A failure that made its money back

What is so hard to understand about making a fucking game that is appealing to someone. I mean really, this has already started the shit train
>Constant errors
>Misled trailers
>pay to win aspects
>people shilling this game
What the actual fuck guys? how could we let something like this slip by? I mean ubisoft has been cranking out garbage for the last 3 years. Lets get our fucking act together and come up with a mischievous plan to fuck them over.

Other urls found in this thread:


Every Souls game is P2P and it was never that big a deal, why are you fags crying about it nonstop now?

Niohfags on suicide watch.

Souls games aren't meant to be solely multiplayer competitive games and the creator detests PvP faggots.

For Honor is exactly the opposite and is meant to be a hardcore (xD) PvP competitive game. It's an issue.


OH SHIT! a new video! Thanks user i was bummed that she was taking a month long hiatus

Go shill your video somewhere else

>a few clips of actual people lagging, the rest is worrying about what ifs

I've had 50+ hours in this fucking game and I've had less than 10 instances of lag. Around two or three where people actually teleport around. Either the person whining about muh P2P has a brazil tier connection or they're just extremely unfortunate to come across that many people with terrible connections.

>not liking crowbcat vids


Never bought into the hype. Laughing at the idiots that spent 60 bucks on this shit.

Very characteristic of Ubisoft to squander such an opportunity. Though they'll obviously start to address this and eventually set up dedicated. I mean, they fixed R6Seige eventually.

a lot of people think it's fun

>crowbcat still trying to shill himself

fuck off m8, literally noone here is interested in your garbage. Reddit is a better place for you to try

It's crowbcat, he can make a 30 second lag in 3 hours of footage look like a major problem.

on word
>pic related

Anyone who bought this game deserved to get burned

>pay to win aspects

Care to elaborate? My buds are pitching this game, but they are always pitching games where we all waste our money on 3 hours worth of gametime. I need to drive it home on this game.

they're shills

The game has pay to win aspects
The game also has a shop for microtransactions

It's early days right now, cheaters are few and far inbetween, wait until you get competitive at the game and find everyone is using lag switches, wtf do you think is gonna happen to this game when that shit starts happening.

Remember trying to play a decent game of RDR multiplayer once their servers got hacked.
You can't play a game because everyone are using cheats and glitches so it's either join them or quit.

If you join them, you'll probably end up banned sooner or later. Might as well just quit.

This is a strange game, user, the only winning move is not to play

You mean to buy steel to then upgrade your gear?

Gear stats are negligible and steel is fucking easy to get without paying so I don't see what difference it makes.

Souls PvP is viewed more as an extra cool feature aside to the main game, sure, I know a lot of people take Souls PvP seriously, but even those people would buy a souls game for the single player content, it's not the core of the product.

>Lil bro is basically a NEET, just using the money he has in his bank account from the last job he quit
>Preorders the PS4 Gold Edition since he likes the beta

>About an hour ago
>Fucking rages where he almost breaks the controller
>Bitching about how everyone else has better gear than him
>Decides to clean the house to cool off

This fucking game does things to people, man.

>Not wanting P2P in a fighting game
>Errors are annoying but not enough to ruin the experience
>STILL falling for the early alpha footage meme
>Microtransactions are mostly cosmetic and everything can be unlocked by playing the game except a few season pass cosmetics
>"P2W" aspect doesn't actually matter since revenge is the only stat that actually helps you and is easy to stack
>shill meme

>>Misled trailers
>>pay to win aspects

Works on my machine ;^)

You know what are meant to pe primarily multiplayer and use p2p? Fighting games.

>Misled trailers


This is the probably the only recent ubishit game without any real misleading trailers

gotta actually play the game and get good with a character...

You can pay real money to open gear boxes that you can also open for free by playing the game to get items that sacrifice one stat to buff another. The stats only apply in 4v4 modes and gear is purely cosmetic in 2v2 and 1v1.

Not that it matters much. In 4v4 you're going to die way more to getting jumped by 3 people than you are by a guy who does 20 damage instead of 19 per hit.

Dark Souls all over again

>a failure that made its money back
This is why most of the money goes into marketing. The majority of that money is made back before the game even releases because people are fucking retarded consumers and publishers take every advantage of that.

>Cites a video that proves For Honor doesn't use hosts
>Complains about host migration
Is this kid for real?

Souls pvp is utter unplayable shit due to its netcode
Lags, phantom ranges, mismatches between animations and hitboxes, desync.

Literally never had this happen.


>giving views to youtube kids that regularly shill on Sup Forums
When will you learn?

I just looked about this game and can you actually see your opponent's IP?

Souls isn't a MOBA game. Faggot false equvilancy and you know it.

I love P2P because it basically means my 50MB connection gives me host advantage.

just sad watching these fools fall for the same shill threads that get posted day after day

for cosmetics
>>pay to win aspects
everything in the game is attainable through regular play. That isn't what p2w is.

if you're going to shit on a game (AAA games deserve it, let's be real), at least be right

its all anecdotal, but i rarely had issues with peer to peer in this game in over the 30 hours i played. i did have them though, and they definitely stick out, but i guarantee the people who have these issues only ever talk about them despite the game overall being fairly decent

Not trying to incite the hate for the game or anything, but
>everything in the game is attainable through regular play.
But that does constitute p2w. As long as paying lets you get a shortcut to gameplay changing unlocks, it counts. It doesn't have to be exclusive premium items only available in cash shop.
The latter is a sufficient condition for p2w, the former is the necessary condition.

But then its pay2notgrind.

not him, but the gear you can get in game doesn't even matter until you get to reputation 1 and above. they give minor stat gains (they end up taking away from other stats; so if you want max attack, enjoy literally no defense) so even then its a trade up for playstyle.

the only thing i would describe as a shortcut is the feats you can buy with steel. no idea who said "this is ok", though feats are also not easy to gain unless you win constantly

>unironically playing the 4v4 modes when the game was clearly not designed for it

Due to how game handles lags, lag switch will probably kick you out of game, or kill whole lobby.

I still hate p2p in this game. Died so many times due to bullshit.

I haven't played the game too much since it launched since I've been busy with other shit but I haven't had that many connection issues. More than I'd like, but I'm still talking like less than five. It was hideous in the open beta I won't deny that though.

This game ain't worth $60 unless you're gonna invest a lot into gitting gud in duels or something, and I sure the hell am not gonna buy the season pass, but it's a good game.

The peer to peer isnt the standard style, they've come up with a new solution that is really damn good.

No-one is getting constant errors except perhaps the usual retards who cannot into computer. I haven't seen any word of errors anywhere except in your shitpost.

The trailers were extremely accurate.

No-one cares about cosmetic microtrans.

What pay to win? Are you fucking retarded, posting that bullshit?

I've seen no skills, but I have seen a shitload of buttroasted Sony ponies and poorfaggots here on Sup Forums.

I'm having fun desu. Feels like soul calibur, unless you're in 4v4.

It really does feel tacked on like the devs wanted a 1v1 dueling game but ubisoft wanted the team and gear aspect for MUH ESPAWTS

There are no issues with P2P, I've put over 100 hours in so far and can confirm this. Buy the game and try it out if you're unsure, it'd be a great way to show the devs you want the game supported and maybe if it makes enough they'll add dedicated servers.

the game is built around the 4v4 modes though. the duels and brawls are better for more fair competition, but there is no way you can possibly think that they didnt design the game with the 4v4 modes in mind. the feats, the gear stats...? come on, user.

>p2p in a fighting game

p2p is fine in a 1v1, but the second you step into 2v2 and 4v4 the game has a tendency to turn into a mess.

Also, For Honor's middleware, if it has any, is a fucking joke. The game is being simulated on every peers' computer but when someone lags the lag favors the player with the poorest connection which is absolute dog shit.

>not designed for 4v4

So it's either one of two things,
>Ubisoft is charging 50 bucks for a game with a single game mode

>1v1/2v2/4v4 were all equally developed and this can be clearly seen because of the gear stats, the feats, and map sizes.

Literally an afterthought compared to the combat system that is obviously tailored for single duels



Well of capcom can get away with it.

But the 4v4 modes are the funnest and fighting multiple opponents is pretty manageable if you're not complete shit.

found this to be crap aswell, the game actually kicks you if you cant keep a stable 30 FPS all the time, normally i dont care if it dips in the shittiers situation as long as it runs silky smooth in 95% of all situations, but this bullshit made me turn the graphics down because it actually kicks you for it. stupid bullshit, wish they would just let the others have an advantage over me in those situations and not kick me.

It does? Fuck. I have a good GPU, but my CPU only fits minimum reqs. Will I be daijoubu if I buy this game?

True. You will mostly be fighting 1v3-4 in 4v4 mode.

But gear stats are overblown. I've seen orochi, with Max attack and revenge build. 4 blocks and he has full revenge mode. In it he took 2 hits to kill anyone...

He was also a total vegetable, using one, heavy. Side attack. From the same side.

Skill matters way way more than gear in this game, but those faggots maxing out revenge mode are annoying - it's not that killing them is hard. But it takes shitload of time.

You can in every p2p game.
Just use Wireshark to check where your pc is sending packets.

There is no host in for honor. It is true p2p game, you share your Gamestate with every other player.

Wasn't this game supposed to be a battle simulator?

I remember trailers showing hundreds of NPC besieging a castle.

It's all about the gear man. That revenge does so much difference

>and it was never that big a deal
in what universe do you live in

It was always 1v1 to 4v4 game.
Other npcs were cannon fodder. Even in first gameplay trailer from e3

yeah dood a fighting game where a lag switch can come into play and win you the game, nothing like taking a hit flipping the switch, oh you lagged? didn't happen but you were wailing on them for the short time the switch was flipped so enjoy free damage

gud gayme guise

Also I've played through every Bethesda game and have never encountered any bugs not even once.

>for cosmetics
They're not just cosmetic in the 4v4 modes
>everything in the game is attainable through regular play. That isn't what p2w is.

Here we fucking go.

>For Honor
Thanks for reminding me that Sup Forums always shit talk games they never played themselves.

Souls Multiplayer is on the top 10 of shittiest laggy online of all time.

Okay, I haven't experienced any lag switching at all, has anyone actually?

>all the footage is from Beta when the game was free and cheaters could use lagswitches without any repercussions
Anyway, shillcat, when are you making a video about Last Guardian being a disaster?

That's why tournament are played local and that every people wanting to play seriously will tell you the input lag online is a bad thing.

Even Sm4sh for fun is fucked online because of the lag.

...But it does use hosts you fucking retard. He was pointing people said it WOULDN'T have host migration but clearly does. How do you remember to breathe being this fucking dense.



Yet all of these thins doesn't stop DS from being an extremely popular PvP game. There are more channels on youtube and twitch about Souls PvP than single player.

I know it's almost like popularity = quality right?

Nor myself, but I guess the point is that, it /can/ happen and that's kind of a bad thing. I've had a few dominion games where I've randomly(!) disconnected while we were winning and I was top scoring and it only happened against the same 2 or 3 people who were on the other team, and only the one afternoon. I'd go as far as accusing one of them for booting me when I was just trying to do some dailies because it was very sketch circumstances that it happened it. The lag switch thing though, I haven't had anything that blatant or peculiar

What the fuck quality has to do with it you idiot?
>Every Souls game is P2P and it was never that big a deal, why are you fags crying about it nonstop now?
Do you see quality ever mentioned in that post? Souls PvP is very popular, it's a fact.

The 4v4 modes are all very moba-esque though. That's not to say that's a bad thing, but it's hard not to put FH in that realm. Especially when you're playing 4v4 Elims and you're up against an assassin who starts roaming to grab buffs and gank your teammates who would otherwise be holding down a 1v1.

You're responding to several people, that's not how you engage a proper argument.

You're getting butthurt for no reason when you give a single answer to different context propositions.

It's still not MOBA even with troops around. Troops in the game are basically health kits and interactive capture points. There are no lanes, towers and upgrades.

Nah. It can't cure your retardation

I'm responding to several people replying in the same way to one certain post. All of you idiots addressed the same point with the same lack of thought.
So you got called out on being wrong and got no counter-arguments, gotcha

Everything is a Moba nowadays, the creation of that word was a mistake.

Even CS is a fucking MOBA.
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.

The shittiest thing about this game is that running doesn't remove stamina.

What, just what. Now we are complaining you need to buy a game?
>Constant errors
Not nearly constant 'game is full' Is not a error and you find a new one in about 30 seconds
>Misleading trailers
Your autism is showing
>P2W/micro transactions
Because fire wings make you good at the game
You can buy steel yes, that you can unlock gear, but without getting to lvl 20+ with a class that gear will be trash, not winning at all.

Try fucking harder if you are going to shitpost.
Cant stop me from enjoying it, I needed some new sword swinging melee game in my life to tide me over for a month or two

When people talk about MOBAs they usually talk about DOTA and the likes. 3 lanes, creeps, towers, leveling.

Not a moba like dota or lol, but like bloodline champions or something. Semantics but For Honor is literally a "multiplayer online battle arena".

I like assfaggots or even just faggots but you really can't use those outside of Sup Forums without looking particularly edgy.

>"multiplayer online battle arena"
Isn't that literally every non-open world multiplayer game there is?

Souls multiplayer is tacked on afterthought shit

>fighting multiple opponents is pretty manageable if the opponents are complete shit.

>making the game look even worse by scoffing at any subjective opinion.


Yep, which is why it's a pretty bad acronym to label lol/dota/etc.

"Every Souls game is P2P and it was never that big a deal"

Because many people go through that, doesnt mean it's ok for all of them to play laggy shit.

But you're either a troll, a retard, or a child. So go fuck yourself with your broken P2P.

>Constant errors
Works on my machineTM
>Misled trailers
Find me a game trailer that isn't
You can be everything with in game currency, at least from what I saw
>P2W aspects
>People shilling the game
I wish I was getting paid to post on Sup Forums

I don't really consider it P2W when you have to grind to rep 3 to get actual good gear. By the time you get there, you already have enough iron to get all the gear.

Are you that faggot who would put every game in every genre because they had some weird mechanic?

>You can [buy] everything with in game currency, at least from what I saw
Correct. You get "steel" from games and dailies. You can only buy more steel if you're so inclined.