Post your controversial vidiya opinions. I'll start
Post your controversial vidiya opinions. I'll start
I think Sony is more anti-consumer and jewish than Nintendo, Steam, or Ubisoft.
That ain't controversial this place hates Sony.
Now make an image that doesn't have a bunch of unreleased games.
I have not played any of the "open world games are pretty fun pack". I hate open world games, but OP has made me curious.
Some of the games on the right are not even out, one of them is shit OP put there for giggles and the others are good because of anything BUT the open world.
I don't understand the love for the Infamous games. The shooting has always felt poor, and I don't like how you're a superhero but your abilities are just elemental versions of normal gun types you'd find in a shooter. Furthermore, binary karma systems are pretty terrible.
I've only played the first one and Second Son though.
Give GTAV a go. Rockstar makes the best open worlds by a massive margin. Oodles of detail and work put into differentiating areas, just taking a walk around in first person mode is a fun time if you can appreciate that sort of thing.
I think MGSV is a really good game and the best way to tap into it's potential is to turn off reflex, x ray vision and 3D markers. With these off I found it incredibly immersive.
Dragon Quarter is the best Breath of Fire game. None of the others are even in the same league.
Had one of the worst open worlds of all time though. Just a whole lot of fucking nothing.
Far Cry 2 would be jealous.
The only good games Kojima ever made were the Boktai games.
Mario has never had a good game.
Grand theft auto is bad, all of them.
The west has never made a good game.
>The only good games Kojima ever made were the Boktai games.
That's a bit far. But they are pretty fun.
This never bothered me in the slightest, in my mind I was just a special forces operative moving through a barren wasteland (Afghanistan), with these setting off I found each encampment engaging, sitting on a hill, marking enemies then making a mental note of where they were or referencing my map occasionally, and long grass, rivers etc also provided means to use the environment as well as man made structures for stealth.
I've never understood the appeal either. The enemies also seemed pretty boring and generic.
>Stater pack
Thread i made this for got deleted before i posted so i might as well put it here.
I'll fucking start right off with that pic
I'm currently playing Mirriors Edge 2 and I really like it
I was really taken in by the first game and while the open world is a little weird at first I really love it so far and don't get why Sup Forums doesn't
Also don't care but I'm quite enjoying it so far. A fantastic sequel IMO
I just really love games that explore first person movement ideas
The 2014 VGAs are a sham. Bayonetta 2 should have won, not Dragon Age or Shadow of Mordor.
>stater pack
>Captcha Store Fronts
Even with it's mainly faults Fallout 4 is a better open world game then all those games on right besides Witcher and RDR2.
Also Skyrim and especially New Vegas are superior open world games.
Microtransactions aren't a real issue and they help developers by allowing them to maintain a constant flow of profit. I personally enjoy coughing up $5 for a silly little cosmetic in a game I like just to say "good job on this game!" to the devs.
Opinion discarded.
As for JC3, yeah, that could've used the good old shrink ray. Put the whole game into an area the quarter of its map and it's good.
Might as well post the anime one while you're at it
This is mostly correct imo
>starter pack
Are these supposed to be your opinions, or are you criticizing people with these opinions?
With the exception of kill la kill I thought all of the animes in Sup Forums group were the same until now.
>your controversial vidiya opinions
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are gimmick games to showcase the use of the dildo and nunchuck. It's the only game that uses both and it's kinda fun in the first 20 min then it gets repetitive and uninspiring.
Never enjoyed them and I regret buying Mario Galaxy 1 day one.
Is every opinion you have objectively false?
The Halo franchise as a whole deserves the acclaim it gets.
Combat Evolved, however, does not, and is terribly overrated.
>ch/if - god tier
Triggered the fuck out of me, user.
>putting unreleased games on the list ever
You are the cancer killing video games, congrats
>Listing games that aren't even out as de facto good
Fuck off shill
>give their fans just what they want
>improve every time they release a new game
Now that's new. All halo fans I meet adore combat evolved. Care to elaborate?
While I agree the censorship is dumb I honestly enjoy NoA localization 99% of the time. They have great charm to them and they are the best at dumb fun funny lines that work well with the games they work with.
>Open World
Well, to begin with, being the first game in the series, it's obviously got the least amount of content (and i'll come back to that), and worst visuals and audio quality.
Beyond that, it's mainly a matter of how fucking tedious the campaign is. Up untill midway through, you are really only fighting 3 enemy types, with occasionally a Hunter here and there. There's also really only 4 weapons you commonly encounter. This gets repetitive, even if the enemy AI is great.
On top of that, it's infamously got issues with copy pasted hallway mazes, and then while a lot of people praise it's large exterior environments, I feel they are just wide open and empty for the sake of it and just lead to a bunch of time wasted walking or driving between encouters, and they just aren't scaled well to make them feel like an actual space, they are, again, just super empty, same for the interior hallways, even if this is due to technical limitations
Combine that with the fact that then the last 3 missions are just the first 3 backwards in setting/locale and put it all together and it makes for a very repetitive and tedious experience. It's not a bad campaign, especially for it's time when the open spaces would have been huge nlovelties and the twist with the flood would have been fresh but it's very flawed especially compared to it's sequels. Also, the relative lack of content to me, an even bigger issue then it would normally be when the bang for your buck with the amount of modes and custom game settings is IMO halo's biggest strength as a series.
People just suck it's dick and ignore the issues because it's the first game in the series. I don't think it's bad, but it's certainly nowhere near the best in the series, especially for the campaign.
Naughty dog is fucking overrated; Uncharted (the whole damn series) is a shitty interactive movie with an awful, predictable story and dumb characters and shitty shooting (same with tlou).
I know this board hates sony, but holy shit you try taking this view ANYWHERE fucking else and people shit on you (look at teh xbot, u never played teh game its amazing lololz) I played (er... watched, you don't really "play" them at all) these "games". THEY SUCK!!! Why does everyone love these games??
(Ok, I've vented)
The Wii U is a great console.
The tomb raider reboot games aren't bad games, they're just not good tomb raider games.
Look past the branding and you've got two solid third person shooters with exploration stuff thrown in.
Mario Sunshine is the best 3D Mario game.
Manta Storm is the best level in that game.
Witcher 3 deserved all the GOTY awards it received
I agree but only the bungie Halo's. Halo 4 was absolute shit, haven't played any of the newer ones since I don't own an xbone
>Open World games are pretty fun pack
>1/3rd of games that aren't even out yet.
I love seeing people deflect with "YOU HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED IT" whenever someone shits on a new game and then seeing images like OP's. Really gets the noggin joggin
Well, the first game gets a lot of love because it revolutionized the fps genre on consoles by using the left stick to move and right stick to aim. It really popularized fps games on consoles, the only other one that come close was goldeneye. The multiplayer was also pretty fun. Halo 2 did improve on it in pretty much every way though
>More anti-consumer than Nintendo
lel, your digital games are locked to your hardware so you have to call Nintendo and jump through security hoops for them to transfer then if the hardware breaks.
Let's not forget the fact that it's well known that Nintendo create artificial shortages to drive up aftermarket prices.
Nintendo are the greediest jews in the industry. I'm absolutely not saying Sony aren't either but they look like philanthropists compared to Nintendo.
How so?
I'd actually argue 4's campaign is on par with CE's.
The two are actually strikingly similar. Both open up with a mission with you on a spaceship being invaded by the covenant, the second mission of both opens with you landing on an unkown alien planet with a large reveal of a wide open vista, then regrouping with UNSC forces, unleashing an ancient evil, and use a contrast of classical orchestral intrusments with synth for forerunner ruins to give off a mysterious atmoshere.
4 also share's CE's issues with repetitive samey looking hallways and reused geometry, though not as badly.
Basically, 4 is a less tedious/repetitive version of CE, but it also lacks any mission as good as silent cartographer, Assault on the control room, or Truth and Reconcillation. But then 2, 3, ODST, and Reach all are much better then both.
5's campaign is shit but the MP and forge are top tier.
Sure, but that doesn't make it better then the sequels or better then other games that are better then it.
People in general have a dumb bias where a game being revolutionary for it;s time makes it better in their eyes then other gamesthat are objectively better then it that have more content, more mechanically complex and polished gameplay, better visuals and audio, and so on.
How many fucking top 10 lists is super mario on despite pretty much every fucking game made in the past 10 years being clearly objectively better, for instance?
Japanese games are generally shit, unless they deliberately incorporate Western ideas and culture. Souls series, Dragon's Dogma, arguably Kojimbo's works are all great games because all of them look like they were developed by Western devs. Of course, there's a lot of shitty Western games, but at least Sup Forums is more picky and honest about them.
Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Zelda, etc. are literally games for little kids. Unfortunately, Sup Forums is infested with infantile weebs, furries and nostalgiafags with baby duck syndrome who all eagerly consume and praise this shit.
I don't have a problem with Greenlight. Literally just don't buy it if you don't like it, how does that hurt you if someone sells their shit for their niche audience? I understand the argument that it's harder to market good games on Steam now, but I think that it's an exaggeration. If your game is good, people will find out about it anyway. If it's shit, only YouTubers will buy it to stream it and laugh. If Valve implemented stricter policy, somebody would sure be left out.
Fun pack
>gravity rush
A lot of it is nostalgia, people just like to give props to where the series originated
>le movie le game :^)
>(Ok, I've vented)
Hello, recently arrived friend!
GTA5 is pretty fucking boring though, if you don't immediately click with Michael and Trevor the game is over. There is a total lack of shit to do that isn't part of main missions.
The only game I can personally recommend from the right side is none, because they are half unreleased and the other half have issues with gameplay being bad, story and characters being bad or fall off hard, or all of the above
Untapped potential, and Second Son takes it to another level. Finally got good movement but fighting enemies is just awful. Really should do a melee focused game instead.
HFTF>3rd Strike>T7>Smash4>CVS2>TTT2>Project M>(power gap)SFV>Melee
What about Pokken?
Also since it's a controversial opinion thread, Pokken is fucking fantastic and it's how you do a "Low skill barrier entry, high skill ceiling" fighting game correctly
Haven't played it yet, keep meaning to get it
I played T7 damn near 16 hours when I was at canada cup, that game is so fucking good
Pokken really isn't anything like Tekken aside from a few homages in animations and stage stuff, at least as far as I can tell, I was never that into tekken.
The 3d parts of Pokken are more like the gundam vs games or dissdia, and the 2d parts of Pokken are actually true 2d like SF/MK/KoF etc, not plane locked 3d like Tekken/Bloody Roar/Soul Calibur.
>What about Pokken?
this image
Buying a PC just for gaming is retarded.
If this were Gen 6, I would have called you a faggot for not putting it higher, but today I'm calling you a faggot for not putting it in Shit Tier.
How can you say that about Spider-Man? We know nothing.
I was very pessimistic when I heard Mirror's Edge 2 was going to be open-world, but upon playing it I found it was executed nicely. I'm typically anti-open world design too.
Good. That must mean you didn't suffer through Tales of the Tempest.
isn't sony going bankrupt?
>being this much of a weeaboo
Final Fantasy is the worst long running JRPG franchise.
I like how 5 of the games on the right aren't even out yet. Fucking pathetic.
>Open world meme
I'm tired of this shit. Open world doesn't mean anything and has never meant anything.
Literally every game that is not level based is open-wold nowadays.
battleborn is one of the best MP games of this generation
>konami this high
>nintendo this low
Probably, granted I haven't actually played one before 6. 7 was the only one I REALLY enjoyed honestly. And I've played 6, 7, 8, 10 and 15.
>Fallout New Vegas on the bad side
How about you go eat a fucking dick?
Also why is Spiderman PS4 on the good side when we haven't even seen gameplay of it.
>Japanese games are shit, unless they appeal to me
This is pretty stupid
>Both GR on the good side
mein nigger
>this place
This is not you hugbox. There is no "we" here.
Why are you listing games that aren't out as good? Are you retarded?
>unreleased games on right side
Come on my man
>Mad Max is better than New Vegas
Wew lad
>Dragon Age 2 better than Inquisition
u wot
>>Dragon Age 2 better than Inquisition
Inquisition was just as bad as DA2 but plagued with more SJW shit
t. Sup Forumsack who never played the game
>this place hates Sony
>the place where there are at least 20 threads shitting on Nintendo everyday
>buying a machine that can do anything you need and play more games than any console is retarded
I think you're the fucking retard.
Action rpg killed the rpg genre.
how is this controversial?
Everyone who goes and buys AAA trash games like Far Cry 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, Bioshock Infinite, Horizon: ZD, Assassin's Creed etc. should be killed
bruh, you need to try 1 to 6.
Dont think much of 2 thou.
well, most people(if not all) i know start talking shit when i say it.
>that friend who buys every new big game that shows up on steam and plays it for like three hours and then never touches it again
also how is morrowind a bad open world game
>hating on Nintendo means you must like sony
>digital games are locked to hardware
not anymore
My 2 cetns:
OW is all around a well put together games that can be a great amount of fun. Key word: CAN.
I honestly believe it takes more skills to be good in OW than TF2. This is coming from someone who has 1500 hours on TF2 and has been playing since 2009. You have to be good at 20 different characters, when to change, being able to change play styles on the go, when to properly use ults, communication with your team, and so on. This all requires much more skill than rocket/sticky jumping (the only high skill thing in TF2); a feature that becomes useless around a good Sniper or 2+ Engi sentries
However, in terms of character balance, OW has the more broken, unbalanced, and OP. Mei is a fat cunt that should never have been put into the game. Sym's beam is hilariously OP. Junkrat's Riptire and Sombra's EMP build too fast. And so on
As far as game modes...
Quick Play: The only reason to play this is when you go from level 1-25 or to learn a new character. Worse than TF2's pub scene
Arcade: 3v3 and 6v6 Random are fun. If you bitch at your teammates in these modes you're a faggot. 6v6 unlimited you'll play once and never again unless you're bored. Special Modes during holidays are hit and miss. I liked CTF but was meh towards Mei's Snowball Offense. 1v1 is awful and winning comes down to the amount of experience you have or pure dumb luck. Easily the worst mode and makes sense why they remove it during special events
I'm not memeing. I have never played a single good "open world" game. Games like witcher 3 are good and all, but they completely fail on the open world aspect. In every game like that the world is too big for its own good, full of empty, boring places, trash quests and other shitty wastes of time.
Still waiting for a game that makes exploring both fun and actually forces exploration instead of giving you an arrow that points the way or a map that shows the exact location on it at all times.