I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor

I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor.


I wish I could have seen the GTA5 script before Breaking Bad ruined good writing.

congrats on your 14th birthday

Not half has hard as he beats his stubby little dick whilst laughing at your fedoracore opinions and rolling around in his piles of money.

I liked him because he was a crazy weirdo in a crazy weird world. Also loyal.


It's satire.

>How dare my perceptions of my precious amerikkka be challenged! I just want a mindless shooter. Stop making me think for once in my worthless life, Rockstar!

*tanks drink from whisky bottle*
I have a solution for you-- how about you never touch an intellectually stimulating game? Just go bask in your Unreal Tournament.
*smashes bottle on your head*
And don't mess with me, kid. Rockstar is godlike.

Trevor literally did nothing wrong. Wades cousin was a cuck

Protag special abilities:
I don't give a shit about their personality and story. It all goes out the window as soon as you do anything outside of the missions.


>this entire thread


GTA 5 is shit
GTA MP is shit

the game has been good since SA, and was redeemed for a short while with BOGT

Trevor is the best character since CJ. Fite me faggots

Tbh I hated Trevor because as a satirical game, Trevor seemed to represent such an extreme that it just wasn't relatable or funny.

Franklin was the level headed black guy who saw through all the gang bullshit but got dragged in by his friends. Michael was a career criminal who did it all for his family but his mid life crisis made him realise that the modern family is just corrupt and disgusting and not worth the sacrifice of a straight life.

The story of the series has always been meh to me but the characters were at least recognisable in either real life or popular entertainment. Trevor just ticks neither box.

Franklin was fucking trash, Lamar was a better character.

>Michael was a career criminal who did it all for his family but his mid life crisis made him realise that the modern family is just corrupt and disgusting and not worth the sacrifice of a straight life.
But then when he remembrances his true (read: Criminal) ways, his family embraces him again. His family hated him because he was fake and then loved him for who he really is. (When he kicks Fabio's ass and when he gives the celebrity new tattoos)

Trevor isn't really sadistic. Sure, he's edgy as anyone possibly could be. But outside of the torture scene, he doesn't cause pain unnecessarily for fun.

Trevor is pathetic. He's supposed to be pathetic and sad. He's relatable to people who are pathetic and sad.

He's literally clinically depressed.
>He's tired (his character's sleep cycle is 12 hours, the longest of all 3 characters)
>He is definitely sad/experiencing sadness. (He doesn't talk about it, but he bursts into tears in his trailer when he thought his mom left)
>He's pessimistic
>He has feelings of guilt (About not saving Michael)
>Thoughts of death/Suicide (Cut Here)

He is designed to relate to depressed men. Specifically, adolescent depressed men. Which is why he is so immature, spontaneous and irrational. (Like an adolescent)

> Lamar was a better character.

Will this meme just die? Lamar is no better then Franklin as a character. They are both just stereotypical black guys.

Oh god now we have the armchair psychiatrist trying to understand a video game character.

Not to mention Trevor can't have something that is not real.

Am I the only one who sees a lot of Kane in Michael and Lynch in Trevor?

He's a deranged drug addict weirdo. Of course it is over the top, you are looking too much into it



>Not to mention Trevor can't have something that is not real.
U wat? A fictional character can't have a fictional disease? Well shit, time to tell Gollum he's actually perfectly healthy and not corrupted by the One Ring.
>Oh god now we have the armchair psychiatrist trying to understand a video game character
It's right though. Obviously no one actually acts like he does, but people want to. He's explicitly suicidal. (The Cut Here tattoo on his neck) and he obviously is designed to appeal to teens. (His introductory scene is him fucking some chick, glorification of sex being mostly an adolescent thing)

No, because kayne and lynch are way better written

He killed my boy Johnny.

Bogt is the shit

Rockstar is a multi million dollar corporation. They don't do anything for no reason. The credits list at the end scrolls by for 40 minutes.

They had multiple people working on every aspect of every character. Every line of dialogue was written, rewritten, and then written again. The game took years to make, they didn't add anything just to be lol so randum.

I didnt know it was possible for a Pleb with such shit tastes to have such delusions of grandeur and elitism.

>too stupid or lazy to notice the writers were very much aware of what an edgelord they made Trevor out to be, as demonstrated by the numerous characters in the game who would point it out.

>Watch trailers
>Think Trevor is worst character
>Play game
>Trevor is best character

How did this happen

> before Breaking Bad ruined good writing.

He went all out

Rockstar cannot write. All the "satire" and "commentary" in the world can't compensate for unlikeable characters, or worse, characters I just don't give a shit about. Can Michael get his shallow, brittle cheating wife back, and win the respect of his fat stoner son?! I don't care. I want to rob a bank and steal some cars.

Best thing that happened in the whole game, that faggot biker was a bitch

There were rumors that he was done away with like that because even Rockstar hated the character.

>unlikable characters

love this meme phrase

i like you

I love when the first reply is a perfect response.

>tfw chose to kill Trevor

I always presumed Trevor was meant as a response to people complaining about 4's story, how people want a story that wasn't serious and dark and just about a maniac doing crime. Sort of a "See? what you want is a PSYCHO that has no redeeming qualities."

and then he ended up being the most popular character so lol

I hated him. I killed him at the end.

Anyone else pretend they're Trevor irl? It got me a gf

It's the most fitting ending.

Personally, I hated Trevor. I just believe he had no redeeming qualities other than being the comic relief. I hated Franklin for being the third wheel. Michael on the other hand, is someone you could relate to and drives the story forward.

character from gtav are so bad for me that i didn't even finish the game
captcha STOP STOP

I hated both trevor and michael, i wanted to kill both of them


my nigga

I never cringed so much at a post in Sup Forums

>literal invincible until metre runs out
It's not even a contest


I don't know man I actually liked most of the characters.

>dude if it's not the dreary grey bleakness of IV it might as well be Saints Row lmao

I really liked the side missions.
>mfw that one where a ghost dog leads Franklin to a parachuter stuck in a tree

>op makes a thread to argue about videogames
>some user give a sincere reaonable response
>another user just complains, bitch, moans and says "No, because I say so"
I dont get it. Who was in the /wrong/ here??

>Hated the first K&L.
>Second one was 6/10 meh.
>I still want a third one for some reason.

No, Kane and Lynch are much better characters desu.

You do know Trevor is supposed to be a flanderization of the average GTA player, right.

You all got meme'd.

Just watched a movie where the voice actor literally is acting like Trevor in the small scene he is in. Movie was even set in LA

I knew this and still didn't care .it was annoying.

The way they bring you on side missions is really something RPG should do instead of Indicators for everything

What do you mean exactly?
The way they'd have an animation playing until you went near them and then the cutscene would start?

Why even bother putting singleplayer into GTA 6 at this point?

who cares post your online character desu

t. Johnny's widow
back to gtaforums, faggot.

Franklin is too boring (does he do anything wrong besides fight with his aunt or whoever?) and Trevor is basically Cartman with how he'll torture someone one second then monologue about how torture is actually bad to the audience a second later

Michaels family are assholes and the redemption plot arc is stupid (pretty sure one mission is just "go to the therapist") but because Michael hates them too coupled with midlife crisis that makes his character interesting and he occasionally gets to upstage Trevor as the psychopath while Trevor stands to the side going AND YOU SAY IM FUCKED UP HAHA THIS IS LIKE ONE OF THOSE VIDEO GAMES

I liked how they tried to have Franklin resolve the plot, as if anyone gave a damn about the black guy that's not allowed to act like a black guy

>rusty rebel
mah nigga

I'm diagnosed with clinical depression who also does meth "recreationally"(in denial of being addicted). There's nothing in Trevor's character I can relate to, besides his meth use.

I had assumed he slept so long because that's what you do when your binge ends. When you're been awake for so long you just crash for a very long time. His usage also explains his irritability, aggressiveness, irrationality and excitability at times. It might also explain his ability; he's able to focus sharply, feel invincible, and erupt into rage and adrenaline onto his targets, which is something that can happen if you were very, very high during a life threatening situation

Honestly I think he's just shoved in there to appeal to edgy teens.

I have way too many outfits.

Here's another.

And yet another I haven't bothered to restore after all my saved outfits have been wiped twice.

And another.

Funny enough that's the only screenshot I have of my default black suit and red shirt outfit.

Is he? I've never heard many normies talk about any of the 5 protags.

>Literally me
>Wicked sense of humor
0 Results Found

I'm disappointed in you Sup Forums

Reading this gives me too much secondhand embarassment to handle


being drunk make visuals so fun,I wish rockstar made a multiplayer missions with this feature

Visuals while being high are even more fun, try smoking one and walking out of apartment. Everything's drowning in godrays.

my niggaaaa

>Implying anyone would play them

gta4's narrative blows the fuck out of gta5's wacky hip criticism of consumerist america.. holy fuck i was so let down by gta5.. like, the game is great mechanically and the writing is good, but the story and narrative that they're trying to tell is just sooooooo much fucking worse than 4...

That's the joke. He's a parody of gta protagonists. He's a heartless psychopath that runs around in stupid clothes like any player would but also randomly bitches about modern society like Niko and Johnny despite being a psycho killer.

Why people like Niko's unironic bitching about society is beyond me.

>the writing is good
>the story and narrative are shit

>blatant sociopath who abuses drugs and innocent people and rapes people
>but is hugely put off by racism and nationalism

So a muslim?

He meant the dialogues are entertaining but the plot is shit.

>still playing that garbage

because niko's life is shit and he's pissed that people are constantly fucking him and his cousin over so he decides to do something about it.. in gta5 the characters around michael are all just shells designed to allow shots at modern USA, AKA jimmy the fat fuck 420 gamer spouting memes and his #soblonde slutty sister.. then michael, instead of telling his kids to fuck off or beating them into line, decides to start a criminal syndicate on the level of the fucking mafia while still bitching about his middle upper class problems that an actual criminal would just not care about.. like i get that he might be a more nuanced character, but the game never does anything to promote that idea

You know the way the camera kinda pulls towards the point of interest. It almost feels completely random

>Breaking Bad ruined good writing

like the other dude said, the line to line writing is well done and entertaining, but the overall arc is shit imo. they wasted the talent of their writers with a shitty creative lead

Sup Forums hipsters lol

its not the best thing ever but its certainly well written

Holy shit, this has to be the most underaged thread Sup Forums has had in a long time. No way this many retards are just baiting.

But most of the GTA Online players behave like Trevor, it's fucking perfect.

It's not even satire, it's the sad truth.

The only satire is the nigger not being the savage here.


>hmm, I had that guy killed so his body could be buried instead of mine and the world would assume I was dead
>this crazy person also believes he is dead and would do something crazy, like look into it more deeply or seriously harm me, if I dont calm his suspicions
>should I tell him another lie he cant or wont bother to investigate in order to keep him complacent and he assumes the lie is still true
>should I tell him literally anything at all to redirect the conversation and let him forget he even asked this question to begin with because its not important and its not like it will ever come up again
>should I refrain from seeming nervous and evasive and highly suspicious in providing my answer, totally contrary to my mature and level-headed character
>nah fuck it


Is this post-post irony?

>michael is mature and level headed
>literally spends the first 3rd of the game trying to repay a mexican gang leader for pulling down his house because he was being irrational
>spends the later 2 3rds of the game murdering everyone because he wants to keep his retarded family together even though they hate him


Why the fuck you lying, hmm why you always lying, oh my god, stop fucking lying.

Lotta Trevors posting in this thread, if you catch my drift

do retards really believe depression isn't real?

is fun, you cant refute that :^]

How many layers of irony is this nigga on?