Post worst games you played in your life

Post worst games you played in your life

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That's what you get for starting with the worst Atelier.

Original Neptune was so fucking bad, goddamn.
It totally was the funniest one though.

on top of my head in the last two generations

Star Ocean 4 (actually this could be THE WORST)
Enchanted Arms
Tales of Zesteria

yeah they're rpgs but they ingrained in my memory more than any other genre when it comes to bad games

Fuck this game, I got it in some indie bundle. You'd have to pay me to play this again. It's not even funny-bad, it's just super fucking mediocre in all the most mediocre ways.

Demon's Souls

I take that back.
Sonic and the Secret Rings.

it's just so fucking boring

>all these meme replies
This is the worst game I ever played.

's favourite game.

Fuck off, faggot
Barbie: Super Model was god tier game

God, just seeing this cover makes me angry and disappointed.

Isn't me. Fuck off faggot.

Dick sucking simulator is 10/10. Bet you kiss girls

It's literally impossible to lose but I found the gameplay loop of stealth > fuckup > combat to be pretty fun in a 'put on music and zone out' kind of way. I agree that makes for an objectively shit game but I had a p. good twenty hours with it.

Fuck you.

I don't know about meme replies but the Neptunia games are legit awful

My first, and last Atelier game.

>Star Ocean 4
holy shit you reminded me and i hate you for that

The worst Atelier.

Original Persona 3
Nights of Azure
Dark Souls 3

Final Fantasy X
Half Life 2
Super Mario World
Uncharted 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Dark Souls 1
Final Fantasy XV
Kirby's Epic Yarn

Literally all trash.

I cant say ive ever played a bad game because i buy each game after researching it and deciding if its for me. I mean i guess i have intentionally bought bad games like shadow the hedgehog, but more out of curiosity to see if it lives up to the rep or if its overblown. At most im let down at a game i buy. Avoid all anime games is rule #1 to making sure you dont buy a garbage game

The original Dark Souls, followed closely by Crimson Sea and Grey Goo.

Castle Crasher

Earthworm Jim 3D, and the worst part is that I actually have a legit copy lying around somewhere. I never got past the second level just because of how unbelievably bad it is.

videogames were a mistake

dear esther

i'm not going to search for a logo to give a search engine a positive hit for that steaming pile of shit

Don't you enjoy the thrill of jumping into a game blind?
Games like Dangan Ronpa, Zero Escape and Stella Glow were amazing experiences cause I knew nothing at all about them.

rogue galaxy
assasins creed 1
final fantasy x
cod modern warfare 3

>tfw you got 100% completion, the platinum trophy and the season pass

It was so basic yet I couldn't tear myself away

Heavy Nova. It will always be Heavy Nova.


I would but i have always been poor so i need to be pretty selective on what i buy so it lasts me a while. I actually didn't get a next gen console until microsoft announced BC for the xbox one because i have a ton of 360 games i still enjoy playing, the console was cheap and bundled with a lot of games, and the games go on sale or are cheap frequently.

Now if i had more money i'd be willing to experiment more but that just isn't the case

This is the worst game I have ever fucking played, and I own Animal Soccer World.

Ah that makes sense.

Unknown Battle... I wish I could forget...

that god damned buddha platforming section

Cringe gameplay, combat, and story.

Super Mario World
CnC Red Alert 2

This piece of shit, sat through the entire thing in co-op.



Batshit story, good music, interesting weapons system. Everything else was unbearable.

Tales of Innocence. And I do not even hate Tales - I've Symphony and it was pretty okay.

This game is so worng in almost every direction. And I finished it, just to see what kind of disgusting shit it can provide. And it provide a lot. 30 hours in. It was like pulling teeth. Tons of dialogs and skits was the only part that was made okay, oh, yeah, and Hasta character - I'm not into le madman jok3r types, but he was actually next level and seiyu did great job.

Everything else was terrible. Grind was terrible, identical islands was unbearable, bosses were shit and dungeons, jesus fuck, dungeons were ATROCIOUS, no minimap, monsters randomly spamming under your feet so you keep fucking getting into the fight when you do not want to. And all levels of all dungeons are mazes, and they are identical too. Combine it's with random and rarely avoidable monsters, you get the gameplay trivia.

And you make 'friend points' with all the characters. And what did you get for becoming 'friend' with character? Two unique lines in the end of the game. TWO LINES.

>Super Mario World

Nice bait, made me reply

Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time.
A physics platformer that lets you build a car but the car falls apart all the time so you have to build it constantly.
or this

*identical islands were unbearable


Strange. Innocence is the one of the few tales I could play without being disgusted by story

Mafia 2

That game's world is emptier than my life.

Well story was most okay-ish part except for this friendship bullshit.

Probably this.

Got this garbage for free, still felt ripped off, promptly sold it to some poor uninformed schmuck for a decent profit.

Dark Souls II. Fucking hell I even bought the statue edition.

Still wasn't as bad as 3

The fuck was wrong with 3 aside from being too easy and having shit online?

Years ago I went through a weeb phase and I bought this shitty low-effort weeb game called "Chantelise" or something. I played it for about 20 minutes and realised it was complete vapid trash, spammy repetitive gameplay, cardboard cut-out characters, filled to the brim with KAWAII UGUU shit. From that day on I swore to never buy shitty weeb games on a whim again.

Final Fantasy X

it was an obscure 3d plateformer/BTA on ps1 cant remember the name

the uncharted series and the last of us. they're basically not even fucking games. at least TLOU has a "decent" narrative, uncharted can fuck RIGHT off though because it's hot fucking garbage in every regard... no idea how it has critical acclaim

Dark Souls
that one dragon game on PS3 with sixaxis controls

Instant estus
Not punishing bosses
No poise
Lore rape

Assassins Creed Chronicles China. Holy shit I hated it. Expected it to be a typical asscreed game with a qt chinese assassin and instead got a 2D side scroller bullshit.

Dark Souls 2 was far worse, sorry buddy

It's like some of you have barely played any games if you think some of these are the worst.

I agree it didn't even have the japanese dub.

I mean come on.

I get a nep feeling from that screenshot

Maybe not the worst, but definitely one of the most boring games I've ever played

How so?

>lets make a MMO without the multiplayer aspect !


can't believe dude bankrupted rhode island to make this garbage

Beyond the Beyond

>generic barebones jrpg mechanics and evil empire IT WAS DEMONS ALL ALONG story
>boasts an invisible qte gimmick to increase crit chance, said gimmick is just mashing a button constantly if it even exists at all
>burdened with a glass cannon character in the first hour, this guy loses half his turns outright and takes feedback from the damage he deals often killing him on a crit
>said guy may as well be the MC considering you're dragged around on his quest to be less shit for a a large portion of the game and you're stuck using him for that time
>infuriatingly difficult random encounters full of casters each capable of nuking your entire party with high damage spells
>very linear until the back end of the game where you realise there are few interesting places to go anyway

Then again, what do you expect with an intro like this

>every time I post this I remember I originally got it for a friend as a birthday gift because we both loved Superman

We were so fucking disappointed. Thank fuck some other kid got him Smash 64.

Hyper Dimension Neptunia, as in the original PS3 game is legitimately a fucking horrible experience. It has grinding up the ass, the worst environments you could imagine, and to top it off runs at around 12 fps.

idk if i hate or love the second season... on one hand literally every character other than clementine is horrible and should cause clem to hate them, but on the other hand that kind of happens towards the end of the game.. when the chick has her fucking BABY they should have just killed her, that was absolute bullshit... "hey we're already starving and hunted by humans and fucking hordes of zombies, let's have a child!!" it's not even a moral question, you just CANT have a baby in those circumstances.. clem's voice actress was the only thing that saved the game really.. kenny was okay too but im not sure how realistic his character was. Jane was just fucking lol though, they should have just used the chick with the climbing tools from the end of the first season


Worst story/"lore rape" by far
Want to invade? Better grind broken bullshit arena matches!
Boring enemies, levels and bosses
Level design is hard for the sake of being bullshit instead of being an actual challenge

I will say when you do invade the PvP is fun, in fact maybe even the best of any Souls game. Defender invasions were fun but overly gimped to a few areas. SotFS fixed a lot of issues but that game is still a massive turd.

It's superman, so it can't possibly be bad, right? So many people were burned by that game

Dark cloud 2 desu. Had high hope but it's just so boring and repetitive.

>Worst story/"lore rape" by far
>Want to invade? Better grind broken bullshit arena matches!
Nothing wrong with it, and you could just farm simple to kill mobs with high as fuck chance drops
See das3, allowing everyone to invade for free made casual invaders who actually think that host has advantage
Better than das3 firekeeper at least
>Level design is hard for the sake of being bullshit instead of being an actual challenge

you obviously never played war in the north


Not even joking

I see a lot of Neptunia and Atelier talk.

They seem bad on top of the hate here, and I gave Fairy Fencer a good look before deciding it wasnt worth my time or money.

Are all of them really that bad? Even if you like cute anime girls it seems better to just watch anime or something

how about their predecessors?

Anime games are bad by default

The only good anime games that come close to being decent is the persona series, its no wonder why they have a wide appeal. Anything is a waste of your life

Every fucking MMOs, they're easily the worst games i've ever played

There isn't one, you just get hyped to go meet the king, then you do and it's completely pointless, then you kill Nashandra who is probably the least threatening villain ever and the game ends with you getting shut in a tomb for some reason. Nothing is explained or justified, the only cool thing was the giant wars but even that was drowned out by the other arbitrary shit.
>Nothing wrong with it
Here let me just run to the top of that wooden platform and cast a healing miracle 9000 times while you chase me looney tunes style
>Better than das3 firekeeper
The Gutter, hey I know let's make it pitch dark, impossible to navigate since everything looks the same and have sheer drops everywhere along with enemies that push you off. Yes TotG did that in DaS1 and it sucked there as well. Or Amana shrine, let's force you to walk really slowly while mages snipe you from a million miles away, also let's have sheer drops again that are impossible to see unless you're right next to them because why not right? It's Dark Souls, gotta be hard!

Also, the DLC was good but they literally recycled the Smelter demon. Fucking why, it's one of the worst bosses in the game.

wind waker is pretty much anime

Saga Frontier is without a doubt the worst game I have ever played on any platform.

They are mediocre games with cute girls. The only one offensively bad was the first HDN Nep game, as explained

Good music though.

Not really, but even then its often considered one of the weakest zelda games. Anime influences or style isnt bad, its straight up generic anime art and storylines and characters that must be avoided

I've even beat it.

Seems like they made this piece of shit to showtest the water physics and slapped a stupid story to be able to call it a game.
