>be in the mood for some weebshit
>notice pic related has come to Steam
>remember playing it a few years ago but don't remember the title being so long
>remember dropping it because it was too easy
>buy it on impulse
>everyone online recommends I pump up the difficulty
>its suddenly GOAT

Has Sup Forums partaken?

No console-war shit please.

Doesn't feel right on the PC.

And we're off to a flying start.

yet to play ADF but I definetly will at some point, still got Nep V2 to play through

i want to fuck goth lolita masochist nep

I thought fang was a fun protag.

I played the original FFF, but I haven't got around to ADF. Dunno when I will. Probably when it's on sale.

This needs to be falseflagging. If not this board is fucked. You know what, fuck it, this board is fucked anyway.

Weebfags will defend this.

I thought the original release was mediocre, but this one I can actually recommend people to play. It really does feel like this is the game that they wanted to make the first time around, but lacked the time and budget to do so.

Tiara is worst girl. Remove Tiara.
Did they improve the combat? All I ever had to do in the original was use normal attacks and maybe buff up Fang for a bossfight.
He was entertaining for the first half. After that I felt like he turned into too much of a generic hero protagonist.

There are so many logical retardations in this picture that it's not even funny.

how? I finished the game and final boss/ending felt very lackluster, what does this release brings to the table?

>Some people have to work harder than others

nooooo shit

well game's harder with difficulty settings now and like double in size due to new routes

Yeah, the game is overall much harder to begin with. I actually wouldn't reccomend doing your first playthrough on Hard, since enemies scale harder near the end of the game. At least in ADF it feels like it's balanced for after you finish all 3 story paths, in NG+++

don't tell me, the "harder" thing is just that enemies have more HP

>new routes

might be cool

Bought this on PS4 awhile back, have yet to play it.

Thanks for reminding me, anyways, what am I in for exactly?

I'm scared it's going to be generic as fuck

I played this last year and dropped it around the time SO5 came out.

Was playing on hard mode. It was fun in the beginning, but the second dungeon's boss was already unbeatably difficult and grinding took frever.

Maybe I overlooked something though

>redditfags will post this.

I don't know if I understand this picture completely. Is the implications that everyone should start throw from the front row?

Hasn't generation after generation of parents worked hard to put their offspring in the closer rows? Should that count for nothing?

You can have up to 6 party members on the field at any given time now, and bosses have been rebalanced around that fact. There are 2 new story routes, both of which give some actual meaning to the whole fury pulling thing, and which are meant to be played in NG+ and NG++ respectively. Both new routes are drastically different story wise, and one in particular seems to leave a cliffhanger open for a sequel.

actually, checking privileges would make sense if SJWs/leftists are not trying to make the front row to sit behind, and let themselves to sit infront instead.
And at no effort as well.

as we might know,
the first row students could had been waking up earlier, coming to school earlier just to sit there.
and now those lazy ass behind are trying to steal that away from the hard working people

1st half is fairly original, with an interesting plot twist

2nd half is your "we have to save the world from evil" plot

pic related, is the final boss, couldn't look less original

Hard mode gets harder exponentially throughout your playthrough. You absolutely should NOT be doing it your first playthrough. Wait until you've cleared every story route at least once before attempting it.

It's designed by Amano

look designed by a 12 year old that just discovered anime

The original story is fairly generic, but it helps setup the characters before letting you see them evolve in the various different routes.

The new story routes in particular are interesting due to how they turn the original story on its head, as well as add new content. It's still not a perfect game, but you can tell Compile Heart actually tried to make something a little different for once.

Is it true there's a gamebreaking bug if you choose a specific route?

>compile shit

Exactly. Those front-row seats were taken by the students that were willing to put the extra time/effort into acquiring those seats because they were more eager to pay attention in the class than the others.

It was more important to them to hear everything the professor said so that they could do well on their final exams and thus get a better position in society.

Yet this should literally not matter because Slacker McSlack showed up 20 minutes late to the lecture and had to sit in the back.

Equality is a parasite that will drive people into apathy. Why bother caring about anything if you're gonna' start off where everyone else does anyway?



>but you can tell Compile Heart actually tried to make something a little different for once.
They have been trying new things for a while with stuff like spreading characters on their own story routes etc

I'm hoping for a squeal. I've heard rumors it actually sold well for a CH game.

>tfw friends with Fang's dub voice actor on steam

he's a pretty cool dude, actually. I remember telling him about ADF coming out in Japan before he was even aware it was a thing.

I don't like dubs but he wasn't bad

he said sitting in your seat, not sitting at your desk
just scoot the fucking chair

those that get ahead play by the rules
the rules are there to fuck over the stupid

He tends to autistically research characters he does dubs for. He also did Rean in Trails of Cold Steel, and I thought that was a pretty damn great performance.

I'm usually a sub-fag too.

You misunderstand. The professor is trying to argue that some people cannot GET to the good seats for social reasons. Despite their drive.

You sure? On the Steam forums people are saying they get a black screen after going to a specific route.

>He tends to autistically research characters he does dubs for
I can definetly applaud that, given how often I hear people just take the paycheck for the work and walk away

Yes. It should count for nothing. Kids can't choose their parents.

That should never mean you just fuck the kids who parents worked hard, but you try to make the situation good for everyone.

What liberalism is
>Try to give everybody a fair starting chance by taking people with shitty chances and proping them up
What people construe it to be
>Kill white people and fuck their chance only giving opportunity to minorities.

Considering that's all a privilege is, why are you so against the concept then?

I've completed every route thus far, and not experienced any problems.

>High school class

High school has assigned seats you fucking troglodyte.

>Why bother caring about anything if you're gonna' start off where everyone else does anyway?

Because with ability you can then excel past people. Are you fucking dense? Did you not read what you just said? Do you think an equal starting line is going to have all humans achieving exactly the same?

Seriously, kill yourself.

The game is irredeemable trash mate.

Apparently it happens after going by specific routes based on what I read. From evil to goddess route or something? I'm a bit scared of getting this bug as a result...

Game is pretty fun, OP. IF's games might be janky as fuck, but they can be a blast. I really liked the protagonist for some reason, he just wanted to eat and sleep god dammit, not deal with cute girls doing cute things.

>not understanding the point of my post, or the point of that anons picture or anything at all really
>telling others to kill themselves

>not deal with cute girls doing cute things

Fang might be the most self-aware this company has ever gotten.

>Are you fucking dense? Did you not read what you just said?
user, I...

Higher difficulties are annoying to play, it basically makes enemies gang up on the characters with least HP so you have to babysit them whole fight.

>enemies gang up on the weakest character

I don't understand what you were expecting. On the higher difficulties the enemy AI will do everything in their power to hurt you as much as possible in the place where your defenses are the weakest.

What exactly are you expecting? That on the "Hell" difficulty the enemies will naturally aim all their attacks onto your tankiest character?

More random attack patterns. Most of the time you can't even position your tankier characters to protect the weakest ones because attacks go right through your characters, so it's not something that adds is strategy to the game, you just have to take hits and ressurrect who is down when it's over.

I'm enjoying it, yes. I wish the release came with all the DLC though.

Fuck off shitstain.

Man those two girls are hot as fuck. It's pretty much the ideal 2d anime girl design for me, want to fuck them so badly.


Pick one.

Is Advent Dark Force a sequel to the first game that was on the PS3?
Or is it just a better version?

The slightly cheeky looking one on the right.

It's just a better version. Everything looks better, there are more paths, the game has a lot more difficulties to chose from, and there is a bit more content here and there.

Good job, you picked best girl

What's the point in excelling ahead of people if your genetics, the purpose of your existance, don't reap those same rewards. Might as well play vidya all day.

You mean worst girl, right?

Is there a Haley route yet?

tsun girls are generally agreed upon to be the best girls


Now if I am not mistaken, he did not pick Tiara.

Best girl is not even in the OP.

>Eryn best girl in FFF
>Noire best girl in Neptunia

What are some other examples of games where the tsun girl is the best?

>the game has a lot more difficulties to chose from
Well, how's the higher difficulty?
I still remember facerolling everything in the original i end up dropping it because it's too easy.

Eryn isn't a tsundere you fag.

And who do you consider to be best girl?

Pick carefully, your taste is on the line.

This is the lowest of the lowest tiers of taste user. End life.

Not really

Oh shit, the Mean Rean Meme Machine did Fang as well?

That is neat, he's a chill as fuck guy. Nigga has god-tier taste in games, he even made FAQs on obscure weeb Vita games.

I bet you like absolute TRASH girls like Plutia
>le ara ara elder sister

Or le dumb cowtit like Vert


Good choice.

Carry on

>Tfw first time playing this

Should i play the original route first? How do i prevent ending up on one of the new routes on my first playthrough?


I got it when it came out for PS4. Really pleasantly surprised by how engaging it was and how fresh a MC Fang was.

It's nothing too complicated but it was a fun time the whole time, and I always felt compelled to keep playing. Glad you're enjoying it, user.

>High school has assigned seats
Maybe if you live in Gunstan instead of a developed country

It varied by teacher for me

I think on NG you can only do the original route

So just because you were successful means your kids should be born with a silver spoon in their mouths?

My success is their success, just like my genetics. Why shouldn't it?