So i'm a fucking retard that forgot to pre-order the Nintendo Switch

So i'm a fucking retard that forgot to pre-order the Nintendo Switch.
Is there any place i'll be able to get it on launch day?
Or am I fucked?

Call your local stores and ask if they did pre-orders. I hear some Toys r Us for didn't take any for example. Find a store that's still pure and get your camping gear ready.

You're a smart guy for keeping your money instead of pre ordering 6 year old hardware with no games

If you live in Canada Walmart doesn't take preorders. Otherwise, call your game store the day before release and ask if they have any stock for non-preorder customers. My EBgames isn't sure, but recommended lining up early obviously. I'll be going to my Walmart around an hour before they open.

>camping for a Nintendo system
Gee whiz think mommy or daddy will let you?

Call your local stores. Pre-orders are cancelled or resupplied constantly and savvy consumers keep a constant check on such status.

wish i'd seen this sooner. I pre ordered a 2nd one for my ex since her birthday is on launch. We broke up 4 hours ago

I just cancelled the order. Had I seen this sooner I would've given it to you user, store price

Just remembered, it was on Amazon. Dunno what happens to sold out pre orders if one of them cancels. if you're quick you might be able to score it?

I camped for my wii and then my dad made me wait a week til Christmas to open it. it built character.

>mfw settling on getting the regular switch instead of the neon due to never seeing the neon going up for pre-order on amazon.

just pay 100 bucks for one neon blue and one neon red goyi-

>So i'm a fucking retard that forgot to pre-order the Nintendo Switch.
No, actually that was a very smart move.
You're only retarded in the fact that you think that was retarded.

The 360 is 12 years old.

just pay 10 bucks to get red and blue grips.

>I'm a fucking retard
>buying Nintendo products

Yup, it checks out.

>Want thing that comes in limited supply
>Forgot to reserve thing
No. I'm pretty sure that was foolishness.

He doesn't need the thing until summer, where the first arguably worthwhile exclusive (but definitely not system-seller) comes out, Splatoon2.

Zelda BoTW is a multiplat and I'm 99% sure a fanboy like him owns a WiiU already, so that's not the reason to buy a Switch.

The console will NOT be in short supply after 3 months, so there's nothing to worry about.

>pre-ordering a nintendo product
>pre-ordering a nintendo product with no games

Wow you get more retarded the more I think about it, OP.

If you act fast at Best Buy, and line up at target, you can still get user's zelda pro bundle for 378 USD.

You're FUCKED.

Try your nearest Walmart and Target on launch day. Watch as they laugh at you the whole time.

>Dude, you're not getting a Switch!

I want BotW on the Switch though.

why would you want this fuckin garbage?

Fucking christ cucks ruin everything

just pirate the Wii U version

they were both Downgraded to all hell anyway.

To play Breath of the Wild wherever I please.

But I can't take the WiiU with me on the train.

>2.5 hours

have fun, cuck.

Why would you want a console with 1 mediocre game at launch and ports for the rest of the year?

Holy fuck nintendrones finally coming full circle.

>spending more than 2 hours on the fucking train

Where the fuck do you commute?

The train ride is just an hour anyway. And I can charge it at my desk.

It's all just marketers.

>Why would you want a console with 1 mediocre game at launch and ports for the rest of the year?
Because it has games and ports I want.

Yeah i was going to buy it but the battery life is probably going to be fucking trash.

My gamepad died in like 40 minutes.

Try Toys R Us. They get fuckloads of stock.


What games? It literally has no game at launch and Zelda is on Wii U for free.

whent into eg to trade in my vita and asked them about the switch.
they guy behind the counter was autistic but cool when i asked him how many pre orders did they get, realy tryed to sell it to me.
the chick couldnt get a word in but what she did say was spot on, to bad shell get fired for not making them pre order marks and for not selling out like autismo did

It has nothing to do with the stores, Nintendo supply constrains their own products.

To play Breath of the Wild wherever on my train ride.
I've answered this question several times.

not him but, I didn't own a WiiU so all the games and ports are great for me.

Just being your Wii U and plug it in. It's free. You have no excuse, cuck/shill.

What I mean is they usually have more left in stock for console launches than other places because everyone forgets they have video games too.


You dodged one trainwreak of a console, might as well dodge this one too.

I can't wait to get mine. I paid it off this past weekend along with a copy of Zelda and Binding of Isaac. Being able to play those games during my downtime at work is going to be fucking aces.

The train has no outlets. And besides, I don't think the WiiU version has gamepad play.

Fuck right off shill.

But I want the games promised.

thanks for sharing, marketer.

make your post a bit more subtle next time.

What games? Protip: there are none.

Is this the part where we throw baseless accusations at each other?
Do I call you a Sonynigger? Or is it Sonygger?

Why would I want a Wii Thrii?

>everyone who likes something and is excited for it is a shill.

Yeah no, you're just a little faggot.

Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey down the road for starters.

It's not baseless, your shilling is obvious.

>lol you only hate it because you can't have it xD

Yeah ok buddy.

Nah, I see great potential on the console and the games already announced seem good for me, besides I'm an idort, if I had your mentality I wouldn't have bought a PS4 either.


Fast RMX
Disgaea 5
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Super Bomberman R
Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2

>inb4 none of these count

It's Sonygger isn't it? I think it flows better.

Nice facebook memes, I think they're a little outdated though.

Just look at the way you type. You probably do it for free too.

Xenoblade 2, FE 15 and Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Odyssey and Zelda are the things announced so far i want the most
Just because you don't like Nintendo doesn't mean it has "no games"

like other people have said definitely try a Toys R Us, electronics is usually the part of the store with the least amount of traffic/transactions, and for some reasons we have a fuckload of consoles usually. And since a big demographic for the store is kids, we generally stock Nintendo stuff a lot more than the others

And you still suck cocks for fun. Why so sad little faggot? Did Daddy not give you enough cummies today.

Not him but, OP is basically fox/grapes image which is what the guy posted, now you guys are here just shitposting, if you aren't interested then just leave the thread.

>Mario 06

no games.

>Fast RMX
>Disgaea 5
not worth $300
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Super Bomberman R
>Super Mario Odyssey
Mario 06
>Splatoon 2
lazy rehash
>Xenoblade 2
garbage artsyle.

That image legitimately may actually be older than you are. I know that's usually used as an insult, but I'm being serious. That image is old as fuck.

>Someone unironicly thinks this is true

>>inb4 none of these count
He has you pegged dude.

>shitty port
>lol what?
>shitty port
>shitty shovelware
>shitty port
>shit game from a shit franchise that should've stayed dead
>Mario Rehash #6000000
>Shitty unnecessary sequel to a shitty game
>Weeb shit
You're right, none of them count because none of those are actual games.
Try harder.

>none at launch except Zelda
>Zelda is on Wii U for free

no games.

>Nice facebook memes?

Seeing as how he's a cuck, he probably likes being pegged.

You're trying too hard.

Keep moving those goalposts, you'll get to your dreamed destination some day

This isn't your safe space.

Everyone here is trying too hard. Try to keep up.

Just me and my daddy, hanging out I got pretty hungry so I started to pout He asked if I was down ⬇for something yummy and I asked what and he said he'd give me his cummies! Yeah! Yeah! I drink them! I slurp them! I swallow them whole It makes daddy happy so it's my only goal... Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 1 cummy, 2 cummy, 3 cummy, 4 I'm daddy's princess but I'm also a whore! He makes me feel squishy!He makes me feel good! He makes me feel everything a little should!~ Wa-What!

replying to your own post is poor form.

And it isn't your toilet.
Not everyone has to be as miserable as you make yourself.

i have a question for the the switch

will i be able to use my hdmi to DVI cable to play off my pc monitor? i dont really have a tv here, i know that audio wont work but i can just use headphones in the switch or a portable speaker, but will the video go to my screen okay?

>tldr; will my hdmi to dvi output video to my monitor from the switch??

Zelda, fuck yeah
Fast RMX, not interested though it does look like Fzero, will check it out at some point.
Disgaea 5, ultimate edition fuck yeah I'm getting it, didn't buy it on the PS4, but will buy it on the switch for comfy grinding on the bed/toilet etc.
Snipperclips (interesting, but I'm personally not interested in it)
MArio Kart 8 Deluxe, fuck yeah I played a bit of MK8 at a friends house and loved it.
Super Bomberman R, will probably be my second game, I used to play this with friends years back.
MArio Odyssey, will probably be good.
Splatoon 2, I'll try the live fire demo to see if I like it.
Xenoblade 2, seems nice, I played Xenogears and Xenosaga so hopefully this will be good as well.

>Two people disagree with me? Impossible, must be the same guy

>If it's Nintendo you can't under any circumstances be excited for anything they're releasing
>If you do you'll be made fun of and your opinion will be driven through the mud
Shit, man. Guess I can't enjoy my hobby anymore then.

>So i'm a fucking retard
should have just ended the post there.

I suppose it would be.
Why bring it up?

>Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, new IPs all during a soft launch

>How to spot the nintendo corporate shill cocksucker

Literally no games, shut the fuck up
The switch will stop being produced before Mario Odyssey even comes out

kek, I get called a Microsoft shill and now a Nintendo shill ... man I should really get to work on getting my Sony shill rep higher.. though admitedly I don't like Sony as a company at all, I do still buy their consoles and games though, but IF I have to shitpost I gladly shitpost Sony.

Yes, if you want to buy it at launch, you are retarded.

I'm not a Switch hater, but you should never buy ANY platform at launch.
That's just my advice though, it's your money.

>Literally no games
> L I T E R A L L Y

>naming all those games and still calling it a soft launch
fuck off arlo you retard

It's a soft launch until Holidays. This is fact and has been outright stated.

I thought I got the switch, but I accidently got a glock instead.

If you are not waiting for the "Pro" version you need to kill yourself.

Strange how a weapon designed for killing someone looks like a cheap machine component.

right? same thing can be said about video game systems.

>buying grenades

awww that's really sweet user
thank you so much

>That design and model

Correction, you accidentally got a instant hand remover