Quit WoW two months ago because I got bored
Ever since I've jumped from game to game but I never end up finishing them.
It also seems like I'm not having as much fun in video games.
Should I stick to what I'm doing now or go back to wow Sup Forums
Quit WoW two months ago because I got bored
Ever since I've jumped from game to game but I never end up finishing them.
It also seems like I'm not having as much fun in video games.
Should I stick to what I'm doing now or go back to wow Sup Forums
idk personally i've had my on and off experience i mean idk i've been on the private vanilla servers and its ok but yea idk up to you though but kinda got burned recently dem damn E relationships in wow are hit or miss i swear should've just got big fat loot :)
Take a break from video games for awhile and do something productive, fag.
I have been, I'm on adderall getting good grades and I've lost like 40lbs.
Getting shit done is boring, I guess I could start reading instead?
Is there any hobby you're interested in besides video games?
Not too much, maybe going to the gym.
I just hate hopping around from game to game and nothing is really sticking with me too much.
This sounds really fucking gay but after WoW I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything when I play story mode games
Go read some books or learn how to draw then. Do some hiking, find some people and do shit like sports or tabletop games, go to the gym, learn something new that's not school related. I'm sure there has to be SOMETHING you're interested in because I'll guarantee you won't be having too much interest in WoW after a week or two.
Did you quit WoW too user?
I don't hate video games but I'am getting a little more bored with them so maybe trying to find something else might be a good idea.
The issue is WoW has trained you to crave incremental progression to your character over time, because you feel like you're "accomplishing something" when you do it in WoW.
But you're not, it's just how they've managed to make you addicted to the game. You're bored with WoW because you've fucking done everything and normally when you do everything in a game you shelf it and move onto the next.
It's going to take a while but you have to untrain yourself to look for the sort of thing a game like WoW provides and go back to enjoying games that simply provide a finite level of entertainment and actually have an ending.
Or if you really want to go back to grinding just play a goddamn single play RPG, or Monster Hunter or something.
MMO's reduce your attention span.
>have mountain of back log
>just play WoW in my free time
I need a way out
user, that's a really good way to put it. I'm not really accomplishing much in either. In fact, I may get more out of playing a game with a good story.
Thanks for laying it out like that my man.
This guy pretty much nailed it, WoW is a treadmill that you can only turn off by playing all the time. And even then, they just turn the treadmill back on.
Either you play WoW until it dies (not for years, yet) or get out early like most people. Just remember that you're not 'progressing', you're still doing the same fucking thing day after day after day.
You can really 'progress' through a backlog, though. Feels really satisfying to tick off games that you've been wanting to play for a while.
Nighthold is a drag, nothing new besides Nighthold is worth mentioning, and all the glaring issues from two months ago are still around. At the most, grab an extra month to grab the HOTS mount and find something to do in the meantime.
Honestly I'm tempted to drop the game too for now, just doing WQs and waiting for the day my guild does NH is boring as shit. Anyone know agood way to mix things up?
Used to play it, but after 10+ years of playing it, you kind of just get burned out and people you know move on to other things. There's not much advice I can besides what I said in my last couple posts.
>raid on only 1 character
>raid 2 nights a week for 3 hours
>just cleared heroic Guldan
>have plenty of time for other vidya
The only good thing about Legion is that it did away with the MUH ALTS design philosophy
I didn't play WoW between ICC and the lauch of WoD but i got sucked by in and ever since 2 months after WoDs shitshow release i've been hopping around thousands of different shitty private servers
Fuck, i was almost free.
>Get tired of Legion
>Level an alt instead.
>Start having fun again.
>Realize every quest completed is a step closer to the Broken Islands.
>start leveling alt
>playing through the awful Cata revamp zones
>just makes me want to play on a private server
Leveling is more tedious now than it ever was. Nothing even poses a threat to you, dungeons are too spammable and the current class/talent design ensures no milestones while leveling
Getting Mutilate at level 10 is depressing, not cool
It is a bit too easy. My mage can just Pyroblast everything in his path while questing.
Thanks anons
Guess I'll stick with singe players games for now. Is it sacrilegious to start anothergood games before you finish the othe
Get your account banned
>Leveling is more tedious now than it ever was.
you did not play in vanilla/bc if you think that, or you were to young look past nostalgia
leveling back then was way more tedious
-eating after literally every single mob
-drinking after literally every single mob
-not enough quests to actually get you to 60
-not getting good skills until high levels resulting in hours upon hours of autoattack
Personally I try my best to finish a game before buying or moving onto another one. If I'm just not enjoying it, then I'll move on.
I do M+, arena, and raids with guild/friends. I also do work/college full time so I guess it's a lot harder to get burnt out than a lot of the whiny NEET types here. That was only kind of meant as an insult, I envy you guys sometimes.
After quitting WoW about 7 years ago, I barely play video games anymore, and can't really enjoy the ones I do play.
...which I understand is pretty common for a lot of people. WoW really is the video game high that fucks you up forever.
take your heirlooms off
still easy but some things actually do pose a threat
Meant more boring that tedious. 1-60 on live becomes mind numbing because nothing happens.
Get skills automatically. Mount costs no gold, gold doesn't really even matter anymore.
I stopped when I realised I don't have enough time to stay relevant with my gear to actually be helpful to a raid.
I work 60-70 hours a week and enjoy socialising so an MMO doesn't really fit in with my life anymore, I stick to SP games now
find friends and play ffxiv.
not even fucking kidding, shit's fun as hell.
I wasn't wearing heirlooms. Made a monk and my black out kick was nearly one shotting mobs of my level
I definitely agree with you there, it is incredibly boring
You're right, and not just for wow, I think online games in general are killing me. I'm planning on getting breath of the wild, persona 5, and finally playing the kingdom hearts series when that big pack releases on ps4, maybe these games can help cure this sickness.
I feel you OP.
My sub ended two weeks ago and i told my guild that ill be back after one week off.
But i never bothered resubbing though I cant really enjoy other games.
yesterday I hopped between TF2 - Enter the Gungeon - Withcer 2 and none of them brought enjoyment. I even went to bed an hour earlier than usual.
I might not even turn my pc on. or ill just watch cartoons.
I want my gaming joy back.
I've been tempted to get back into WoW too OP
I got butthurt that I wasn't getting any legendary drops after like millions of hours in legion
>leveling alt
>have to go through cata revamp
>have to go through the first 2 areas of BC
>Have to go through all of MOP as well as Legion
>Quit at level 20
>or just dungeon finder your way to 100
as a dps that option is a pain in the ass if you havent got a party with a tank and/or healer