What happened to this game?

What happened to this game?

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Scrapped and retooled into a TF2 mod


>Joined March 2013
Why is it taking them so long?

Flopped because they didn't launch with a console port and PC users are just gonna wait for it to be $2.99 on Steam or free in a Humble Bundle.

Oh I thought you asked what will happen to this game..

>implying this game will ever be finished

Cancelled mostly because of inside crap happening inside the team that forced it to break up.

Saying from a former staff who worked on this game.

>tfw you only pledged because Hat Girl is cute

Can you give details? You ARE anonymous, after all.

Their twitter feed seems normal

they're still going strong. aiming for a 2017 release

cont. they showed some sheet of the levels they've completed. a lot of them are done, and are just waiting for final art passes.

the game died when cosmo stopped giving it free advertisement

They're still updating. I think they're done with 3/4 of the levels.


Considering the WIP that leaked, this seemed to be all they had going for it. It played like a really bland BK, and the cute girl needed more character beyond "cute girl", because half the reason we played BK and the extended collectathon family were because they were batshit in the best possible ways character-wise

looks surprisingly good, especially after this


>A Hat in Time..
>What's this?
>Oh.. another shitty Banjo clone
I hope it gets cancelled.

did they rush this or what? i hope not all the worlds are as bland and flat as this one

I remember thinking the dev was a cunt for some reason but I've completely forgotten why.

No one cares about it anymore because Yookalaylee and Mario Odyssey look so much better.

the characters sounds are just so bad sounding

It's the one that pretty much started the trend back up.

oh shit. I thought this was out and people had forgot about it.

It's supposedly coming out this year.

Joke's on you I pledged $20 when it first went up on Kickstarter.

>pledging to kickstarter
>jokes on you


>why does a small team take forever to make a full fledged video game

FFXV took 10 years with a staff of hundreds.

he put a keylogger in a sonic fangame, then blackmailed the sonic fangame forum with it

There needs to be more porn of her

That is due to incompetence

>lol investing in things is bad, nobody should ever do it and things should never get made and we should really all just live in mud huts and die before 30

And your next line is going to be "But it's not investing because the backers aren't getting paid!"

Game looked like shit anyway, double jumping is lazy game design.

Sounds fantastic, what's the issue?

I dunno. Aside of the part where he had to break the same thing like ten times to get the card this looks pretty alright.

Its as if you know how dumb it is

>double jumping is lazy game design

>Oh.. another shitty Banjo clone

Nope. Have the beta. Controls like Mario Sunshine without the fludd. (but has its own unique gimmicks)

Coming out this year. I'm pretty excited.

>Game looked like shit anyway, double jumping is lazy game design

It isn't when the platforming is designed with it in mind.

>this is the next Mighty No 9
I can't wait. This will be amazing.

>can already play it and it is incredibly good
>the next MN9

So this is just assblasted nintoddlers that are salty about it coming out on literally every single platform except their's, right?

>bringing up console wars for no reason at all

this mc makes my peepee feel funny

>no reason at all

The Wii U was a stretch goal and the devs said it was impossible after Nintendo gave them a bunch of shit so Nintoddlers chimped out. It's absolutely relevant. Remember that you are on Nintedogaf.

So what are all the indies you're looking forward to this year, Sup Forums?

Personally for me
>A Hat in Time
>Rain World
>Hollow Knight pic related

Yeah alright. Any decent platforming game will give you a fuckup percentage of about 15-30% - from a pixel perfect jump, you get a good 15-30% of the character's width from that position and still make the jump.

This stacks with the double jump, since you're essentially just jumping off an invisible platform you place at will, to put it in perspective. So you'll get these massive buffers and always make the jump unless there's some retarded momentum that makes you overshoot it - which is a requirement because an invisible platform you can place at will really lends itself to a lot of error.

So at best it can be done well - I've seen a lot of 2D platformers pull it off with "under the ledge" platforming. But most of the time it's just budget 3D platformers not giving a fuck and using it as an excuse to spend less time on level design or whatever.

See Alice: Madness Returns for an example of that lmao

too many to even keep track of

>that soundtrack

>But most of the time it's just budget 3D platformers not giving a fuck and using it as an excuse to spend less time on level design or whatever

But that isn't true for this game. The platforming is extremely technical. Why are you talking about something you know nothing about?


did the beta get updated or something?

i dont remember this

I think what you meant to say was double jumping CAN be lazy game design.
For a lot of platformers, double jumping if not given to you at the start is a way to gate the player on where they can travel to and meter out the difficulty of bosses.

Later bosses will require skillful use of double jumps to avoid their attacks in this case, as well as more difficult platforming as the game progresses requiring good timing on double jumps and wall jumps and dash moves and all that jazz.
And even when it is integrated at the start, there's nothing inherently lazy about double jumping as a mechanic. A mechanic is as good or bad as it is implemented.

Give me some names, nigga.

not sure if you like the song or not from that image desu

Surprisingly, this is looking good. Can't wait until release

You have my attention


Yeah, like a year ago it went from alpha to beta and added quite a few levels.

>murder mystery on a train

best setting

it's good, but it might just be the trailer music, and not the actual game track

No. Just that this has been in development way long than MN9. So, this will probably be "better than nothing"

Looks cheap as shit and at the same time looks 50 times better than mighty number meme, bloodshit or a ton of other kikestarter junk.

Time well spent.

how old is hat girl haha

just for laughs haha

I'm calling the police

I just saw that Routine is coming out next month and has a release trailer and everything so I'm excited for that. A Hat in Time and Yooka Laylee too.

>"better than nothing"

The vertical slice of content we've already been given is fantastic and has more than justified it's price, though. 4 years is not a terribly long development time assuming it does come out this year. It is in no way similar to MN9, sorry.

consider: tumblr nose

it was just for laughs.

>4 years is not a terribly long development time
It was supposed to come out in February 2014, user.

Pic related and Project Arrythmia.

It's gonna be better than Yooka Laylee

Hat in Time's devs are a much smaller team. That and iirc they had to revamp a lot of shit because of design changes. Namely for the desert world.

What happened to this one?

I'm more hyped for this than Yooka. The fact it'll have workshop and online co-op day 1 is fucking rad. shit's only gonna be 20 bucks too

Got lost in time.

>online co-op day 1

color me hyped

I want to fuck The Conductor.


At least it's not Kewpie-Jazzy.

Smaller team plus it could be a case of them biting off more than they can chew. I backed SCALE back in 2013 and the dude making the game has no date down and only seems to post rare "come watch me code on twitch" updates

>tfw to intelligent to donate to kickstarter

Who wouldn't?

ebin kirkhope reference xddd

"I played a bad game once so a mechanic is fundamentally flawed" the post.

Pixel perfect jumps are fucking stupid too.

Looks good. If they don't ruin optimization, I'll get it.

>full fledged
Are you gay???

Bloodstained looks really good, though. I've only seen nitpicking complaints regarding what we've seen.

Yooka Laylee looks good, too.

Would you prefer me full wedged?

I remember being in a community where it was developing this or something. I can't remember what it was but I think it was some Garry's Mod or TF2 servers


The Culling and Subnautica in particular. I'm also waiting to see whatever Toby Fox has in store, since I liked Earthbound Halloween and Undertale.

Yooka Laylee is looking good. Cashino is a bit empty, and the sound effects are pretty dull, but I like the look of pretty much everywhere else. The music is also spot on.

Bloodstained is your classic Igavania. I played Aria and Dawn when it was announced, and now I'm itching for another one.

Stretch goal DLCs for Shantae and Shovel Knight. Shovel Knight has never disappointed, and I'm tentatively hopeful for Shantae.

Already this year we got Megaman 2.5D and Nefarious, which, while alright, don't compare to last year, which gave us Rabi Ribi around this time, then Momodora, Va11-Ha11a, AM2R and Shantae.

I'm also getting a Switch around the time I finish BotW for the Wii U, so my plate is full for the year ahead. Fucking sucks that I got promoted from part time to full time and no longer have the time to play for 6 hours a day.

Anyone remember MFGG Royale

kirkhope composed some of the songs for A Hat In Time dumbass

What servers? I think it was one that was like a mirrors edge but tf2 kind of game. What's the name of the community again? I rember them always trying to shove a hat in time down our throats

SLAG gaming

im not sure, i just know the lead dev ran or was a big member of one of the tf2 communities

Damn that's right, wow I can't believe I didn't remember that. I really liked their parkour tf2 servers

Assuming the switch port of isaac isn't complete dogshit, that might get me to play isaac again

same as you, but add:
>fucking iconoclasts
>death gambit
>freedom planet 2
>spire from hitbox if it comes out this year

Konjak really likes black women. At first I thought he was just trying to PC, but then seeing all the real black women he was giving love, he just has Jungle Fever.


yeah, I don't mind this however since he doesn't draw like a fucking tumbltard- whatever he draws a white girl or a delicious chocolate girl he has good art and look hot as fuck. I really like his style, to be honest

Oh I have absolutely no problem with it. If it's his taste that is to his liking, not to mention I too also like his brown girls. Was just making a friendly observation.

Besides Mina in Iconoclast is best girl

yeah i'm sure those obnoxious sound effects won't get annoying after 5 minutes