Tales of Berseria

Will you give Velvet a happy ending in Orfellia?

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Any way to get TBFix ( Tales of Berseria "Fix" by Kaldaien) working with CPY's release?

Are drop rate bonuses stack with each character or bonus counts only for character who made a last hit?

What the hell is an Orfellia?

One of the names Bamco trademarked along time ago
Tales of Berseria, Orfellia, and Alestia were trademarked at the same time

Rokurou x Eleanor is the best ship possible in this game.
Prove me wrong

I can't

I pirated it just to spite denuvo and let it seed
Have still to install though, worth playing?

Since this is a tales thread:

Baba is now president of a small studio called "Studio Istolia" and works for Square Enix.

Dyle + Me beats it.

10 hours in. its alright. still think xilla and vesperia kind of gameplay is better.

She was so close...


Why is Phi so damn cute?

Will this lead to a new golden age of /ss/ in vidya?

Rokurou x Eleanor
Laphicet x Velvet
Eizen x Grune's Jar

>Laphicet x Velvet
Which one?

You need to play with a controller otherwise its a custerfuck.

t. Played zestiria on keyboard and didn't know what the fuck i was doing.

well good luck to that

Phi of course.
I don't care she picked Laphi.

Me x Velvet, Magilou and Eleanor

I think the best ship in Berseria is without a doubt the Van Eltia

Never gets old

>Development team makes a poll regarding the name of the next game
>Berseria wins out of the three trademarked placeholder names
>Berseria taken, rest in the trash bin

It happened with Zestiria back then and now it happened with Berseria, don't read too much into it. That's just the way how this whole trademarking works.

>Tfw Dyle isn't a party member
>Failed Oscar isn't a party member

Pretty good

WHEN THE FUCK DO I GET ELEANOR AND MAGILOU? I just want 3 oneesans and one little boy

Anyone got the fix working with the CPY version?

After doing things for grandma and getting raped by Artorius

It works only with bought game.



60-80h without grinding but all sidequests

Only the character who kills the mob

Magilou will go with you on Tabatha's 3rd quest, and will join at the end of it.


How many people have even looked at the plot summary logs?

I'm 72 hours in and I forgot they even existed.

The only plot logs that matter are from Tales of the Abyss where it takes the form of Luke's journal and occasionally gives you insights to what his thoughts that he hasn't vocalized.


So you've been playing for...8 hours?

Don't respond to low-effort bait. We were doing such a good job ignoring it until now.

I remember where the one before the final dungeon where he almost decides to tell Tear that he loves her, but the fact that he doesn't have much time left stops him believing that all he'll do by telling her is break her heart when he does die.

He ends it by saying he's scared to die.

Do sub members get grade??

yes but it seems to be at a lower rate.


12 actually, I spend a stupid amount of time deciding what to enhance and dismantle. But I roughly have 2 hours of play per day including weekends so it's been slow.

I like to punch things in games but Eizen's playstyle takes so much getting used to.

>It looks like I don't have much time left, but at last I've finally started wanting to live. I don't want to die, I don't even want to think about it, but I don't have a choice, so I want to enjoy the time I have left with everyone else. I hope I'll be able to fill the rest of this diary with such good things.

>Tear told me not to keep anything from her anymore. Yeah, I guess. Now that she's learned my biggest secret, I don't have anything...well, only one thing to hide from her.
>Thanks, Tear.

>test Eizen's moves in that balloon-mashing mini-game
>he just flails around the balloon and won't hit it

The martial artist in me cries blood

I'm about 40 hours in and just arrived at the beach town. feel like it's halfway checkpoint.

also game is bretty gud but A.I sometimes doesn't do enough, just running around

also my party so far is Velvet, Eizen, Elleanor, Laphicet

I'd say you're about 15% into the plot.

It drags, then it gets good, then drags for a good amount of time then everything will unravel near the end and become extremely interesting.

A shame that the geoboard isn't carried in NG+ and obtained earlier. Fuck these field map designs.

>I'm about 40 hours in and just arrived at the beach town

What the fuck, I got there yesterday and I've played 22 hours. What have you been doing?

>Jade scolded Natalia for succumbing to shock at Asch's death, and she finally realized just how dangerous her actions had been. And she said to me that Asch was inside me. Even though she could have said that I should have died instead, and I wouldn't have been able to respond... I'm sorry, Natalia.

A friendly reminder to toggle off Eizen's Resurrection arte, otherwise he'll become completely useless and spam the arte over and over again.

Grinding mini games and mastering some equipment, though think it is too early because I haven't got any freedom to roam yet basically.

so basically autistic stuff.
t.Will do that, thanks.

i notice that. why the fuck dose he have Resurrection? his not jude.

Can someone post their set up for Eleanor? I've been playing a lot of Eizen and Laphicet but i wanna try her out. The thing is, I cant find myself a good combo because most of her artes push her away from the enemies.

It only takes 5 hours to beat the game on ng+ and 3 to get to the geoboard, is it really that big a deal?

Oh boy, looks like we're getting a Berseria sequel then. Thank the lord.

Why is she so smug?

>Party spends days, if not weeks, sailing to Yseult
>Waits until they step foot in port to ask Magilou ANY questions about the person they're looking for

Dat JRPG writing.

Does the game give more grade as it goes on or does it always give 1-2 per battle?
I have items that need 200+ to be mastered like goddamn.

People really shouldn't be surprised about this. The change was clearly made because western ratings boards will fucking shit themselves at visible, realistic child death. If it's not visible (like the journal log) or if it's not realistic (like the magical spears used in the western version of the scene), then it's fine. Most people agree this is fucking dumb, but it's how ESRB/PEGI work and publishers can't do shit about that.

You could criticize them for being lazy for not having the two match up though, sure.

Dat autism.

>Assuming Magilou would have told them

How can people like Magilou?
She outright abuses bienfu to the point bienfu had to snitch her out to the Abbey for his own protection and Magilou instead of finding a different Malahk she goes after him tethers him again and gives him an insulting name something that is suppose to be precious.

I feel bad for Bienfu.

I'm 110 hours in and only lvl 90. Still haven't finished the EX Dungeon or beaten the duo. I think at least 10 hours of that is afk though.

>he doesn't want to be abused by Magilou
>he can't appreciate the fine qualities of the sadi-dere that shows her love by being sadistic

Huh, I had it on the whole game and never noticed.

I'm about 3 hours in and currently on the hunt for Dyle. This is my first Tales game, but combat seems to be going smoothly. Is 1.50~ Grade per battle pretty good at this point? Should I consider upping the difficulty for better loot and stuff?

Abyss and Vesperia had better combo possibilities, the combat in Berseria feels lackluster somehow.

Its common courtesy to keep your mental illnesses to yourself in private.

No idea why you tripfags like to sperg out telling everyone how mentally ill you are as if we care.

Berseria remove a lot of the artificial difficulty from Zestiria, but didn't really adjust things to make them as challenging as the older games. You want to play on Hard to make it around the level of the other entries and actually need to put some effort into using the mechanics.

>Is 1.50~ Grade per battle pretty good at this point?
Pretty standard.

>Should I consider upping the difficulty for better loot and stuff?
Yes. I'd advise going moderate until you feel comfortable enough to move on to hard then going to intense when you unlock it. You get better skills on weapons later on on higher difficulties when you unlock more glacite.

How the fuck do I beat Dire Foes?

git gud

How the fuck do you activate secret artes on PC? It says press C in middle of a combo but it does literally nothing

What the fuck is a secret arte?

I have around 180-190h on Japanese game, with all trophies and titles.

>mfw i meet my first dire foe yesterday

i thought the game froze at first, than some huge ape attacked me and almost murdered me.

>pulled off my second mystical art somehow
>it did zero damage

Would you butter up Velvet to cook for you?

stop playing on keyboard.

By fighting them?

This game has some of the easiest "hard" enemies in the series. In most games when you meet special enemies they oneshot your party if you haven't spent hours grinding to beat them.

You can't hurt the adds when you fight the Dire Foe. You can only hurt and kill the boss himself.

I'd butter Velvet up and cook her flesh on my dick if you know what i mean.

Only if I can call her mommy

So I beat the main game after playing it for like 3 days straight and I guess I'll post a few questions here.

I'm not sure if it was just me but was anyone else kind of annoyed at Velvet when she went stir crazy when Innominat first appeared? Just something about her constantly screaming annoyed me. Although I suppose she has right to.

Anyone know when they're releasing that DLC for the Tales of costumes? I don't really like the default battle theme. I usually use the Eizen school uniform since his is the closest to his normal wear and I like the theme better.

Is there any way to meet Dire Foes more efficiently? I'd prefer not to crank up the difficulty since I already get fucked by birds stunlocking me. I've mostly just been running around trying to get encounter links.

>that skit when you get her cooking to level 10


that explains it.

>Is there any way to meet Dire Foes more efficiently?
Crank up the difficulty you casul. Hard has 5x more chance than normal.
Also, do dual battles for more grade.

when will this game drop in price? fuck denuvo

Just pirate it.

Those two things have nothing to do with one another.

speaking of cooking, i hate that you cant choose to eat something after battle. now you have to put the shit on auto and eat everytime a battle ends. or go into the menu.

maybe i should save cooking leveling for later when i can spent cash on ingrediens more.

Actually no. He left her, because she got suicidal idea of taking down Melchior and Artorius before they awakened Innominat. Bienfu refused her, to protect the girl, which then got closed in Titania. She literally joins Velvet to get Bienfu back, because he's her only friend. Sure, she can be a little abusive in front of others, but it's just for the show. Her all night torturing was actually her hugging Bienfu as hard as she could. Magilou is a tsundere. She's cute and meek when you show her care, but puts a front of evil witch who don't want love and nice words. She never received care in her life, and when she did... It was illusion, which shattered her heart. After that she don't want care and nice words, because she's afraid of being hurt again. Her messing around and being mean is a form of protection. If the party can deal with her when she's a bother and still see her as part of the crew, they won't abandon her like Melchior did when she'll show her kindness. She's complex character, that does everything the opposite way. It's cute when party learns that, and teases her about it, making the witch blush.

It's cracked

So I've read from the tutorial section. I've pretty much only played on Moderate, so I'm not sure how hard Hard is in this one.

May as well add another question. Who have people been playing mainly? I played the whole game as Magilou as my primary character just because I like her. I occasionally switched in battle but Magilou was always my front liner.

I want Velvet to get her sense of taste back.

It's $30 right now, or just pirate it.

You can set auto cooking to eat under certain conditions

I played Velvet the entire game. I'm too lazy to learn other characters and Velvet is objectively the best with her pretty much invulnerability with break soul chains.

You mean his true name, allegedly "Thing"? Because that's a lie. Magilou named him something else when they were younger, but lied about the name because she didn't want to admit she called Bienfu "Cute Hat".

Besides, why wouldn't she want to go back to the malak who took care of her as a child after being abandoned by Melchior?. Do you just take everyone at face value or something?

i did not know this. have to look it up later.