Any of you care for platinum's...

Any of you care for platinum's? They're a ton of fun to collect and a nice thing to look back on on completing your favorite game. Although the more I get the more embarrassing it is to have. Any one else feel the same way?

Anyway, post your favorite game you platinum'd!

Other urls found in this thread:

>gravity rush 1
>gravity rush 2

On my way on bloodborne..

Trophies/gamerscore mean nothing to be. But I can understand and appreciate the appeal.

Only care about cheevos in the games I care about.
Platinumed Bloodborne and Gravity Rush on PS4. And all Souls games and Dragon's Dogma on PC. Oh, and also Killer is Dead because I liked how the last cheevo looked.

No way I'm grinding 100000 magical crystals or goblins for a cheevo in some $5 game, just to increase my "gamer score" or w/e.

Can anybody explain to me the appeal of this? I usually just move on to the next game after I beat the story.

Why are Playstation Trophies so much funner to collect than Steam Achievements?

I cared up until number 55 then I stopped worrying about it, I feel like a weight has been lifted and I can just enjoy the game without worrying about them now

its because of the interface and how they pop up with a little ding and screenshot the moment you acquired it automatically

steam is just kind of a nondescript black box that pops up then goes away, feels like it has no weight, even if its mostly pointless either way

Achievements give you some extra incentive to play your favorite games some more, before having to finally part with them.
Make you accomplish things in the game you might not normally thought of, but which you don't mind spending your time on, because it gives you an excuse to play this game a while longer.
There are people who must "platinum" every game they own, but those are driven by a different motivation. They not necessarily like the games, they like to collect trophies and 100%'d games. Some people collect postmarks, some coins, and some cheevos.

I've never platted a single game and I never intend to. I ain't going out of my way to keep playing a game when there's no more entertainment to be wrung out of it

They look and sound better, and are organized in a more "game-like" way I guess? There's a different feeling getting a bronze for watching a cutscene than getting a gold or silver for actually doing something. And it's much cooler to say "I got the platinum" than it is to say "I got the achievement for getting all the achievements". These are reasons I just pulled out of my ass on the spot. If you actualy find one more enjoyable than the other you're probably on the spectrum.

>forever .1%


Anybody remember the original platinum trophy?

Because you're a casual

Holy shit nice, how long did it take?
I wanted to go for the kingdom hearts platinum again but I don't want to beat the game 3 individual times for the story mode trophies

Only very recently have I started paying any sort of mind to trophies. I have four platinums so far in Code Realize, Norn9, Disgaea 4 Vita, and Bloodborne. Two are VNs so they hardly count and the other two are games that I already loved to bits. Getting their platinums felt a natural course in experiencing all they had to offer.

Except the pirate ship parts. Fuck that. Never again.

"Collect 1000 feathers". No, thanks,

About 2 months, I'm on the top 50 leaderboard on psnprofiles for fastest plat

And yes I am embarrassed

>collect ALL the blast shards

I still fucking did it too, fuck my life

Nah thats a solid game to get a platinum for and no one would say shit.
>tfw this game is an easy plat and would be fun but it would JUST my profile up followed by a roasting session from the boys

So I tried to get into them on the PS3 but once you reach like, 100 games with trophies it started lagging to all hell. Like 2 minutes to load the trophy menu, 5 to sync, fuck that noise.

Billion times quicker on the PS4 but I don't care anymore.

>Platinum requires achieving insane grinding in multiplayer
>Game is 3+ years old
>No one plays anymore

>mfw Assassins Creed 4
>Absolutely love pirates
>I will NEVER get the platinum

>game requires online play but the servers were shut down years ago so they can't even be boosted

Life is suffering

No. I cared more about achievements than actually playing games for like a year and it made me hate video games as a whole.

>got platinum on ASC4
>grinded dat multi

Is there any way to quickly view all your platinums? I remember some of my recent ones but fuck if I'm gonna scroll through a list of hundreds to find them all.

>Telltale Batman
>Arkham Knight
>Rocket League
>plenty more I'm sure

My first plat was Tekken 6. It just sort of happened without me trying. First one I actively tried for was MGS4 when the trophy patch came out. I had already played the game to death but I wanted that trophy, for the first time I desired it. You can't imagine how far my heart sank when the final cutscene ended and the trophy for watching all flashbacks didn't pop. I almost gave up right there after sitting through those cutscenes and briefings for the 50th time mashing the x button. On my next attempt I decided I would just plug my fight stick in with turbo on during cutscenes and just leave something on the x button. Luckily the flashback I was missing was one of the first ones so I got it pretty quickly. Best feeling.

You could probably find someone to grind it with, unless the servers are shut down.

Will it get me laid?

>Platinum'd both Senran Kagura and Bon Appetite
>Compulsively hiding and unhiding the games in my profile as I become more or less scared of close friends and family realising my power levels

I did that in Infamous 1. Was a bit of a pain but that mini-map detection power was extremely useful.

Feathers in Assassins Creed 2 was fucked.
>look up a guide
>scavenge each location one by one, checking each one thoroughly
>finish up

Never doubt it.

>second son

Forgot to add that one to my list . One of the easier ones in my opinion, the previous games were much more tedious.

Both Gravity Rush games.

best site to track your platinums and look at the statistics

>249/250 shards

>Anyway, post your favorite game you platinum'd!

Fuck that platinum though.


r8 my pl8s

Gravity Rush 2 and I Am Setsuna are most likely to be my next plats. But I really want to do Gravity Rush 2 completely without a guide, but two of the paintings in Jirga have extremely vague descriptions.

It's much the same appeal as 100%ing a game. You don't need to do it and if you don't like the game, don't. But it's nice to be able to say you've seen or done everything in the game, and in the case of some trophies, mastered the game to a level the developers consider notable.

Reminder not to respond to this idiotic tripfag.

I'll only try to get the platinum trophy on a game I really like. As long as the requirements aren't complete bullshit, though.

I made a new account and got the platinum trophies for REmake, RE0, Gravity Rush, and MGS3 twice. No fucking way am I doing Nier again, though.

Did you ever go to school one day, some kid says he did some amazing shit in a game and when you ask him to prove it, they say 'nah man, i dont have to prove shit to you'

they need you

>MFW I can fucking cheese all those plats that gave me hell on ps3's by using modded gamesaves
>Expecting me to get all the dog tags in mgs2 through 9 fucking playthroughs

>the flower
>all the upgrade materials
>hours and hours of the same background music

I even did all the quests because Im retarded

felt cathartic seeing it all fade away in ending D

I try to 100% every game I own because of achievements but I don't own a PS4 for trophies.
>tfw playing through Wheels of Aurelia now for achievements
>it's so bad

I never platinum my games because I'm too lazy, but I still like to get trophies for em.

My proudest and most hated platinum trophy is NieR.

I spent fucking hours grinding in the junk heap, listening to that fucking song endlessly. Then I farmed those flying fuckers in the desert. Then I fucked with my PS3's internal clock to grow some shitty flower.

The entire process has sapped any enjoyment I can ever get from that game now. I fucking hate it. I hate the OST. It's still one of my favorite games, but only on principle. I have no more fun to get out of that game ever again.

>he didn't already do this as a 12 year old in 2001

Get fucking gud, no trophy from the HD collection is as tedious as some of the shit in 4/V.

oh hell yea I'm itching to cheese 4. As for V, its on my ps4 so I took a huge break after I finished the game once and did all the side ops but I'm gonna og back and finish do the last S rank/tasks playthrough.....eventually

7/10. Can you recommend some good weeb games to plat? Preferably on the Vita.

>Only care about cheevos in the games I care about.
I do things backward. I plat games I know I won't ever play again, and my fav games I keep in most cases I have not plat them yet.
I plat a game to feel as if I got my worth from it, so I can get rid of the game as I 100% it.
Then having a plat to work towards is an encouragement to play the game again.

even know ranks are mainly just just epeen they show your level of dedication to vidya, also if you are smart and check someones PSN, you can see if they are a cowadoody and minecraft player so you can avoid them like the plague.
Steam on the other hand, cheevos mean literally nothing and ranks are just a sign of autism by paying for or trading trade cards

Holy shit you actually go for the 100%? I was thinking about doing this just so it would tidy up my profile but fuck some of the DLC trophies are just retarded

SAO: Hollow Realization was surprisingly pretty good

If I can afford it, I usually just go for the dlc. I never spend no more than 10 bucks on dlc. Plus I buy games pretty late or months/years after release or get them through PS+ so it never hurts my wallet to get dlc.

>tasks playthrough

The boring tedium that was getting this trophy is enough to trigger ptsd. Especially when you run into one that's glitched and won't trigger. As for 4, if you have a turbo controller for the flashbacks, the rest is pretty easy in comparison.

>Have all these sweet platinums
>Have a SHIT PSN
>Want to make a new one
Who knows these feels

I honestly haven't platted much on Vita for some reason, just Gravity Rush, Taiko V and Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax. Not sure why, honestly, I've owned Vita and PS4 since their releases and have platted more PS4 games for some reason.

I will say Taiko V is a fantastic game, well worth the import whether you give a shit about trophies or not and a fun plat too.

>Freedom Wars plat
Jelly as fuck.

only if they are easy or uncomplicated/time consuming, can't be assed to play a whole game with nothing new on a different difficulty

My profile name used to be I_PWN_HEADSHOT, I made it when I was twelve

Lost about 25 plats because I just couldn't take it any more

>Taiko V

I dont read moonrunes but will that be a problem?

Me. I dont know why Sony went retard with the way they set up PSN accounts. Apparently it's almost impossible to change account names due to the peculiar way they set up PSN and their servers. Fuck I would love to change my username to something less autistic.

The only game where I saw that difficulty trash is Kingdom Hearts 1 (fuck probably 2 too) make you play through that shit 3x. Every game is usually the trophies stack difficulties after the first and hardest playthrough. But I agree I hate it when the hardest difficulty isn't an option at first.


>no mans sky

wew lad

Holy fuck send me your strength, I'm nearing 10 I wanna make a fresh PSN. I've yet to find the perfect, avaialable psn where retards can't mispronounce it

Currently grinding the covenant items in Dark Souls 3
Why couldn't they just make the rewards buyable in NG+ like in 2

>no mans sky

My condolences user.

>Completed in 3 months

>Finished in December 2016

user did you.... did you buy it on launch?

I unironically like no mans sky. I plated it after the big update. I had to dig a hole in a random toxic planet and stay in there for nearly a whole IRL day though just for the trophy.

that is autismo

Those stupid ears and sword blood grass are the absolute fucking worst. I spent a collective 10 hours farming those retarded items in Farron's Keep and Anor Londo. What the fuck was From thinking when they made some of these's beyond me.

I think you are from an alternate timeline, bro

>did you buy it on launch?
seeit is exactly what I wanted, and what I expected it to be, a comfy pick up and put down space exploration game

>Why couldn't they just make the rewards buyable in NG+ like in 2
wait what. I specifically rememeber grind Sun medals for somehting in ds2 ps4 before I just said fuck it and gave up. You telling me it's an easy platinum?

some of them require several players at once

I platinumed Brink solo

I'm that much of a crazy person. I even wrote a quasi guide telling people how to do it so future generations could 100% the game with relative ease.

I will look into SAO despite me hating the anime

Mention that you use save states will get you banned from 3rd party trophy sites. They get enraged. But you know what? Fuck them and their arbitrary leaderboards, completion-ism has always been a self serving ideal.

You must be really unlucky. I've accomplished that in half the time.
I appreciate that From lets you farm multiplayer items from mobs as well. But yeah, they could've went Bloodborne's way, where you need from 1 to 5 covenant tokens to max them out.

Thinking about going for Toukiden Kiwami or Cold Steel II next.

1) To prove we finished the game.

2) To get more playing time out of the game itself by setting up goals or milestones

That's really all there is to it.

And that none of the multiplayer covenants actually have achievements attached beyond finding them, that was the correct decision.

Or they coulda just made the darkmoon covenant not suck dick

You mean like in Dark Souls 2?

Is the Tales of series good? Im not too knowledgeable on most weeb games. I wanted to try out Berseria but I figured I will start on the PS3 games first.

I recently got my 100th platinum and got invited to a 100+ platinum community over PS4. That was quite embarrassing. Don't even know who invited me to it.

What's wrong with save states? Some trophy guides like Bloodborne actually encourage using save states to cut down on lengthy game time for the multiple endings.

PSNprofiles has a seperate ranking system for "cheaters"
it is kind of fair as it is a world record thing too. Remember that guy got lifetime free XBL and loads of shit for getting 1mil gamerscore.

Talking about save states, do you know If I can use a save state to plat MGS4?
Or at least give me all the emblems?

They're good games but expect some grind if you want to plat them

Tes all the PS3 tales games are good except symphonia 2. There's also save sates that exist for each of the games making them relatively easy platinums. Symphonia 2 is not worth playing but with the save states it takes like an hour or so to platinum and beat.

I'm a Tales fanboy. But sure go for it. The PS3 games are super cheap. You can get Graces f+Symphonia1+2 HD for 20bucks. Same with Xillia1+2.


t. max rank blue sentinel

he means getting someone elses save who have completed it and loading it up on your playstation for an instant platinum

Because trophy board retards feel that people using game data that way and resigning other people's save data is a mark of shame and heresy. Also a hate crime if the person's record you beat is a minority.

My platinums range from Senran to Bloodborne. Bloodborne was probably my favorite and most recent.

I boost most if not all my multiplayer games with a select group of normie boosters who invited me to their PS Messages group chats and Plumble/Discord chats. It's honestly the best group of people I've met who are very helpful in grinding out some trophies for older games that are almost impossible to do these days due to no player presence on the servers. I dont know whether to feel ashamed or not.

I only got platinums in a couple of games like burnout paradise or FFXIII fuck you I liked it

but I must admit it was fun

>that one shard out in the sea so you couldn't detect it on the map

No games do the instant plat other than Street Fighter X tekken and Sonic Racing. It takes atleast an hour and a half at the shortest and most of them require a full play through

Well that's pretty fucking gay. But doesnt your save state data contain your profile info which means it wouldnt work on another account with the same game?

Returning to the main topic, I personally couldn't bother to grind 100 invasions for every covenant. Going to NG++ and just buying the spells was much easier for me.
Mandatory online achievements in general is a big no-no.

I don't read moon at all and got through the game all the way to plat with zero help. It's a music game so there's little text anyway and 90% of relevant text is menus which you can just memorize. There's a story mode bit but it's not something you need to understand to progress through.

I was actually enjoying NMS but it was so damn slow that I just couldn't justify putting in the time for it when I got a job since there was other stuff I wanted to play too. Might go back to it though.