What hip, new mmorpgs are you crazy kids into these days?

What hip, new mmorpgs are you crazy kids into these days?

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maybe chinese p2w shit. not even korean, they also gave up on this shitty ass genre after wow killed it


Elder Scrolls Online

aura kingdom

Well, certainly not that one which you posted a screenshot of.

Obviously. Just chose the first one on google that didn't have UI shit posted all over it.

Wish that game had proper cloaks and capes...

Guild Wars 2 is actually pretty good. The reason it gets shit is because there are a bunch of gw2 nostfags that cant accept that gw1 was outdated as fuck and changes had to be made. Honestly if GW2 didn't have the Guild Wars name to it, it wouldn't get nearly as much shit as it gets now.

EQ Next died before it could live.

My next hope is for DAOC:Unchained to not suck ass.

mmorpgs don't exist anymore


Lmao if one were you strip any Guild Wars 1 related arguments, the sequel is still a hot pile of fucking garbage because the problems lie in its very foundation while breaking every design manifesto they envisioned since day one. Keep eating shit fag.

GW2 is awful

>Content is so easy everyone just runs full damage gear to speed through it
>90% of the content is just mindless zerging
>Massive class imbalances which still haven't been fixed
>A daily gated gear grind which costs an insane amount of gold and can be skipped with real life money.
>Most skills and traits are intentionally worthless and have been since release.

Archeage. its a cruel addiction and im aware its a shitty game run by a shitty company.

but it scratches an itch that doesnt get scratched often so im hoping similar games come out

i just got back into swtor

>Content is so easy everyone just runs full damage gear to speed through it
You obviously haven't played the game in since launch. The current raid meta uses 1 tank 1-2 healers, 3 buffers and 4 dps. Even in fractals nowadays most groups use a healer.
>90% of the content is just mindless zerging
This is bullshit, sure some of the open world stuff is pretty zergy. But other than that I dont see where you get this?
>Massive class imbalances which still haven't been fixed
This is true, the balancing team is some of the shittiest developers I've ever seen.
>A daily gated gear grind which costs an insane amount of gold and can be skipped with real life money.
Ascended gear only gives you a 5% stat increase. Which means its only needed if you plan on playing high level fractals or raiding.
>Most skills and traits are intentionally worthless and have been since release.
This is also kinda true I fucking hate the balancing team

Atleast reach endgame before you talk shit.

>You obviously haven't played the game in since launch. The current raid meta uses 1 tank 1-2 healers, 3 buffers and 4 dps. Even in fractals nowadays most groups use a healer.
So now the game has healers without a healer class?
>This is bullshit, sure some of the open world stuff is pretty zergy. But other than that I dont see where you get this?
Everything can be done better with a zerg.

I heard FF XIV is pretty fun if you like more traditional MMOs, in respect to crafting and grouping. Is there any truth to that?

mmos were never good

ESO is starting to get real traction because of the Morrowind expansion coming up in june, FFXIV is also releasing an expansion at that time, interesting to see what will happen.
Battle of the WoW clone themepark mmo's.

Are you on some level of irony I don't understand. Because I see this shit pop up in every mmo thread

I tried getting back into FLYFF a few months ago out of boredom to relive some high school nostalgia. But the client is hot dogshit and started eating my PC's resources.

Tera has a trrible endgame and a relentless rng fest, but the combat is fluid and satisfying; I have yet to play an mmo with a combat system to surpass it.

>unsub wow in december
>havent played in 2 months, get tempted
>log in
>forget how much of a piece of shit the game is
>for some reason the game literally feels like it controls worse than vanilla wow, no joke
>quit after less than 30 seconds and uninstall
>dont want to play vanilla either because dont have time for it anymore

>download mu legends CBT instead

8gb to go

Guild Wars 2 is miles ahead. Tera's combat feels like you always play with 300+ ping

kys, I'm too tired to post it rn but you all know the drill.

Not really
Most of the time you'll spend playing the game will be alone because everybody just run roullettes / duty finder, making friends in this game is a bitch
Crafting is deader than dead, there's no point into getting into crafting if you're not already filthy rich because it costs a lot but the crafting lalafell overjews have already secured every market
The game is really neat if you like fashion simulators though, every class of gear is absolutely awesome, from heavy armors to robes

they're both shit. gw2 instead of tab targeting you just spam random buttons at the air

GW2 is simply the opposing end of the spectrum
TERA is tedious animation locked / character root action combat, GW2 is FUCKING ICE SKATING SPAM 1-2-3 THE GAEM
The sweet in-between spot is actually BnS

>You obviously haven't played the game in since launch. The current raid meta uses 1 tank 1-2 healers, 3 buffers and 4 dps. Even in fractals nowadays most groups use a healer.
No they dont. They DID at HoT launch but the "raids" dont work with the fucking game. "You'll need acended gear to clear it :)" people proceed to clear it in greens.

>This is bullshit, sure some of the open world stuff is pretty zergy. But other than that I dont see where you get this?
PvP is all about outnumbering fights at top tier, why fight when you can steamroll a 2v1 or 4v5 for a free point?

>This is true, the balancing team is some of the shittiest developers I've ever seen.
Roy is to blame, that faggot keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper every patch. His favoritism to Guardian is able to rival WoW with mages.

>Ascended gear only gives you a 5% stat increase. Which means its only needed if you plan on playing high level fractals or raiding.
Half right, Raids dont need it.

>This is also kinda true I fucking hate the balancing team
No arguments here.

>WoW with mages.
not anymore, mages are shit? its all about melee now

or at least when i quit in 7.1

GW2 is notorious especially for its overly simplistic and limiting combat system. You need to play MMORPGs more.

>Honestly if GW2 didn't have the Guild Wars name to it, it wouldn't get nearly as much shit as it gets now.
That's because nobody would have played it if it wasn't a Guild Wars game

FF11, have been for 14 years now

Which MMOs specifically are more complex than GW2 and why?

Bonus points if it's not an old game.

Bonus points if you can do it without repeating GW2's faults like a parrot.

Literally every one of them

>GW2 "PvP"
Such a complex game.

WvWvW is the most fun part of the game IMO, GW2 is horrid when it tries to do complex tactics so you might as well go all in with the blobs and seeing nothing on your screen.

Yes it now has healeres without healing classes, its called specializations. People are even finding some rather nifty healing builds like the support healer necro which while its subpar it is easy to play.

They should have called it DPS Online because that's the only class.

This looks pretty fun actually

I wish more MMOs would do these large fights, not everything has to be about muh e-sports competitive shit

You can simulate it right now if you want!
Just put on that video and then wave your mouse around while banging your head on the keyboard.
Enjoy your "large fight"

BnS is genuinely awful. The models are pretty, but the world aesthetic is crap. It's like they just threw it all together. The combat is fun, but the actual content is generic as fuck. It feels Chinese. Reminds me of Perfect World.

WvW within the first few months of launch was some of the biggest fun I had in an MMO since doing wildy clan wars back in Runescape. I was running an extremely shitty engineer build then but holy shit was it fun to just move about with your guildies taking points and stomping stragglers while taking in the scenery.

I might give a shit to TESO actually. I'm so fucking bored lads.

It's decent, but I play it like a solo game. Doesn't seem to have much reason to group together. Typical modern MMO problem though I guess.

The writing is pretty top notch. Good game if you can get past the slightly crappy visuals.


Thank me later.