What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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ys games with party members

Anime ruins everything it touches.

Your taste is bad and you should feel bad. Ys 8 on Vita is fucking great.

Nothing. Trails of x are great and Ys always sucked in everything except fighting which it did mediocre.

Ironically this

Anime elements are fine in a RPG but if you go too far it becomes cringe. For trails of cold steel it was so cliche I could barely read the text

No Dogi


NISA happened.

Nothing, OP is a salty dingleberry.


Opinion invalidated.

>muh NISA
You just wanted an excuse to pirate. Don't go cry if the next Ys will be PS4/PC only and you never get a Ys game on Vita ever again.

t. kisecuck


Last fun game being 10 years old

Tokyo Xanadu was like the worst game ever made but they seem to be back on the right track.

Drinking too much of the modern anime koolaid

This. Seven was a mistake.

Ys VIII was pretty great.

What was wrong with it? This looks okay

It's like every garbage high school trope rolled into one, worse than Cold Steel. Combat might be alright later but sub Ys and is it really worth suffering through the story?

their writing has always been anime-ish and the art style has to keep up with the market.

nothing went wrong. please fuck off

why Sup Forums has to be negative about everything


Nothing is wrong with Falcom. They created this beautiful creature after all. I can't wait to meet her in her game.

>went to shit when they sided with the sony devil

Sup Forums sure hate Sony.

Adol what happened where is your sword what are those is that a gun?

>b-but SONY!!

It's a joke picture.

It's a fact.
Falcom was flawless when they were PC-only.

this so much

Is the second season of the anime ever getting subbed?

Ys VIII is good though. Though then again it's coming to PC thanks to based NISA.

this looks worse than Peace Walker on PSP

What the fuck is wrong with your screen?

Sony literally has nothing to do with Falcom game development process. and all their "bad" games are fun.

What's different from MOC?

No, it doesn't. Trust me when I say it looks a LOT better in motion.


Jumping is back, which makes traversing the world a hell of a lot more interesting than in 7 and MoC. The camera is more 3rd person, and less top-down. The soundtrack is actually good, unlike MoC.

All importers saying it's the best Ys ever. Even after the game was announced they still say the same too.

Can confirm, Ys VIII was easily my GOTY 2016.

the entire point of the games is that they are melee bullet hells why the fuck would being in 3rd person be better?

Of Falgakuen? Already been subbed.

Rica buenota is 25 user.

Excessive focus on Kiseki and Ys. All they do is churning out mediocre Kiseki and Ys and if that's not enough they turn other franchises into Kiseki or Ys, see that abomination that was Tokyo Xanadu.

Remember when Falcom used to do stuff like Brandish or Vantage Master? I member, too bad they don't.

Are you blind?

I kinda agree even though I enjoyed the trails series

You have to be a massive weeb to enjoy these games

>Rica buenota

Are you a faggot?

Tokyo Xanadu looks fun.
When is it coming out on PC?

Dank new name for that character. NISA have a knack for doing that (see Esty Dee).

Cool, thanks.
Also is it anything like Xanadu Next? Loved that so much I beat it in two days.

Has there been any other recent instances of them doing that? I keep hearing people mention that game, but that game is like 5+ years old. Do you know if any Disgaea 5 had their names changed to be memetastic for example?

>2 giant toilet brushes

Nope, gameplau is like Ys Seven - Celceta - Nayuta no Kiseki.

Your taste.

Cry harder XSEED baby.