>I wish the etrian odyssey games had actual stories!
ITT vidya wishes you regret
>I wish the etrian odyssey games had actual stories!
ITT vidya wishes you regret
Why the fuck do you wish that? Dungeon Crawlers like Etrian Odyssey is all about keeping the story to a minimum so the focus is just exploring returning to town to sell shit and buy new gear to get deeper in the dungeon. Story has no real part and actively takes joy away from just exploring.
I wish I showed her I cared for her before she had had enough
>I wish video games were popular then everyone would play them
Grimrock 2 had more story than the first one and it was also a better game.
Geez dude
I played 7th Dragon III - which is mediocre - and wanted the best of both worlds. Sorry.
Wish for a new Conker game
I wish Nintendo keep making consoles.
Why? I enjoyed both Untold games.
First one specifically had that one charming mission, where you have to spend several nights in the labyrinth and characters just had some idle banter around the fire. Comf as fuck.
>I wish a new MMORPG I was interested in would come out
and then I wasted 6 years of my life
I wish they would do something new with TWEWY!
better than EO? are you serious? EO is the shiiiiiiiiiit (well EO3 was anyways)
I'm 100% assblasted that you can't reasonably complete the game in Story Mode or in Classic Mode alone.
Classic mode lacks enemies, classes, bosses, drops, etc.
Story mode is dogshit for getting conditional drops because those idiots didn't make the Hexer a base party member. Now I need to turn Athur into one, let Simon be a Troubadour and pray Fredericka can pick up the slack with her weak ass skills.
>I wish they'd make a dungeon siege 3
>I wish more people would play games so its easy to find a match
Ya'll know how toxic popular games are.
shitty normalfag game. I hope it will never make another appearance
Anyone else too stupid for properly using Grimoires?
My only grimoire is the Bull on Raquna.
Unbind+Refresh+Regenerate+Delayed Heal on Troubadour Simon. Ricochet 10 on Binding Gunner Fredericka.
I have no idea what I should be doing desu.
Grimrock is great, but it's different. It's an active dungeon crawler instead of turn based.
>I wish someone would make an enormous space exploration game where I could traverse massive swaths of open space and observe cool flora and fauna on the surfaces of planets...
>Oh look, No Mans Sky!
>finish Persona 4 Disco eyeball landmine ending because I didn't know any better
>aw fuck it's over
>they should do more with these characters instead of just dropping them again like P3
>mfw my waifu's dialogue is reduced to meat and kung fu in every spinoff
i haven't played it so i can't really shit on it, i'll have to check it out
Wish again. I want some more cameos or mobage.
It's great. 1 is like Etrian, really linear downward dungeon.
2 is open world.
I figured out how to spot the normalfag!
>I wish guts would get off the boat
You just posted an image from Death Proof. A famous movie from Tarentino.
How are you not a normie?
oh look. babby's first autist is here
fuck, exact feel of what i'm going through right now
I'm not the guy you responded to. But posting a reaction image from a famous tv show or movie is not bad.
Hell you just posted another really normie image from 60's spiderman.
Cant you see the irony?
>I wish I could play as a female Raiden
I know fans are happy about it, but this is not what I wanted. I just want a brainless slasher dammit.
you're cute. I like you.
stop being so fucking retarded
How am I retarded? You complain that a guy post Spongebob images, while you post over used memes that everybody know about.
You are on Sup Forums, the 700th most popular website in the world, on Sup Forums, one of the most popular board, on a thread that appear every single day.
It's like a hipster going to Wendy's instead of Mcdonald and claiming that he's not like those sheeps.
Well it's a taro game so yeah it's pretty brainless
You actually can't stop defending your bullshit, can you?
Are you being serious right now?
What bullshit? can you form a full sentence like a normal human being?
You keep posting memes over and over. You are a normie.
>I want Breath of Fire 6
No, you are a normie!
please stop, my sides are needed in orbit
>I wish they made new SSX
>goldensun TLA would get a sequel
>Grimrock was so much fun, I hope there's a sequel. Maybe they'll refine the combat system a bit and put in more races
Sorry, guys. I didn't know the devs would turn LoG2 into Football Manager: Fantasy Edition
>I want modern Falcom games on PC!
and then NISA happened. FUCK.
>I wish there was a Legend of Zelda game with more of a focus on the sword fighting
And then motion controls ruined everything.
>I wish western developers would make eroge
There is nothing wrong with being a normal person. Also, why are you spoiler posting all the time? Is that your idea of an argument?
Do you have some mental issues? Are you off your meds?
>posts anime meme
>acting like being a NEET weeb faggot is better than being a normie
>acting like being a NEET weeb faggot is something to be proud of
>acting like being a NEET weeb faggot isn't something that should be punishable by death
Make your jokes about me being a normie because I used a spongebob reaction face. It's sure as fuck better than being you.
>get rekt nigger
>Wow, Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 are amazing! I hope they make another online Resident Evil game!
Do you have autism user? Genuine question
Keep telling that yourself
pic for you
Stole my wish senpai
nah, i'm just bored right now
>Dungeon keeper, bigger and better!
Fuck EA.
Here, have another (You)
I hope it satisfies your clearly pathological need for attention.
Don't you have some chairs to color code and arrange by size or something?
>I wish MGS didn't focus so much on the story!
>I wish I was famous!
NMS does all that boring shit. Blame your pathetic need to please Sup Forums by not liking it.
dude, just stop. you can fight this!
no you can't
Yeah the whole concept of making a wish on a corrupted monkey hand is that you get your wish with a huge caveat.
The caveat here being that NMS did all that with the downside of being a boring pile of unmitigated donkey shit.
I explained it for you in plain terms, as I would to a 7 year old. Would you like me to explain it to you as if you were a 4 year old, or have you got it?
You're so fucking pathetic. Just leave Sup Forums forever and never come back
I'm sorry
I wish they'd make a new Star Fox that's like the old games.
Is 9gag down or something? What's with the influx of autistic 9 year olds?
Or is it just the time for the children to post while they're out at the bus stop waiting to be picked up?
Dunno, but this thread has become irredeemable shit. Just let it die
DS3 was probably the least buggy Obsidian title I've ever played
You can't even begin to understand how wrong you are
it hurts so much
>I wish Final Fantasy Tactics got a sequel
>I wish Bioware did a Star Wars MMO
>I wish there was a modern Sim City after 4
>I wish an HD remaster of Silent Hills 2