Metal Gear Comfy Thread

MGSV servers are down for maintenance. It's time to get comfy.

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Bumping for personal sake :)

People are still playing MGSV? they must have just gotten it.
>24-hour peak: 3,235
I wonder how many are playing MGO


Wait it has online? Wtf do you do online

No idea. A lot of people play MGSV still to fill that void left by Kojima/Konami and the seeming end of metal gear as we know it. It's breddy sad stuff

Well there is Metal Gear Online, and also your resources, deployment missions and FOB infiltrations are linked to online, so you can't do those when the online is down. It's down this time every week for 3 hours I believe.

MGO3 had so much fucking potential. It hurts to think we could have had MGO2 with V's gameplay, fuck you.

I miss Paz.

Konami is shit. MGO2 was so good...

Me too ); She's my one of my favorite girls from Metal Gear

There's no need to be upset :)

Just read through the timeline of events in the metal gear universe. My question is how many of you that play keep up with the overarching story? Seems pretty tragic and (needless to say) difficult to follow. Do they keep making prequels because they don't want to make raiden the protagonist again?

>difficult to follow

I mean, the story is the best part of Metal Gear! It does kind of suck that we can't move forward without Raiden as the protagonist, but truthfully I prefer games with a character like Big Boss or Venom Snake anyways. Also yeah, the story is really hard to follow in some places. Regardless, it's all pretty grand


The series wasn't intended, it was meant to stop at the nes game, then they made another. Solid was meant to stop at the first game, then they made another and another and another.

No wonder the story is disjointed and hard to follow

Yeah, like that. Vague, ambiguous implications with a degree of weight hanging upon previous historical events.

>/mgg/ is dead

It's not right

Spying bitch! Start talking!

Why are you lying on the internet?

We Paz thread now

Man, I can never be mad at Miller, even if he is kind of an ass during MSGV (which I can understand considering what happened). Remember when he wrote Love Deterrence? Shit man, those we're good feelings. Now it's sad feelings tho );

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

I hate this "I feel bad for Miller" meme. He was a jackass. He thought he could play Zero and Big Boss and then get away with it. He whined at Ocelot, got blown up, whined some more, turned into a paranoid fool and then finally into a bitter lonely fool.

He was a baby.

It's certainly a tragic story. A lot of what miller says can be taken as whiny, like him not getting prosthetics like boss, but he says he's doing it for a reason. He wants to remember the pain of loosing his fallen comrades. Once he achieves his dream, then he'll get his arm and leg back. He tells this all to Ocelot on one of the cassette tapes. Miller was a jackass, but a tragic jackass at that. And a lot of people sympathize with a tragic character, you know?

Why didn't you protect that smile?

That has nothing to do with it. It's about the fact that he was betraying Big Boss in PW and then tried to turn it around on Zero then had the whole thing blow up in his face. And despite all that shit he was trying to pull he acted like Paz was worse. He acted like his "betrayal" of not knowing about the true plan was reason enough to threaten Ocelot and claim he was the problem.

He like self-entitled and got what he deserved. There is literally no sympathy there. It was all a ruse.

Why did Kaz change his name and become a political cartoonist?

Who turned to being autistic over Overwatch's lore as a replacement for Metal Gear Solid speculation here?

The plot for Overwatch borrows so much from MGS it should practically be copy write infringement at this point. It.... it fills the void.

Anybody play mgo on PS3 here?