Okay serious question...

Okay serious question.. why do Sonyggers go into full deflect mode and try to bash Zelda if you even mention Horizon is just not for you?

Other urls found in this thread:



Same reason Nintendo fags bash Sony IPs. Irrational connection to a company caused by the lack of money to enjoy both properties.


Sony money.

What else do they have? nothing.


Has more emotion than Aloy tbqh

Nintendrones go into defense mode when attacked yes, but these Sonyponies just have some weird obsession with Zelda

And th logic post will be forever drowned out by shitposting from
Fuck the mods and fuck this site for letting this happen

>Sonyggers are the worst!!!
>But Nintendrones are great and they never do anything bad :)
Holy shit you stink of fanboy from miles away.

Made pcuck

I am just going based off Sup Forums observations

I have a ps4, will buy the switch, and have a 3500 USD gaming rig. figure that out.

I hate the game because it's shit famalam


Please don't use those words, it may offend some of our posters

neoFAG reee

Literally proved OP's point

You probably can't (or won't) notice it for some reason, but anyone who says "Zelda-killer" unironically is a painfully obvious falseflag.

And the reason Sony fans are pissed and making threads about this game is because of the countless threads of bashing and falseflagging threads over the past month or two where people shat on this game, and it comes out with 9/10 scores.

Anyone love the smell of they're on semen? If I were a girl and smelled semen for the first time I would go berserk and fuck the first guy I see

i dont think anyone actually defends this hot garbage of a game

Just going by his post and Don't be a dummy, read the thread.

It's a bunch of falseflag shotposting. I'd wager 1 in every 10 posts is genuine(perhaps fewer), but for aome reason, people think this shit is funny. It's really remarkable that anyone finds it entertaining, but whatever. It's a shame, because this place is still the best for nonbiased discussion, when you can find it

People do though..you say ONE bad thing about it and Zelda comes into the convo

I really wish this was true :-/

Video games becoming popular was a mistake


Please don't use that word, it may offend some of our posters

I don't think I've seen a single "Is just not for me" comment, though

Both sides of the equation have been shitflinging monkeys about the game

You don't even have a PS4, so you're right it's not for you.

No, everyone is good except sonyggers, they are bad reee!

Okay serious question.. why do Nintenyearolds go into full deflect mode and try to bash Horizon if you even mention Zelda is just not for you?

>but anyone who says "Zelda-killer" unironically is a painfully obvious falseflag.
Literally untrue.

I do though, just platinum'd FFXV

Okay serious question.. why do Nintenyearolds go into full deflect mode and try to bash Horizon if you even mention Zelda is just not for you?

Because they mistakenly assume you think Zelda is for you, because a majority of people are looking forward to at least one of those games
I, for one, am done falling for the open-world meme. I expect both of these games to be garbage that the general public eats up.
My room mate wants to get BotW and I won't stop him, if it's good then I'll pick up Zero Dawn later on for the sole purpose of comparing them.

They don't bash Horizon though, they will jump at you and say you probably play CoD

>Youtube videos
Can you honestly think of better clickbait to generate revenue? Zelda is a hot topic and you can snag thousands of views by having it mentioned, and you can attract the idiots from both sides by comparing it to Horizon, worked on you but I'm not opening them.

I own a PS4 and think this looks like forgettable trite, I honestly dont see how anyone is interested after seeing the gameplay, it looks like generic garbage, its design team is squandered on what looks like shity gameplay, all flash and no actual gameplay.

What urks me about Zelda is that its just following suit now, with the open world meme, Im not just buying into it because there were once good Zelda games, and the more recent ones are ok at best.

Nah, everyone is bad but sonyggers are especially bad.

You did good, OP. What the board needed really was another console wars thread.

It would really be a shame if someone reported it.

>anyone who says "Zelda-killer" unironically is a painfully obvious falseflag.
The whole "killer" thing is always thrown into a new Sony IP. Driveclub --> Forza Killer Killzone --> Halo Killer Order 1886 --> Gears Killer Knack(yes this was actually said when it released lol) --> Mario Killer Horizon Zero Dawn --> Zelda Killer None of them ever end up being better lol. Not to say that they are bad games, but they aren't killing those games. Even Sony's top dog with Gran Turismo, I think Forza has been outdone that game since 3, until they show otherwise. Quality wise, not sales wise.

>Sup Forums - nintendo
>non biased

Did you just get here in the past 12 minutea?

remember when the same thing happened with prototype and infamous?

prototype came out, was a great game, but you couldn't discuss it at all because there happened to be another vaguely similar entry in the genre that released within the same few months, that was exclusive to sony, so the weird ass sony fanboys had to keep shitting on it and telling you how much better their game was

Shit man discussing the console war is just as bad as the war itself now?

Nintendo hate and Nintendo praise are basically equal on this board
If I had to estimate the population of Sup Forums
PC > Sony = Nintendo > Microsoft

Sonyggers are the majority though, you guys are killing this board, nintendo, pc and xbox fans are pretty friendly, but in comes sonyggers and everything is fucked.

I gotta agree, it's pretty bad. I recently lost a friend to becoming a sonygger.

Dude frequents this board since about a few months ago, picked up a PS4 on Blackfriday, and legit just talks shit about other games and actually doesn't even play games anymore. He just shit posts IRL

Great, you turned my post into even more consolewar shitposting. You are what is wrong with this board

I only play on my ps4 and that game is objectively shit.

There's literally no reason to buy that game when PS4 has too many better games coming out in Q1 of 2017. I can't even catch up on all of them. I admitted that the promotional art and teaser for the game was interesting, but when the actual gameplay was shown, I lost interest in it. So much potential lost I guess.

I absolutely hate gears and am a ps4 shill but if anyone actually thought the order was an anything killer they need shock therapy

I love how nintendrones prove me right every single time by immediately jumping on every post that mentions nintendo and deflecting to sony. Never change, drones.

post yfw blind sonyggers actually defend this sjw fest and technical blunder

But I own 4 sony platforms and use them frequently, I'm an idort if anything

Go back crying to your shitty echo chamber forum.
You'll never, ever change this place.

Sega does what Nintendon't

Why is Horizon so badly hated that Sup Forums erupts into flamewars whenever it is mentioned? It's literally the best game of 2017 so far, and I don't think that zelda trash is going to dethrone it any time soon.

You proved my point...

>why do Sonyggers go into full deflect mode
because that's what they do, that's how they got the name to begin with.
If you watched the stream, you'd see they are genuinely like that all the time. "b.b.but nintendo" isn't a trolling role play attempt, the youtube chat was full of paranoiac "o shit nintoddler raid on the chat guys Zelda BTFO" when the screen was showing the AI fucking shitting itself in front of everyone.

>the game is repetive
> buggy mess,
>evil whites
>kebab good burka scientist
come on, we all watched the stream

Sadly, no. Sup Forums has to wake up, those people are 100% serious. they are like that everywhere. youtube twitch, even art streams like picarto are full of people using that rhetoric. It's not a troll, it's not an act. If anything they only pretend it was one when they get countered and exposed as stupid fanatics.

Because they feel the need to justify their console purchase.
Step 1: We have game, you mad?
Step 2: You are just mad we have game!
Step 3: I'm pretending to be guy who is mad because not getting game
Step 4: Never ever reply to yourself
Step 5: At least it isn't other game
Step 6: Mention bloodborne
Step 7: Look at Playstation but still not able to find any reason to play it
Step 8: Sony always wins!

He countered your original claim. Provide arguments or fuck off.

Fucking hilarious.

>>the game is repetive
Only as repetitive as you make it.
>> buggy mess,
I haven't seen any.
>>evil whites
>implying this is bad
>>kebab good burka scientist
>implying this is bad

We get it, you're mad that zelda botw is looking more and more like a 6/10 every day.

>There's literally no reason to buy that game when PS4 has too many better games coming out in Q1 of 2017

Why do Horizon defenders not understand this? The game is dogshit even when compared to other PS4 exclusives.

>I haven't seen any.

This guy is pretty serious into memeing his lies, is he a falseflagger?

If you can't see it you should leave Sup Forums alltogether.

are sure you didn't fell for false flagging?

I'm 100% sure that most of "Zelda Killer" threads are made by Nintendo fans who know they gonna win in the end. nobody beat Zelda in Meta score.

>defending a legit good game from nintoddlers means i'm falseflagging
Good work friend, you sure called me out. :)

>Continually spam Sup Forums for weeks and weeks about horizon zero dawn about how good it looks
>If the game ended up well received, it's good shitposting material since people are naturally sick of seeing all the threads talking about it
>If the game ended up poorly received, it's good shitposting material, also due to the same reason

>defending a legit good game
>a legit good game

>2 open world games with large observation towers, bows and wildlife
>Hate one
>Adore the other

What did the consolekiddies mean by this?

Horizon isnt meant for ps4 players either. We dont want that shit.

We came to the point that in order to defend their dear ps4 anons are willing to defend (((progressive))) propaganda, slowly turning this into neo-tumbrl, in the end Anita and kotaku weren't the danger, it was from the inside all along

nioh is just another sould game, don't you get tired of playing the same genre all the time? BB was ok because it was the first, but then it was DS3 and now Nioh. It's so fucking shallow. No different from halofags last gen.

>haven't played it
>call it shit because MUH SJW BOOGEY MAN