Damn, I didn't know it was so bad... Can you guys stop?
Overwatch harassment
Other urls found in this thread:
>gaping donut hole
> nobody cares who she is 99% of the time
> 1% are drooling morons who insult everyone around them just like the rest of us experience
I fucking hate girl gamers
>things she wishes was said to her
>can't handle banter
go play farmville
I like making fun of people in online games generally. Usually don't bring their gender into it tho
"Let me lick your gaping donut hole" is genderless truly
I highly doubt any of this was actually said, in all my games barely anybody talks
someone called me a fucking faggot who can't stop sucking dick today but you don't see me blogging about that harrassment
DESU most of the overwatch community is the "no cursing server" type
>Can I get a turn a pounding that pussy, my man?
Top bantz.
this is why thin skinned faggots shouldnt play online games
i love games with a lot of trashtalk, i've made a lot of friends that way
maybe you should try to stop sucking dick then, you fucking faggot
>being a little pussy boy who needs friends
>Can I get a turn at pounding that pussy, my man?
>overwatch general full of bleeding pussies
>if you say SJW, faggot, nigger, or blizzdrone they go full apeshit and accuse you of being from Sup Forums
>we've let the site get this bad
I've played with a bunch of girls who used mics (most of whom were playing Mercy in a duo queue with some dude) and I've never seen any of this.
The most common bad attitude I've encountered is the guy who acts like the videogame is all about him, and he shouldn't have to listen to anyone else, but we should all do what he says even though we're in the same SR. Fucking twat. Or the dude who only plays off meta shit and refuses to swap. Or the guy who tilts super easily.
ok let's be real here.
when has anyone heard any of these fucking comments or similar just because a gril gamer_xX decided to talk in a mic?
It's hard to believe there are men out there to go out their way to make stereotypical sexist comments while playing vidyer but then, it's overwatch.
Or she pulled it out of her ass like usual because no logs/video/audio provided
I say them via mic, because I'm not a pussy and pushing liberals buttons is amazing.
Fucking hell
i see guys like this occasionally on gmod(TTT)
its almost always teenagers 15/16/17
People never fucking talk in this game this is bullshit
They do, you've just been fortunate enough to not see/hear any. it's pretty rare
>gaping donut hole
Top banter m8. Some one get that man a medal.
I've encountered this in grown men in their 20's.
A lot of people do not understand what a team game entails, I think.
Exactly how many (You)s are you trying to tell me I'd get for calling someone a nigger SJW faggot in /owg/?
Only one way to find out my man.
I bet you suck dick all day just because you like it so much you fucking faggot
oops replied to the wrong guy, yeah the thing you're talking about is usually 20+ people who think they know everything. it's pretty funny to rile them up though
meant to reply to this man
People talk in 90% of my competitive games.
You just have to be the positive force that encourages people to communicate. Just say hello and ask if anyone has a mic.
Unless you're talking about some console shit in which case I could see that being true, not like consoles are relevant in OW though.
from my experience playing dota, like every time a grill speaks on mic unless she's in a party with the rest of the team. that's kind of rare in itself, though.
I have never in my life seen a single person sperg out at a girl in a video game.
Who even has issues with this shit? Most of the times when I've had a gril on my team using vc and getting harassed the people flaming look stupid and eventually shut up.
Imagine one of those autistic MRA nice guy permavirgins that are really a sort of mythical beast. Now imagine him meeting a girl in video games with a sort of anonymity and no consequences.
Girls who indicate that they are girls are pretty rare in video games. People who make fun of girls are pretty rare. Most people might meet one or the other from time to time but meeting both together and getting the autist triggered enough is very rare, so much so to the point that unless you're a girl or always play with a girl you might never encounter it.