Playing as a female character in a slutty outfit.
such fucking retarded shitty deviantart anime sim dating games and i fucking love them. i literally buy them too. kill me.
witcher 3
The sims. Fuck all with the actual game I just buildin comfy homes.
Playing as a female character in a heavily armoured outfit
Not so much anymore but in the past it was Skyrim. After mods of course.
modded skyrim, heavy focus on sizeplay and amazon shit
playing skyrim as a pure sex fantasy power trip
Dark Void.
I play world of warcraft still. Also I spent a lot of time in skyrim.
It's a crafting/openworld/early access/simple graphics game, pretty much everything that I and the rest of Sup Forums hates, but I absolutely adore it. It satisfies my longtime fantasy of being a lone explorer sailing from island to island, charting territory and hunting on my own.
I started FF7 for the first time tonight. It's awesome.
Mobile games. I dunno, I guess I just can't be bothered playing a real game sometimes.
I can unironically play the sims for hours on end. without mods.
Is he wrong, though?
Fifa ultimate team
I love the grind in the DOAX franchise for some reason.
cod campaigns
I dont know what it is, but the sims 3 + all expansions/dlc/stuff packs is a fucking huge amount of content
Its also a pretty solid RPG game with a lot of stats and shit.
While at the same time I feel even more like a failure because this is all shit i could be doing in real life and not in a video game (except magic and shit)
its also a game aimed at 8-14 and girls are the biggest player base that i would never let my friends see me play
but its a fucking good game god dammit
>guilty pleasure
>what others think of a game makes me need to hide my love for it
You guys are more beta than /r9k/
I guess WoW. I've been playing this shitty game for 13 years now. No matter how many times I leave I always come back. I'm fully aware of all the problems in the game and yet I always give it another chance. Even when it's bad and I'm unhappy with the state of the game, there's still something nice about jumping into this familiar world and forgetting about real life for a while. Despite all that has changed in the game it's still comfy to me.
I buy £30 of overwatch lootboxes every event regardless and apart from XCOM 2 and Civ 6 its the only exciting aspect of gaming to happen to me in recent years.
It helps I've never been so invested in a game for so long.
Pharah best girl, new skins when?
I really enjoyed Life is Strange
I could probably do without dying because I walked into a cart filled with vegetables.
Having all my equipment taken.
>people actually playing videogames for their enjoyment
>guilty pleasure
This is just plain pathetic, Sup Forums
I love VNs despite not playing many of them. Fuck dating sims though.
Two things in particular.
Usually non-game breaking bugs and glitches, and large groups of enemies being helplessly slaughtered.
Guess its more like the genre. I wont go into a long spiel about myself but by the way I look you would never guess I enjoy playing the Senran games or DOAX. And I intend to keep it that way
>le just be yourself meme
I translate porn games. My friends know this.
I don't think there's anything that can embarrass me anymore.
>le just be yourself meme
What the fuck is this supposed to mean?
Why is this embarassing exactly? I made dsp rule34 and my friends know and don't care. Other friends make pony smut for a living. People need to get off like they need to eat. Should farmers be embarassed too?
I have have potential to be artistically good at Chivalry if I play it long enough for a couple days and get into a groove.
What are you fucking stupid? Do you do things in public that would make you look autistic or do you say fuck it just be yourself and strut around in your Nintendo t-shirts
I liked Mafia 3 because collecting the Playboy magazines for some classy porn was amazing.
This is cute
It's not embarrassing. I'm just saying there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Musou games and Otome VNs.
Like most things its about confidence with a little normie influence.
Wear a Nintendo tshirt, what's anybody gonna do? laugh? I made a check out girl giggle because I was wearing a fallout t shirt and she had a brotherhood of steel tattoo on her wrist and I made a joke.
If you're wearing a tight greasy gaming shirt with your mantits protruding through it then its different.
Any move where you grab a guy, fly to the nearest wall, and slam them into it as hard as possible. That shit gets me so hype and I'll do it over and over if I can. Follow-up combo optional.
I have 44 hours in battleborn.
Mega Man X6 is my favorite PS1 Mega Man title because of how broken it is.
this game tickles my autism and i'll just play it over and over. i always end up a friendless loser who reads books alone. i wish there were an endless mode even though i wouldn't literally just keep being a friendless loser who jogs and lifts weights all the time.
this. i go into modern beth games with a mentality not dissimilar to the mentality i watch b movies with.
post 2 games that even allow this
hardmode: no bioware or soulsborn
my nigga
My favorite Mega Man X level of all time because of how retarded, repetitive, and shitty it is is the Blaze Heatnix stage.
>Like most things its about confidence with a little normie influence
100% Agree with you here, If you're fit/handsome you can almost pull off anything but cmon that's usually not the case with most guys on here. I hide my powerlevel just for the sake of keeping my interests to myself and not have people bug me about it. But sorry to tell you that 95% of game t-shirts/any apparel are hot trash. Just go to the H&M and buy a nice fitted shirt for like $5 fuck
leisure suit larry
Trying to think of some good ones.
But basicly any rpg that doesn't push the whole women must be sexy in armor.
So FFXIV ARR, skyrim, and monster hunter
Both Project x Zones
It's more like you know a game isn't that great, or even shit, but you enjoy it.
I don't normally wear them. I had to go get a birthday card quick and it's what I had on.
I agree though, I used to be the basement dweller but got over myself after thinking I was superior for being a NEET
I had a lot of fun playing league of legends.
Spotted the faggot.
All joking aside, this /fa/ggot is right. When you get to be in your 30s you start to realize how cringey wearing gamer merch is. It's like a guy wearing an "I'D RATHER BE FISHING" shirt. Not necessarily annoying or whatever, but most hobbies, video games included, aren't worth making your entire identity to the point you parade it around every chance you get.
Some of these games people objectively know are bad, but for whatever reasons enjoy them, like dipping their french fries in cola or eating ice cream for dinner. You can do it, you enjoy it, but you know it's weird as fuck and you're not about to announce that you do it right off the bat.
game name?
Playing as a cute and feminine male character in a female armor or clothes and getting bullied for it
lego games.
The ps4 Godzilla game.
Also bad english dubs from the early 2000, especially in Baten Kaitos.
Nigga you better be 8 or seeking professional help
really boring simulators that kind of boil down to spreadsheet management with a really fancy graphical interface
Patrician and all that kinda stuff
>He doesn't like lego games
Wow, feel free to stop posting any time
>implying I said I didn't like them
I still think that lego batman is the best batman video game
turn down for what?
Kudos by Positech. Important: not Kudos 2, which has shitty cartoon graphics, but specifically Kudos 1 with its shitty creepy 3D models.
It's a life sim where you can work your way up different job trees. Being an actor requires being really gregarious and having tons of friends, being a doctor requires degrees but is very stressful, being a cop is very stressful and requires a lot of muscle. You can get some things or do some activities that reduce stress.
You'll randomly become acquaintances with people as you go to college classes or from your work or whatever, but if you piss them off or ignore them, you damage their relationship, which will eventually fade and completely disappear unless you make it up to them. All your friends will have randomized and usually contradictory likes and schedules, so inevitably half your faggot friends will hate you, which is why even when I'm trying to become an actor and maintain the most friendships, I inevitably get frustrated with all my shitty friends and go full hikikomori.
It's pretty great.
I used to find a part of a game that made the controller rumble the most and used it to masturbate.
gonna have to screencap this bost
"here are some outposts for you to liberate" style open world games.
Been playing LoL since like 2010 or maybe even 09. Very rarely now these past few years but I played a couple games this month. Kinda feel a combination of nostalgia and smugness from still sometimes overhearing people talking about it like its the hottest shit.
Saints Row 3 and 4 with nude mod
Not playing and just fucking around with console commands
Senran Kagura and Huniepop.
Settlers 2
Project X
the bouncer
>TFW no Saints Row 5 and doing some single player spin off.
Feels bad man, I don't fucking play Saints Row to play alone.
Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms.
By all means, it's as basic of a dungeon crawler as they come, but there's just something so satisfying about mashing X to swing a huge glowing broadsword. Bonus points for giving you a choice to play as a physically offensive Necromancer class who can summon skeletons to help you.
playing as a female character to get free stuff
mostly in rs
Edgy characters, they're fucking hilarious
Me too, are you getting Lego Worlds
>Playing as reimu and only reimu
Playing vidyas that a largely considered bad for the laughs
I like when enemies grab you in games, especially worm enemies, turns me on
There's nothing guilty about liking MGR. It was legitimately fun and a lot of people agreed on that.
Guilty pleasure is like, games you're embarassed to mention you like because they're either recognized as bad (for me, the Force Unleashed is a guilty pleasure of mine for this reason, in particular, the fucking Wii version. You look like a fucking idiot playing it.. ... but it is fun), or is loaded in fan service to the point where it's a "mom walks in" meme, like Senran Kagura. Yeah, you can like it because they're fun beat em ups, sure, but when it comes down to it you have anime girls with big wobbly tits beating the clothes off each other.
This is my exact feelings on the game. I played from right before bc solid through pandaria then i pick it up for about three months at a time with each expansion
Mass effect trilogy. So much to bitch about but I can't stop replaying.
>League of Legends
This post is so fucking original because most of you are delusional faggots that deny playing assfaggots
call of duty
Black ops
>playing battleborn
SMITE after season 2.
High defense builds that makes me able to tank every hit
I'm a masochist
Bloodbowl 1/2. I love the games but don't recommend to people anymore because no one else does (they can't handle the severe RNG). Also the new one charges an awful lot per race.
life is strange
dragon age inquisition
I like really really cheesy dialogue.
It's why far cry blood dragon is one of my favorite games.
If that's not enough i really like the fable series before Fable 3, Fable TLC and 2 were great.