
>Nintendo vs Capcom announced

name literally one guy who could take on Mario





What's Mario's weight again?

>Nintendo vs Capcom

Holy fuck, that idea is insane. Imagine if you could have Mega Man and Ryu in the same game as Mario, Link and Pikachu fighting eachother. That's so crazy I can't even begin to comprehend it



.. Anyone?

can megaman even cross universes?



How about not-Ridley


Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

25 years old

That's nothing, can you imagine Cloud fighting fucking bowser? That would be insane.

Oh U.

he said weight retard



Captain Commando


Mario wouldn't have a chance.
Look at that prominent helmet ornament.
He clearly wouldn't be able to jump on it so easily.

I can't stand most Fighters out there. I like Soku, Smash, and Mortal Kombat. MvC, Street Fighter, KoF, Garou, Tekken, Guilty Gear, and Soul Caliber do absolutely nothing for me.

Being a huge platforming fan, Smash is literally the first fighting game I enjoyed playing. I can't enjoy a fighting game unless there is platforming involved.

Let's just let Capcom, Sega, Konami, and Square pony up their characters to be in Smash. It's better that way.

Sheva and Chris edit when

If you go black you should never come back.

Anyone, Mario can't block overhead attacks.

Donkey Kong was released 1981, assuming Mario was 20 years old back then he is around 56 years old now so I assume most people here could take grandpa on.

>fictional characters age according to reality

how many levels of stupid here

Piers and Chris edit, then?

*blocks your path*

EVO 2016 Smash 4 grand finals begs to differ

Stop playing fighting games then if you don't enjoy them then genius.

Spike Badge

I recognize most of these, but what the fuck is Soku?