you haven't played it already, i cannot recommend Hidden and Dangerous 2 enough.

>ww2 tactical shooter
>switchable 1st/3rd person
>custom squads
>custom gear before every mission
>multiple objectives
>a bit of AI clunk and micromanaging but nothing too overbearing
>usable vehicles, jeeps, AA trucks, tanks
>africa, norway, france, japanese forests
>has silenced weapons
>has diving missions

My wish is assuming it won't be shit.

But gives a shit about tactical shooters let alone making worthwhile videogames anymore.

Ground Branch.

>not dreaming that a game you want will be the exception to the shitty practices

Due Process is still pretty rough and isn't entirely realistic but it's meant to be a multiplayer tactical shooter where you and the other team plan out what you're going to do and then execute your plans.

>Insurgency Sandstorm

Last time I played Insurgency was over 2 years ago and this is the first time I heard about it. Unfortunately, it's just a port to consoles. How is Insurgency now? I stopped playing right around when they added the AK74 and M4A1

I did dream that though, with both Devil May Cry and Thief.

I dream no longer.

When they say they want a new SWAT game, they don't mean a dumbed down attempt at cashing in on the name. They mean an actual SWAT game that improves on the old games, but still has all the depth that makes the old games so damn good.

Try Siege

Swat 4 is fucking brilliant. It has problems but the overall experience is pretty fantastic. It's no RS3, but that's not a fair comparison.

RS3 also has its share of problems but it is the absolute peak of the genre.

I agree. I never played it when it was new, but there was a Sup Forums group three or four years ago that I got to play a few rounds with and it was truly glorious.

Thanks, didn't know about these.

>Unfortunately, it's just a port to consoles.
What do you mean? It has better graphics and it's coming to PC. Do you mean it will turn bad because it's for consoles too?
or if you want something more recent