Sup Forums's refusal to acknowledge good games

>Game gets released
>Game gets praised by critics
>Game is also well-received on basically every other game forum on the internet
>game is shat on on Sup Forums, "IT'S TERRIBLY MEDIOCRE!" or "IT SUCKS" are most common

Explain this shit. Why do you think you are more right than all the people really enjoying the game?

I won't write down any titles because this is Sup Forums and you can't have proper discussions if you name titles because then people derail it into "LOL SHIT TASTE" and such.

on Sup Forums you get bullied for showing weakness. defending something shows weakness. so it's easier to just shit on things. Sup Forums hardly plays the games it shits on, especially if they're new games.

Not really sure why you would even need to defend something which is good from the beginning.

Somewhere this "IT'S SHIT"-meme started.

Let me guess, Horizion fanboy?

retards on Sup Forums are mostly (i'd say 80%) NEET / poorfag students who can't afford a good PC -or- a current gen console, so EVERYTHING naturally just sucks.

the people that sperg out about a certain game never even played it, trust me.

Nope, I don't own a PS4.

Paid reviews reached a critical mass when in 2008, IGN posted their GTAIV review.

I go on Sup Forums to find out what is shit about a game I'd buy

Because none of the 10/10 reviews says anything other than "it's just good"

I'm talking about games that are praise by both critics and users. Not Kane and Lynch 2 and Driv3r scenarios.

It's just Sup Forums being tsundere.

Sonyshills bother me more. I didn't believe in shills before, but the last month has actually convinced me that they're real.

Most of the time (at least 80%>) the reviews get ir githt though, and the general consensus is similar to what the combined critic score is.

There aren't really many cases where the score differ more than 3 or 4 points.

get it right*


Get out please

its because people only reply to bait or controversial opinions. look at this thread, barely any replies. most people agree and dont even bother with this thread

Sup Forums doesn't refuse to acknowledge good games though. I know you are used to yes men and self censored critique, but you will not find it here. Game getting praise has nothing to do with it being good, understand? There are criteria that a game can be judged on as objectively as possible and if the game doesn't meet it, with few notable exceptions, it is a bad game. Paid reviews and idiots that bought into marketing and peer pressure are in no way indicators of a good game.

>Doesn't agree with Sup Forumss consensus
>Continues to post here anyway

There is a reason people here tell people to 'go back to pleb-it' you know.

I stopped reading them so I wouldn't know if they get it right nowadays

I never remember them giving anything other than praise

>get it right
Alright, let's look at what games users and reviewers love to praise

>Fallout 4
>Ocarina of Time

But nah, I'm sure just because a lot of people like it must mean it's good, right?

>Can't afford a good pc or current gen console
>literally every thread is is about ps4 exclusive jrpgs or some shitty flavour of the month PC game you need a $200 gpu to play on medium settings

are you new?

>I won't write down any titles because this is Sup Forums and you can't have proper discussions

And yet you wrote down this thread. What a little bitch you are, user-kun.

fuck off retarded nintentoddler

Give an example then, and not just so I can shitpost it. I don't really see many games that are widely praosed elsewhere being widely disparaged here

Sup Forums is for the cold truth that the game you like is shit

>Horizon shills trying to defend their shitty game even after the stream exposed it for what it is, pure SHIT

>Why do you think you are more right than all the people really enjoying the game?
For the same reason I'm more right about Fifty Shades of Gray or Da Vinci's Code being shit than majority of people. I'm more experienced, played more games, have better understanding of them, have better education and erudition than most. Most importantly, I can actually produce a solid reasoning by my judgements, and I do tend to test those judgements in public, see if they hold up, and if they don't, I abandon them, admit mistake and adopt a stronger and better informed opinion next time.

I would also like to actually remind you that among those games praised by critics and popular among most average gaming population were such brilliant titles like modern Call of Duty past MW1, Halo games, Gears of Wars games, Oblivion and Fallout 3, Bioshock Infinite, or Gone Home.

Sup Forums originally started as a place where people who had greater investment, more experience, higher expectations and better formed standards retreaded because they were sick of extremely low standards and expectations that begin to flood the industry around the time the grand shift to consoles happened. Of course, things have changed since then, now this place is an utter shithole, but both the attitudes of (originally actually justified) elitism and the occasional old-school Sup Forums user still roam around this place.

nice omission of the if statement afterwards fagget

>Console warriors will call any game they can't play a 0/10
>People want blunders because of TORtanic
>(You)'s are easier to get if you just attack people rather than discuss because the shitposters tend to close threads when forced to discuss in detail
>Anyone who enjoys the game will most likely stick with /vg/ so informed opinions are driven away

What did you expect people will do once they got complete anonymity and the ability to say whatever they want without repurcussion?

Where's your wicked sense of humor, faggot?

People like this are the most insufferable faggots on this site, without even realizing it. It's funny because they think they're superior for criticizing you because the only reason you dislike a certain game is that it's popular, when in reality all they're doing is using the game's popularity to call you a contrarian, without putting any actual argument in the game's favor. Essentially, telling you a game is good because it's popular.

These people got here last month from Reddit and they only stick around when there's something to shitpost about. Then all they do is shitpost, and when they're done shitposting they go and make threads complaining about how shit Sup Forums is and how there's too much shitposting.

Many of us grew up when video game design followed a different mentality. And now we pick up the newest 10/10 gotyay and only see another context sensitive mess with asscreed vision.

>shadows of mordor

That was when I stopped trusting game reviews

this is pathetic

No one in this thread has posted an example. Seriously, this board can be a bit contrarian and shitpost heavy, but I don't think there are any games that the board as a whole shits on that dont deserve it

(You) because somehow you answer to them, Jesus user their baits are so bad i'm mad on you now

AAA games suffer from bloated budgets and everything needing to be an overpriced microtransaction-laden skinner box just to break even.

Indie games suffer from too many pretentious auteurs making John Walker-friendly "narrative experiences" that good gameplay-focused games can't get any exposure.

explain why that makes a difference, exactly.
protip: it doesn't. you're a retard.

Counter point: You're gay

You're the retard, actually.

>no u

nice arguments shitheads.

>informed opinions


What're you going to do about it, faggot? Kiss me?

How bout you kiss my ass?

are you fucking dense? this is an anonymous board filled with all kinds of people who come here to vent or discuss. Nobody is making a thread that praises their favourite game because that's redundant. You don't need to ask that question if you're really interested. Faggot.

You, too. Pucker up, buttercup.

ops refusal to stop eating shit and loving it